Then those offended by the directories are not in a position to complain. They chose to show all system directories and that's what they got.
I fixed the internet check thanks to methods introduced by @rpo All the power of powershell with the message hiding abilities of cmd script. Fix here.
@rpo It's funny that the typo is working. Go figure. Thanks for the one-liner. I spent hours and couldn't figure that out. I'll update the update as soon as I can. Next I'll start working on WuMgr "expert" mode.
@rpo i knew the file redirection errors, but somehow the code as a whole still works perfectly. I have no idea how. If both ProgressPreference and WarningAction was ignored, you'd see a blue progress bar on the screen during the internet check, and a warning when the check fails, so they're both definitely working. Cmd script can't suppress those information overlays. Sometimes I just keep trying random stuff until something works, like I obviously did here. It makes me feel a little better that the one-liner was hard for you too. I feel less of an idiot. I was literally banging my head against the wall to silence the powershell output. The code you posted here worked fine, but it said something like "is not" and other random text on the screen I couldn't suppress without re-writing it. I'm looking forward to cleaning up the code later today. Thanks again.
Only Only WarningAction was ignored was ignored, but the script continues to work after displaying an (hidden) error message and the Test-NetConnection is processed.
That's been my question since day 1. The mystery that seems to work its wonder. Reread FAQ A2. Excellent work, and the interface screen looks pretty clean and logical for all it does. Users will home in on the main number choice they want to pick most of the time. (As opposed to, "Listen carefully, as your options may have changed." )