Sledgehammer - Windows 10 Update Control

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by pf100, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. lewcass

    lewcass MDL Senior Member

    Mar 10, 2018
    pf100, great links, with commands too, :worthy:

    Lars220, great link, :worthy:
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  2. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  3. Lars220

    Lars220 MDL Novice

    Jun 18, 2018
    Just Awesome. I am addicted to pf100. User Interface is getting NICE! Thanks, way to go pf100.
  4. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    June 24, 2018
    WUMT Wrapper Script 2.3.8
    Changelog from version 2.3.7:
    A lot of cosmetic and code improvements.
    The Windows Update Configurator is now
    integrated into the script for easier use
    (except for versions of Windows that are not 10
    where the Configurator is bypassed).
    Now manipulates only windows update
    service with versions of windows below 10,
    and "Update Hijacker" protection only applied
    in Windows 10. These changes automatically detect
    the Windows version for increased compatibility
    with earlier versions of Windows down to XP.
    Thanks @rpo.
  5. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    #505 pf100, Jun 27, 2018
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    June 27, 2018
    WUMT Wrapper Script 2.3.9
    Changelog from version 2.3.8:
    Fixed windows service
    configurator in script got
    confused if windows update
    service was enabled but not
    Cosmetic and informational

    Edit: Still a bug in Configurator.
    Update coming...
    Edit2: That's weird, waiting for the service to start or stop didn't work. I needed to add a 2 second
    timeout after any change in the configurator or I couldn't disable the update service on one
    machine I have. Fix being uploaded now
    as v2.4.0.
  6. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  7. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    #507 pf100, Jun 29, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
    June 28, 2018
    WUMT Wrapper Script 2.4.1
    Changelog from version 2.4.0
    Changed method of detection of windows
    update status to querying wuauserv registry
    key instead of checking to see if wuauserv
    is running or not which is far more reliable.
    This version has been extensively bug-tested.
    Numerous code improvements.
    Numerous cosmetic improvements.
    Best version yet with best base code that
    future versions will be built on. I should
    name it version 3.0 it's so perfected.

    Edit: The wrapper script won't need to be updated until new update hijackers
    are introduced or discovered. So you can consider 2.4.1 the long term release version
    that comes with updates.

    Edit 2: A week later, I've cut 23 lines of code by using "for" with a list of update hijackers. It
    works the same, just less code. And I'll be adding EOSNotify.exe and MusNotification.exe
    (MusNotificationUx.exe is already blocked) to the list next version. It was never my original
    idea to stop updates forever, just control them. But I realize some people use the script for that
    purpose, and the two files I mentioned, along with the others will have no effect on people who
    check for updates regularly, so no harm done. Here's the complete list of update hijackers
    I'll be blocking in the next version in no particular order (I may add more if proven safe to
    EOSNotify.exe, WaaSMedic.exe, WaasMedicSvc.dll, WaaSMedicPS.dll, WaaSAssessment.dll,
    UsoClient.exe, SIHClient.exe, MusNotificationUx.exe, MusNotification.exe, and osrss.dll.
  8. cromulant

    cromulant MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2015
    It looks like won't deal correctly with OSRSS.DLL. Tries to find it in System32 but it is in Sysnative. I suppose it'll happen the same with other files.
  9. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  10. abbodi1406

    abbodi1406 MDL KB0000001

    Feb 19, 2011
    You should add this to Inno script to allow proper architecture detection
    ArchitecturesAllowed=x86 x64
    as for the script, i add this to make sure 64 bit system binaries are used even if the running process is 32 bit
    if exist "%Windir%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (set "SysPath=%Windir%\Sysnative") else (set "SysPath=%Windir%\System32")
    set "Path=%SysPath%;%Windir%;%SysPath%\Wbem"
    although this is not required if .cmd launched directly, but when the .cmd is wrapped in 32 bit .exe (i.e. 7zsfx or BAT to EXE Converter)
  11. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  12. Borrowedwifi

    Borrowedwifi MDL Novice

    Jun 9, 2010
    This is astoundingly good stuff, and the fact that, as a normal "side effect" of the nature in which it runs, it further disrupts the Store, is just some of the most delicious icing on the cake that I can imagine.

