The mess around the Meltdown/Spectre issues. Especially the dreaded Registry key and the b0rked updates that killed AMD machines.
Yes, February version should do. Stable version of Simplix pack will surely come when the dust has settled. Test version probably means it wasn't as extensively tested as usual.
The OP is not setup by me, i was asked to take over this thread because the original poster quit. I only update the OP with the packs. If someone downloads the U7Updater i mirrored, there are no folders called ISO or Win7ISO. From time to time i take the effort to modify the OP a bit, like some updated links.
So now since you are the one who is responsible of that thread, it's time to adjust the instructions in OP and translate them correctly as other members can be confused from what is mentionned there as was the member above.
NO bro you are indispensable here please don't worries with some peoples that only complain instead of thankfull OP
Thanks for trying to clarify this for me. I do fully understand this thread is for integrating updates into the Win7 ISO. And I'm am trying to learn how to do that. After I create a Win7 ISO with the updates I understand how to use Rufus to write the ISO to the USB. Thank you, Docfxit
ok i had a doubt about that as your first post wasn't clear enough to me, so just follow the instructions in OP (first post), they are clear and explain in detail what you have to do to integrate the updates into install.wim. Go to "Using UpdatePack7R2" in first post and follow the instructions.
Please don't quit. This is a very valuable tool. It's really great to have something like this available. I just didn't understand how to use it. Thank you very much for posting the instructions. Please continue. Where can I find UP7Intigrator in the very beginning of your instructions? Thank you very much, Docfxit
The download link is in your post: Boss911 Integrator.
The creation of the ISO with updates went very smoothly after I downloaded the latest UpdatePack7R2 version on post #1 And Download: Boss911 Integrator: Which is down the page on post #1 a ways. And then followed the instructions on post #1632 on page 82 which is here I wasted a lot of time with the other instructions, including the batch files which gave me an error 67 at the beginning. Thank you greatly for creating the files, creating the instructions and making this available to people to make life easier. Thanks a bunch, Docfxit