Question about the USB3 driver install utility that Simplix pack integrates into install.wim during offline integration: I use sysprep to update images and so use online install option for the simplix pack and this doesn't integrate/install the usb3 driver utility. How does one include the USB3 installer util to an online image for capture and have it run at the appropriate time during install (is it actuated by setupcomplete.cmd?). Or is there a better way for my process?
@simplix now uses this for USB3.x driver support: ps, the old USB3.x driver integration tool can be run after capturing the sysprepped image, mount it and run the exe and point at the mount folder.
Oh cool, I downloaded that collection the other day! So I just go ahead and integrate the drivers in that pack to the install.wim then? I'm guessing that if you use offline integration with the Simplix pack, it does that automatically? EDIT: Should I integrate the x86 versions of these drivers to boot.wim also?
Why there is no december update on first page? I don't trust to download simplix update from other pages then this forum and topic.
seems @Enthousiast forgot to update the OP. download links by @LostED:
Enthousiast: The Simplix pack no longer needs to be renamed UpdatePack7R2--ie11++.exe in order to install Internet Explorer 11, correct? This is what my Simplix folder with add-ons currently looks like that I use after doing a clean install of Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit.
They are all listed and downloadable here on MDL:
can anyone point me towards a clean windows 7 pro iso? Also a simple slipstream method to integrate this update pack? I probably overlooked it. Thank you in advance
All you need is the provided DirectX_June2010.wa addons. Read OP.
How can I verify that all my *.wa (directx, .net 4.8 and vcredist) files were installed with simplix? I have them in the same folder as the exe (the 14.1.20 one) and its installation was completed successfully. However, when I tried running an app that relies on .net 4.0+ (microsoft toolkit), a popup came up saying that it is not installed. So I installed them all by hand afterwards.
In general all would be logged in the log. But iirc 14.1.20 doesn't support WA when running the updatepack online (have to check for offline usage).