Sledgehammer - Windows 10 Update Control

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by pf100, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  2. Homer712

    Homer712 MDL Member

    Oct 22, 2018

    Attached Files:

  3. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    I have a question for experienced coders about removing a folder from Task Scheduler's Microsoft folder.
    I can't find any info about this online anywhere and figured out a solution by myself and am looking for advice on my methods.
    I moved the WDU and Wub_task tasks in task scheduler to "Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\WuWrapperScript" folder so the tasks will work in a multi-user environment no matter who's logged in.
    I delete the tasks with the uninstaller with this code:
    schtasks /Delete /Tn \Microsoft\WuWrapperScript\WDU /f >nul 2>&1
    schtasks /Delete /Tn \Microsoft\WuWrapperScript\Wub_task /f >nul 2>&1
    My question is, for the uninstall script, is the code below okay to remove the created folder from the Microsoft folder?
    The code works fine after deleting the tasks with the code above, I'm just wondering if this is the best way to remove the folder since I have no previous experience in deleting a folder from the Microsoft folder. Thanks in advance.
    rmdir %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\Tasks\Microsoft\WuWrapperScript /s /q >nul 2>&1
    nsudocx64 -ShowWindowMode:Hide -Wait -U:T -P:E reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\WuWrapperScript" /f >nul 2>&1
  4. Homer712

    Homer712 MDL Member

    Oct 22, 2018
    #1124 Homer712, Feb 11, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2019
    After everything going perfectly this morning after the install (Post #1122 above) the script ran the 12:01:00 PM WDU task flawlessly. We're on a good streak here and I have no reason to believe that the upcoming 6:01:00 PM won't be successful as well. So, I could shoot you now, but I'm in a good mood and you may have another gem or two up your sleeve, so, thumbs up it is.

    Added Edit: Becoming increasingly impressed. Did a mid day reboot and everything functioned as it should and the next WDU task remained scheduled for 6:01:00 PM as before. I'll stop flooding you with updates once we've had a full day or so of results, but at this point all signs point to a perfectly functioning script.

    Final Update: Not much to add. Scheduled tasks are being run. On time schedule, on reboot, etc. Everything seems to be functioning just as intended. Thank you!

    Attached Files:

  5. Homer712

    Homer712 MDL Member

    Oct 22, 2018
  6. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    Statement at line 482 should be :
    echo cd /d "%~dp0"
    and not :
    echo cd /d "%%~dp0"
  7. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    "creates a smart Windows Defender Update task "WDU" that updates Windows
    Defender every 6 hours if it's running and enabled, and doesn't update it if it's
    not running and disabled, saving resources"

    plzzz how to disable that in the wrapper, i don't want any kind of updates at all ??
  8. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    Either delete the WDU task in task scheduler, or WDU.cmd in the script folder.
  9. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    no wdu.cmd in portable edition before executing the script
    so i guess i should delete those lines from the script

    ::    Create WDU.cmd
    echo SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
    echo ::Allow only WDU task to run this file::
    echo whoami /user /nh ^| find /i "S-1-5-18" ^|^| exit
    echo cd /d "%%~dp0"
    echo ::Wait 5 minutes to prevent resource hogging after reboot with missed update::
    echo timeout /t 300
    echo ::If WUMT or WuMgr are running, cancel Defender update and exit. If not, continue::
    echo tasklist ^| findstr /irc:"wumt_x.*exe"
    echo if %%errorlevel%% equ 0 goto skipdefenderupdate
    echo tasklist ^| findstr "wumgr.exe"
    echo if %%errorlevel%% equ 0 goto skipdefenderupdate
    echo ::If Windows Defender is running, update it. If not, cancel Defender update and exit::
    echo sc query ^| find /i "windefend"
    echo if %%errorlevel%% equ 1 goto skipdefenderupdate
    echo ::Enable Windows Update service and update Defender, then disable Update Service::
    echo if not exist wub.exe-backup ^(wub.exe /e^)
    echo timeout /t 10
    echo "%%ProgramFiles%%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -SignatureUpdate
    echo if not exist wub.exe-backup ^(wub.exe /d /p^)
    echo goto defenderupdated
    echo :skipdefenderupdate
    echo set errorlevel=1
    echo :defenderupdated
    echo exit /b %%errorlevel%%
  10. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    thank you so much
  11. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010
    Or just comment the statement at line 227
    :: call :createwdu
  12. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    #1134 pf100, Feb 16, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2019
    I thought I'd mention a "set it and forget it" simplest possible manual update method for Windows 10 I use for friends who know nothing about computers and would have no idea what to do with WUMT or WuMgr but want to do manual updates.

    1) Run the wrapper script to the first screen and close it to disable update hijackers.
    2) Run wub.exe in the script folder and enable the Windows Update Service.
    3) Delete the Wub_task from task scheduler so the update service stays on.
    4) Put a shortcut in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs called "Windows Update" with the following target:
    %systemroot%\explorer.exe ms-settings:windowsupdate-action
    (I change the icon to the one that looks like a globe)

    Edit: The point of this is to do manual updates when convenient and not so much to never update again.