    Coming to you from inside of a Win 10x64 1607 14393.2155 VM which was copied, untouched, into a Win7 machine, using an .ova file import in VirtualBox, from an.ova file that was created in a Linux Mint (18.3 Sylvia) machine last month (yes, I just love to beat the living hell out of things to see if they can survive, and if they do, I further consider them to perhaps be sufficiently robust for further use/examination).

    This particular 1607 has had the living hell butchered out of it, registry, tasks, and file directory structure, in similar fashion as the larvae of parasitic wasps treat their caterpillar hosts, and it is my preferred VM for people who need Things Windowish for whatever reason, but who wish to retain full and complete control over their machines.

    I was curious as to if the Update Service would even come back on after what I'd done to it, and was pleased to see that your script found it and turned it on (When you click "Settings" in this 1607, nothing whatsoever happens, and the Control Panel is similarly Swiss-cheesed, with vastly more holes than Swiss). Defender is also simply gone, not there, nothing left of it. Ditto an awful lot of other things, too, and yet the bare-bones functionality of Win10 remains, and it will happily install programs and do other Windowy kinds of things that have actual, functional, uses.

    So when the Update Mini Tool gave an actual readout of things, I thought that quite interesting. It found three, no more, updates: Flash, KB4103720 and KB4132216, and that's it. Nothing else. No defender, no MSRT, no nothing else of any kind. Needless to say, none of the three will ever see the inside of this particular vm.

    I cannot thank you enough. Your good works are appreciated. Far more than you might imagine.
  13. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    Thanks for that. I'm glad it helped you out.
  14. cromulant

    cromulant MDL Novice

    Aug 12, 2015
    Uggg, I'm so dumb. :rolleyes: I used a 32-bit file manager, that was the problem.
    Thank you so much.
  15. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    It took me a while to figure out you may be using a 32 bit file manager and you just confirmed it. I learned a few things from your post, so thank you.
  16. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    #516 pf100, Jul 8, 2018
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
    July 8, 2018
    WUMT Wrapper Script 2.4.2
    Changelog from version 2.4.1
    Installer code improved. Thanks @abbodi1406
    Cosmetic and script code improvements.
    Greatly reduced code required in wrapper script and
    uninstaller to change permissions on "update hijackers".
    (EOSNotify.exe, WaaSMedic.exe, WaasMedicSvc.dll,
    WaaSMedicPS.dll, WaaSAssessment.dll, remsh,
    UsoClient.exe, SIHClient.exe, MusNotificationUx.exe,
    MusNotification.exe, and osrss.dll.)
    The changes to the installer changes the default
    install location from "Program Files (x86)" to
    "Program Files", so it would be best to uninstall
    any older version before installing 2.4.2 (only
    if you used the installer to install). If you're using
    the portable version it doesn't matter.
  17. Whistler4

    Whistler4 MDL Member

    Jul 30, 2015

    Thanks for putting together a great comprehensive solution for blocking forced updates.

    Initially, before running your script for the first time after restoring to Win 10 pre-v1803, I ran WUB 1.1 to make sure the very quick acting Windows Update didn't install something in the first 5 minutes. Since then, I sometimes run WUB alongside of the script, and it's fun and reassuring to be able to watch the update service change status from disabled to enabled and then disabled again. It would be nice to have something like a taskbar tray icon that reflected that status, although it's not a critically needed feature.

    I realize that the feature suggested above might be outside the core functionality of your script, and your script interface does state whether the update service is enabled or disabled at the time it's executed. But it would be nice. Asking for too much?
  18. Rev11

    Rev11 MDL Novice

    Oct 9, 2017
    Thank you!! I was so tired of these updates and the lack of control over how they were implemented. Using it on 1803, seems to have worked with no issues :)
    Very appreciative!
  19. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  20. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    July 17, 2018
    WUMT Wrapper Script 2.4.3
    Changelog from version 2.4.2
    Changed "Disabling Update Hijackers" displayed text while script is starting to
    "Initializing script" for consistency with Windows versions before 10. Exact
    same functionality otherwise as version 2.4.2 so no reason to upgrade if
    you're using Windows 10, or if the lie about disabling update hijackers for
    Windows versions before 10 doesn't bother you. ;-)