So is this the reason it didn't install DirectX before, but installed both VC Redist and .NET 4.8? Only these two packs were updated compared to the previous month.
I know, but I thought if the WA files were in the same directory as the update pack, it would install them again regardless.
The pack only installs the WA files when there are updates to be installed, maybe @simplix can modify it.
I need a way to integrate canonkong's X570 drivers, and updates, but not the generic USB3/XHCI stack, what's the best way?
Updated post #3 of the SiMPLiX ISO tool thread with the new vcredist addons by @abbodi1406
Updated the OP of the SiMPLiX UpdatePack thread with UpdatePack 21.4.15: Updated the OP and Second post of the SiMPLiX ISO creation tool thread: OP: Post 2:
UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\win7\install.wim /Index=5 /FixOn /optmize would be this combination correct ?