"it's not too feasible to use it for regular monthly updating..." ???? The first sentence in the first post tells us: "Set allows you to update Windows 7 SP1 (x86 x64) and Server 2008 R2 SP1 live operating systems..." What have we been doing for the last two years ????
What does this mean then: ""Set allows you to update Windows 7 SP1 (x86 x64) and Server 2008 R2 SP1 live operating systems..."" ?
@WickedBro Redo the entire integration of the updatepack into your image. I don't know the exact reason why, but this seems to happen some times after offline integration. Just redo it, should be fine.
That is exactly what I thought... so what is all the arrogant bulls**tting? Why is it that in computer forums so many questions are not really answered, but taken as a reason for showing one's assumed superiority? (not from you.. thanks for your work!) You are welcome to ban me any time, it is not really very hard to re-re-re-register under another name...
Pl dont fight . be cool always . Sir @ThomasMann pl take lightly . nobody will ban you but abbodi1406 is a very very good person he never comment for insulting anybody or to take down image on anybody on MDL as well as in this online world like some other people do. pl am so sorry if my comment is not needed in between .
Just to let you know, that's not as hard as you think. TBH, this isn't a platform for flexing, rather a forum for discussions. So kindly stick to the actual topic.
Hello everyone, I want to know how to clean up WinSxS after the updates are integrated into the image? The volume of the system after installation is too large. In addition, on systems above Windows 8.1, you can use the resetbase option of dism to clean up WinSxS, but Windows 7 cannot be used. What should I do?
UpdatePack 22.3.11 LOG: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...l-wim-esd-creation.79421/page-89#post-1726401
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/dism-new-windows-utility.59389/ https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-7-component-store-cleanup-tool-rebase.73817/ or NTLite (if free version offer WinSxS cleanup) none worth the risk of breaking future updates installation
CleanUpdate backup feature (for Windows 7) is available only on NTLite licensed version and result is like 15-20% better than Harkaz ReBase and much quicker. I haven't compared Dism++ results as I don't know how to control it from cmd..
Unfortunately, Dism + + cannot clean up offline win7 images with updates installed, because updates integrated into win7 images are suspended. For offline images, Dism + + can only clean up those updates that are installed but not suspended, while NTlite can clean up online and offline images. In addition, the cleaning effect of Dism + + is much better than NTlite for online images.
Thank you very much for your reply.I have tested the function of Dism + + and NTLite to clean up WinSxS, which will not affect the normal use of system update function. But they all have a fatal problem. After cleaning WinSxS, right clicking any update in the update list listed in the control panel can still display the uninstall option. It seems that the update has not been completely solidified.