I only use Sledgehammer on all of my machines because "I eat my own dog food" so I don't have a recommendation on other projects. All I can say is, if you're using Sledgehammer, or any other update control project, don't use any part of another project to control updates because it's not necessary and could cause problems. I do know that if you turn off all update options with ShutUp10, Sledgehammer will override some of its update settings when it runs because it has to to work. Also, it's not necessary to disable driver updates with another project (although it won't hurt anything if you do) because you can control them with Sledgehammer, which will show you the driver updates and you can hide or install them. I find it useful to have that option. Decrapifier, PeerBlock, O&O ShutUp10, and PrivateWin10 will not interfere with Sledgehammer, nor will Sledgehammer interfere with them.
Yes, dogfooding is very common among developers. A developer who doesn't use his own stuff usually does not have faith in it.
It's hard to come up with a good name for a project like this. I could call it: Windows 10 Update Controllerater Windows 10 Forced Update Hulk Smash Windows 10 Update Giant Meteor 2020 Windows 10 Update Control - The Matrix Edition Windows 10 Update Master of Reality - The Black Sabbath Edition Windows 10 - "Never Update Again If You Don't Want To" Project The Project that Controls Windows Updates Windows 10 Forced Update Control - The Thing That Should Not Be - The Metallica Edition The Disable All The Forced Update Parts of Windows 10 and Have Full Control Over It All Again Like Windows 7 Was Project (DATFUPOW10AHFCOIAALW7W)
SLEDGEHAMMER - THE ULTIMATE Windows Update Controller - or SLEDGEHAMMER - THE ULTIMATE Windows 10 Update Controller
BoBY-MS, GYAB-WGID Clue, they are all rude LSHYLIFAC, lets see how you like it for a change TBOTOFFAC Im done with this silliness now
i like bull*hit-deflector (MSBD) the most i noticed a little change in some powershell scripts ~2 weeks ago. for example: Get-AppxPackage | Where ... turned into Get-AppxPackage | Where-Object ... that totally wrecks the scripts. i spent some hours to find that difference and re-edited that part so the scripts are working again. maybe that change is introduced with powershell 6.x which has to be installed separatelly. i expect that "problem" to be intended by ms because.. why would someone do that?! mentioning this because - there is ONE LINE using "where" in sledgehammer script and i don't want to see it wrecked by ms! greetings!
Just a reminder: if you update to 1903 from an earlier version the update service will be turned back on because it replaces the current installation and puts the old one in the windows.old folder, so after installation just run the script to the first screen and then exit and all will be well again. This is always good practice when upgrading versions. You can either install 1903 from the iso, or by running the script and installing it that way if windows update even offers 1903 to you which it may not yet. For full control I recommend 1) installing from iso with the internet disconnected, then 2) running the script at least to the first screen, then 3) reconnect the internet. It really doesn't matter how you upgrade though at least for now because there are no new updates for 1903 yet as far as I know. The whole disconnecting, installing, reconnecting thing is just so no unwanted drivers are forced on you, other than the unavoidable ones 1903 will install for you even without an internet connection, like Microsoft based ones such as sata and sound card drivers if you never installed the manufacturer's drivers, things like that.
You just described my way of upgrading. I can lock internet access for each machine in the router, Windows Setup never sees any online resources.
And I mentioned that only driver updates would be forced on you if you don't have a plan, well that's only accurate right now. If somebody upgrades windows to a newer version a few months from now without blocking internet access, the floodgates will open and all kinds of stuff will start downloading and installing. I know you know that, I just thought I'd mention it for anyone keeping up with this thread.
I hesitate to share this, but if you think about it it's quite 'catchy' Updates come once a month. What time is it? It's FUNTIME! Full Update Negation and Termination Including Microsoft Evasion (FUNTIME) Alternatively you could replace 'Full' with 'Complete' [Edit] You can keep Sledgehammer Sledgehammer - Full Update Negation
Your quick! I only had that line there for a few minutes before reconsidering it. {Edit] I thought of a great re-branding trick. French Connection United Kingdom successfully used "FCUK" as a catchy brand logo. Sledgehammer Complete Update Termination and Negation gives you an 'edgy' but acceptable: Sledgehammer CUTN Pronounced "Sledgehammer Cutting" or more like the American South "Sledgehammer Cut'n" Which is maybe not as good as "Sledgehammer FUN" I really like "Sledgehammer" I'm not so keen on "Sledgehammer WU" The "WU" maybe helps at first, but once people know what "Sledgehammer" is and does the "WU" just seems meh.