Maybe someone want SVF query:
@3zero3 thanks, totally forgot them. Query function is updated and embedded in script file found at -> #1 Redirected.
Thanks My Aim Was To Produce A Easy Guide For User`s That Require A Step By Step Guide With Images Too Glad You Found It Useful I May Produce Some More Guides For Other Tools (Time Permitted)
Thanks for the explanation Enthousiast. Last question, can I create Business es-ES iso from Consumer EN iso directly?.
Never tested that script, i just use this for dropping the source iso on the cmd (provided by @GezoeSloog, little edit for my purpose): Code: :: drag and drop a Source file onto this batch @echo off set SmvExec=C:\Program Files\SmartVersion\smv.exe set OutDir=.\EN2XX-SVF :: max number of SMVs to run simultaneously set RunInst=1 cd /d "%~dp0" if not exist "%OutDir%" md "%OutDir%" if %RunInst% gtr 1 set _nowait=start "" /b call :_StrFind "%~n1" ISO for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (`dir "%~dp1*%_filter%*%~x1" /b /a:-d`) do ( if "%%~i" neq "%~nx1" if not exist "%OutDir%\%%~ni.svf" ( if %RunInst% gtr 1 call :_ProcWait smv.exe %RunInst% %_nowait% "%SmvExec%" BuildPatch "%OutDir%\%%~ni.svf" "%~1" "%~dp1%%~i" -nbhashbits 24 -compressratio 192 -sha1 -nomd5 echo. ) ) exit :_StrFind echo %~1 | find /i "%~2" >nul if %ErrorLevel% neq 0 ( shift /2 if "%~2" neq "" goto _StrFind ) set _filter=%~2 exit /b :_ProcWait for /f %%i in ('tasklist /fi "ImageName eq %~1" ^| find /i /c "%~1"') do ( if %%i geq %2 ( timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul goto _ProcWait ) ) exit /b
You seem to be correct, i just happened to have a win 7 x86 running on my test system, and during the test i can already see the size is 1.45GB, same patch on my x64 main system is 218MB. But creating svf patches on a x86 windows would take ages, specially when running them in bulk.
Did you use the same script for both? Without specifying the switch -compressratio smv will use the default compression level.