@thiih_ Automatic driver updates can override the script and automatically install after a clean OS install the first time a manual update check is run with the script, but every time after that you can select which drivers to install with the script as far as I know. Although I know how and I could, I have decided to not override this behavior. It's better to have the drivers offered than to block them and the drivers to not be offered. Homer712 had lots of issues I never heard of from anyone else, but I think changes I made to the script to accommodate his issues helped the script. MMPC defender updates are usually behind Microsoft defender updates for some reason, and besides the much larger download size is another reason I don't like using it and are reasons I don't use MMPC defender updates with the script. Yes, I'm feeling a hell of a lot better, thanks for asking.
Indeed, you are right. Thats why I apply some Reg changes / GPO policies on my side to block drivers update in addition to Sledgehammer script, but depending on the system config, I left the drivers being updated by windows update (usually on older systems). I just tested a Hyper-V machine with a clean install and original Sledgehammer installed. Then I run the commands: -SignatureUpdate -mmpc command gives me that there is no update -SignatureUpdate command gives me an update But the info obtain from "Get-MpComputerStatus" before and after are identical. So maybe its just a "flag" misleading to an update that has been already done. I'll keep testing with mmpc.
I just had an issue today with Windows 11 where a recent .net update wouldn't install with script 2.7.3 so I uninstalled the script, rebooted, and the update still wouldn't install through settings. So then I ran script 2.7.2 and the update still wouldn't install so I uninstalled the script, rebooted and it still wouldn't install through settings. Then I rebooted again while the script was uninstalled and the update installed through settings. It may have installed with the script that time, but right now I have no way of knowing if that's so or not. So there is a problem but I don't know if it's an actual windows 11 problem or not. I do know the script isn't breaking anything, so we'll see how things go in the near future. If the script needs to be modified I will fix it. Right now I don't know if anything needs to be done though. If anyone has any information or thoughts about Windows 11 and updates I'd like to hear it. I'll be asking around to try to find out more, so if you're having a problem installing an update just uninstall the script, reboot, and try again through settings. Like I said, I don't know if uninstalling the script is necessary because I don't have enough information yet.
For new dev builds, the script needs a slight overhaul. That's due to the removal of the wmic tool. Sledgehammer 2.7.3-rc1 has wmic calls in three locations: 1. Line 105, for getting the OS build number. Code: for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic path Win32_OperatingSystem get BuildNumber /value') do ( set /a WinBuild=%%a ) 2. Line 115, for querying the CPU architecture. Code: wmic cpu get AddressWidth /value|find "32">nul&&set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=X86||set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64 3. Line 416, for getting the status of the wuauserv service. Code: WMIC Service WHERE "Name = 'Wuauserv'" GET Started | find /i "%status%" >nul && exit /b || (timeout /t 1 >nul & goto :wuauserv1) Replacements possible with VBScript or PS. Edit: @abbodi1406 @mxman2k Maybe you have proposals for alternatives so the script can be repaired? Sorry for bothering you.
Can I use Sledgehammer to update between major version of win, for example 2004->21H1? Or i should to uninstall the script and then update system?
Sledgehammer's purpose is to block updates and upgrades. Best to uninstall it, do the upgrade, then reinstall it.
Code: for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%a in ('powershell -nop -c "([WMI]'Win32_OperatingSystem=@').BuildNumber"') do ( set /a WinBuild=%%a ) :: or for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%a in ('ver') do set WinBuild=%%a Code: for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"') do set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=%%b Code: powershell -nop -c "([WMI]'Win32_Service=\"wuauserv\"').Started" | find /i "%status%" >nul && exit /b || (timeout /t 1 >nul & goto :wuauserv1) :: or sc query wuauserv | find /i "STOPPED" >nul && exit /b || (timeout /t 1 >nul & goto :wuauserv1)
No bother at all and thanks for the post. I just found out about WMIC being dropped a few days ago. Recovery.cmd uses WMIC too but replacing it won't be a big deal. One way to get OS Architecture is: echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" One way to get OS build number is parsing the "ver" command One way to get wuauserv status is parsing: sc query wuauserv This is just off the top of my head and there are probably better/easier ways to do it with powershell or vbscript like you said. Everyone can expect a script update in the coming weeks. I've been farting around and not updating it for quite a while now, but since WMIC is being dropped I don't have a choice now. Also, @abbodi1406 replied while I was typing this Thank you @abbodi1406. Very helpful.
The script tests the Processor_Architecture, but we need the OS_Architecture : a 32 bits Windows 10 the OS can may run on a 64 bits CPU for /f %%i in ('powershell "(Get-CimInStance CIM_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture"') do set OS_ARCHITECTURE= %%i
Thanks, have replaced that statement in both variants. Do you know if the result returned is localized in any form (have only English OS to test)?
Which doesn't? personally, i simply check the variables Code: if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="amd64" set "xBit=x64" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="arm64" set "xBit=arm64" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" set "xBit=x86" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="amd64" set "xBit=x64" if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="arm64" set "xBit=arm64"
On my French W11 system, the result is 64; this is language independant. Spoiler Code: wmic cpu get AddressWidth /value|find "32">nul&&set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=X86||set PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE=AMD64 if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 ( set "nsudovar=.\bin\NSudoCx64.exe" set "wumt=.\bin\wumt_x64.exe" ) else ( set "nsudovar=.\bin\NSudoc.exe" set "wumt=.\bin\wumt_x86.exe" ) replaced by : Spoiler Code: for /f %%i in ('powershell "(Get-CimInStance CIM_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture"') do ( if %%i == 64 ( set "nsudovar=.\bin\NSudoCx64.exe" set "wumt=.\bin\wumt_x64.exe" ) else ( set "nsudovar=.\bin\NSudoc.exe" set "wumt=.\bin\wumt_x86.exe" ))
That's what I feared, the English OS returns "64-bit", not "64". Code: C:\>@for /f %i in ('powershell "(Get-CimInStance CIM_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture"') do @echo %i 64-bit C:\>_ The non-Powershell variant (the second one) will, when I press the desired number in the configurator, consistently not do anything (it should start WuMgr or WUMT). The variant using Powershell works every time. I'm at a loss, but suspecting the line using sc.exe to query the service state. Will check again once I cleared out over 300GB of Snapshot data from this VM.
Trying to follow along here with the latest changes and have a question. I have the script (v2.7.3 RC1) running perfectly on an older Dell laptop that is currently on Win 10 and has a 0% chance of ever being updated to Win11. 1. Is there any reason that I would want to use any updated script? 2. Once all the script changes are done, will there then be a Win 10 script and a Win 11 script?
1. Windows 10 still has WMIC, so, you don't need to do anything at this point. It's only about the Dev builds of Windows 11 that have abolished WMIC. 2. If the changes are eventually accepted into the script, they will work for Windows 10, too.