i Put a windows 7 ISO in the "SOURCE_ISOs\7_x86 and run W7_x86_SIngle_Index_Only_2.7_Modern.cmd as Admin rights... The result is : i Put a windows 7 ISO in the "SOURCE_ISOs\10.." folder (x64 ISO in the x64 folder and x86 ISO in the x86 folder) The result is : i Put a windows 7 ISO in the "SOURCE_ISOs\7_x86\" and "SOURCE_ISOs\10_x86\" In this case, only the script will complete the work
This is not the thread for the mentioned tool. This thread is for the update packs only. When the tool doesn't detect source ISOs being present, depending on what cmd you ran, the notification is correct. The modern cmd needs a win 7 and a win 10 iso to be present in the correct folders. The legacy cmd only needs the win 7 iso to be present in the correct folder.
Thank you for your answer Is this the thread for the mentioned tool ? MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX UpdatePack AiO ISO (with install.wim/esd) Creation I will pass the questions to him .so that everyone can benefit from your answer
Updated post #3 of the Simplix AiO ISO creation tool thread with the latest dotnetfx and vc++ WA addons by @abbodi1406
Changelog 21.12.15 Added KB5008244-x86-x64 with disabled telemetry and cpu check (replaces KB5007236-x86-x64) Looks like nothing speshul for this month.
Thanks for integrating the update! also feeling a little schadenfreude that the big vuln in November turned out to be a Win10+only problem
Updated the OP with the new 21.12.15 UpdatePack; https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...egrate-hotfixes-into-win7-distribution.45005/
Sorry no idea Enthousiast, I just remembered hearing about it around the time ESU started and decided to check their website
MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX UpdatePack AiO ISO (with install.wim/esd/swm) Creation v2. Updated: Full Tool Bare Tool Separate WA addons Scripts only
sup been a while , was wonderin how to install .WA files with the UpdatePack7R2-21.12.15.exe havent managed yet put both the UpdatePack7R2-21.12.15.exe and my .WA updates into a folder but the Log dont show any updates beeing picked up , this is after i already ran the UpdatePack7R2-21.12.15.exe and finished all updates from the pack itself, appreciated in advance for all help
The current supported addons (by abbodi1406) are (using UpdatePack7R2-19.4.10.exe and up): - DirectX_June2010_x64.WA - DotNetFx48_date_x64.WA (+LP, when needed) - vcredist_x64_Win7_date.WA - (and for x86, their x86 equivalents) Just place them next to the script W7_x64_AiO_2.9_Modern.cmd or other you are going to run...
You can't re-run the pack to only install the WA files, the pack won't run when there are no new updates inside the pack so the WA files won't be installed either.
k ...so figured it out simply had to reboot pc and then it applied...even with pre-applied pack ...will still install your .WA files, will show as addons in patching window simply as said put the UpdatePack7R2-21.12.15.exe and your .WA files inside a folder called whatever...in my case i named it W7Updater, execute...then reboot and itll then install your .WA files after restart...works magic