    Edit:This method is unfinished. Windows still updates at will with wuauserv left on. I'll need to force it off and make the Windows Update shortcut turn it on before checking. Will update this post with any news.

    Edit 2
    : It's best to just install the script to the "Program Files" folder, remove the start menu entries, and make a shortcut to "WumtWrapperscript.cmd" in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" and rename the shortcut "Windows Update". that way it looks by outward appearances just like the way it was in Windows 7.
  13. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    #1135 pf100, Feb 17, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    Sledgehammer script v2.6.0.

    1) Put MS-DEFCON rating on first screen.
    2) Tasks now work in any folder name in any language while still retaining task creation error message just in case!!! Thank you @rpo for fixing this problem that has been bugging me for a long time.
    3) Moved WDU and Wub_task to task scheduler \Microsoft\Sledgehammer folder to work in a multi-user environment. 2.6.0 automatically deletes the tasks in old location when script is run just in case.
    4) Create dummy locked %systemdrive%\Windows10Upgrade folder. Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant now cannot be installed under any circumstances even if you try to force install it manually. Folder is system/hidden and can only be seen in file explorer if "protected operating system files" are unhidden.
    5) added "ping" internet connection check before configurator that can be bypassed by pressing a key in case of known working but unreliable internet connection. There's no point in enabling wuauserv or running WUMT or WuMgr without an internet connection, but the script will still let you override the internet check if you really want to. (Is this address available world-wide? If not, what is? If not, the script will still work)
    6) Cosmetics finished.
    7) Name this version 2.6.0 instead of 2.5.7 to eliminate any confusion with v2.5.6 which should never be used and I'll pretend never existed. v2.5.6 was a hard lesson learned to never disable upfc.exe. But the recovery script was a result so things will be better in the future now.
    8) Put "run WUMT or WuMgr" option in Configurator for one less screen of options to make things simpler for the user. Thanks @rpo
    9) Eliminated all 2 to 3 second timeout hacks previously required after every wub.exe operation that fixed wub.exe completing operations timing. The script without the timeouts would keep going without waiting causing wub.exe errors. The script now tests to see if wub has completed operations before continuing. This unexpectedly made the script run faster and is a more logical approach to the problem. Thanks @rpo.
    10) Move all exe's and other unnecessary files to bin folder in script folder.
    11) Put recovery script and readme for same in recovery folder in script folder.
    12) Put uninstall files in uninstall folder.
    13) Rename the "Version" entry in the start menu to the version of the script, i.e. "Version X.X.X".
    14) Included all known WuMgr translations in "Translations.ini" file (and all known WUMT translation files in "bin\WUMT Translations" folder.

    1) Carefully check and fully test all code in new script.
    2) Carefully check and fully test uninstaller.
    3) Add documentation with instructions for recovery script made to run from Windows 10 installation media Preinstall Environment. (Thanks for the pointers @s1ave77)
    4) Re-word task creation code error message.
    5) Edit Readme to include new changes.
    6) Remove infobefore.txt and infoafter.txt files used with inno setup from script portable folder accidentally included in 2.5.5
    7) Consider not disabling tasks any more? It's not really an issue since any protected tasks won't allow alteration since I'm not force-disabling them. This is not an issue, so never mind.
    8) Rename script folder to "Windows 10 Update Wrapper Script" "Sledgehammer" and rename the script to "Windows 10 Update Wrapper Script" "Sledgehammer" on major geeks and softpedia.
    9) Incorporate more code refinements from @rpo. Thank you again for the help. All code improvements incorporated (so far)
    10) Replace wub.exe's function with commands. -not a priority right now.
    11) Add WuMgr "automatic online", "automatic offline", and "expert" modes in Configurator. This might make it into 2.6.0, or it might not.
    12) Anything else that I haven't thought of? I'm a sloppy note-taker. I do things mostly in my head and have scraps of paper and random text files floating around.
  14. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    is there any similar script for windows 7 and 8.1, I have all related scheduled tasks removed, and wuauserv & bits services disabled
    but still the wuauserv service manages to restart some times on its own after logging in to windows or rebooting the machine
    and i only know by coincidence when checking the services from task manager then i go disable it again
    so frustrating !!!
  15. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
  16. AsaadSoft

    AsaadSoft MDL Addicted

    Jul 29, 2015
    that's great i used the wub.exe from the files in the project, thanks
    I checked protect service settings, I hope this really prevent wuauserv from restarting itself,
    otherwise I will have to make it autorun at windows startup
  17. pf100

    pf100 Duct Tape Coder

    Oct 22, 2010
    #1139 pf100, Feb 17, 2019
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2019
    Check out the "Wub_task" task the script makes in task scheduler. It runs "wub.exe /d /p" to disable wuauserv at startup and logon.
  18. Whistler4

    Whistler4 MDL Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    What is the effect of this process? It looks like it will allow you to run Windows Update on demand, but it will not provide any control over which updates are installed. Is that correct? Also, with the update service continually enabled, wouldn't there be a risk of automatically updating at any time, including to the next feature update?