Probably because it relies on an outdated WUMT, which does not even work properly since 1709 or 1703.
Are you talking about the settings in the lower left of WUMT? If so, those are irrelevant in the script since nothing gets past WUMT the way I've set it up. Works pretty good on 1709 that's been updated since RTM with me, but I digress. I only know of two ways to hide and install updates, WUMT, and that horrible microsoft windows update show/hide tool that was in the very first windows 10 update wrapper script I wrote. I'd love to have a maintained alternative but really, WUMT is the only thing worth using for the job. If you or anyone knows of anything else that'll show or hide updates I'd love to try it out.
A lot of software fails ... like your internet browser?? Do you just connect to the internet (and post here) using your phone? Or do you have some way to allow selected applications access to the internet?
Sorry ... that statement was almost instantly edited away. How are you even seeing that? maybe refresh the page. I deleted that concern seconds after posting it when i saw your response to @TairikuOkami.
Internet works just fine, including browsers, steam, radio, just Windows think, that it does not and some antiviruses and even browsers might fail to update. I used to disable "Network Store Interface Service", it made network even more stable, but it also disables DHCP required by Windows Firewall, which I use.
Powershell can hog quite some resources while running . Don't forget the module communicates with WU, so the 1st attempt might need a moment (or two). even the VBS script i have to query WU isn't faster. Good thing is it outputs a very informative list as WU offer and allows all things one would do with WU.
Yeah, your approach is the best for conserving PC resources by stopping windows update before it even starts! I've added @TairikuOkami's 'sym-lok' idea to my armory of tools to make extra sure that WU doesn't happen until I tell it to. As for moving away from WUMT, for me, there is an element of open source vs closed source going on in that debate. I know that my comfort zone increases if I can open a script and check that nothing weird is going on. Plus, if a code is published in a peer-reviewed area (like that module), if some aspect of the script stops working correctly, then other skilled coders can jump in and help fix the problem even if the original designer looses interest or is too busy to make the needed repairs. If WUMT was on GitHub it would likely never break. Personally, I don't have a huge hang-up about legacy CMD shell vs PowerShell. People often include 'helper' CMD Shell scripts to feed parameters to and start PowerShell scripts. So your 'wrapper script' serves more-or-less that same purpose. Your wrapper script prepares the way for successfully running WUMT and could possibly perform the same function with the suggested PShell WU module.
I agree about the open source ideology. If I do use the module, I'll call powershell with cmd from the scipt where it used to call WUMT. I don't know when I'll have any free time to work on this without interruption any time soon, but I'll try it out.
And what about wub, which is a 3rd party utility? It should be possible to replace it by using the interfaces powershell offers to manipulate the registry.
hi @pf100 is ur script compatible with 17133.1 build? i have not find any update till now perhaps 17133.1 is latest and no updates have arrived after that.
Yes 1̶7̶1̶3̶3̶.̶1̶ ̶(̶R̶S̶4̶)̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶r̶e̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶ ̶t̶o̶d̶a̶y̶. Unless something needs an important patch you probably won't see any updates until next month, that's my guess.