21.1.15 Added KB4598279-x86-x64 with disabled telemetry and cpu check (replaces KB4592471-x86-x64) Updated certificates for KB931125 and KB2917500 for January 2021
Updatepack 21.1.15 LOG: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...l-wim-esd-creation.79421/page-53#post-1640368
Updated the OP of the MDL SiMPLiX AiO ISO Tool thread with the FULL tool download: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-aio-iso-with-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/ Updated the bare tool and separate addons at the third post too, bare scripts didn't change
Updated the OP with UpdatePack 21.1.15: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...egrate-hotfixes-into-win7-distribution.45005/
You were given the latest. In any case, there's little to no point in keeping an archive of old versions. Simplix himself once said the latest version is all you need, since it's basically a cumulative update and, in rare cases, there's a problem discovered in current latest version and it gets properly fixed in next version(or hotfix-ed). This is to ensure everyone is on the same page and reporting problems from current version(there's no point in reporting problems from older versions).
Yep, but the official MSFT links didn't work anymore, now used a mirror for the Service Pack 1 exe files at the OP.