Sounds hillarious...would have never thought about that. Thanks If there arent other solutions, Im probably going with this advice.
There is this Broadcom BC4318KFBG Chip inside. I googled for its pinout, but it seems I failed... :S I read about Pin 7 and 20 on various Toshiba already mentioned, this is a HP Compaq NC6000 Laptop.
Ahhh okay, I just taped pin 13 (7th from the left) in combination with "WLAN Button Enabled" & "WLAN Button Disabled" in BIOS. It does not work with either selection. There is no "Radio OFF" option in BIOS. Also not a single HP Laptop is enlisted on that link you provided. Maybe its this strange combination of hard/software button ? Any other idea, any other PIN ? ,-)
Today I tried Knoppix 7.0.5 instead of 8.1...and the WLAN Card is now working out of the box. Without taping or other drivers. Anyway, thank you for your support ! Much appreciated, I always learn new things here on mdl.