It works even better than before Thank you! Just one little thing my friend. WUMT now starts full screen. Any way to change this? 3440x1440 is a bit large for my eyes, lol
The last statement of the script is : Start "" /max "%wumt%" -update "-onclose %~dp0wub.exe /D /P" Replace by : Start "" /min "%wumt%" -update "-onclose %~dp0wub.exe /D /P" or : Start "" "%wumt%" -update "-onclose %~dp0wub.exe /D /P" at your convenience. Remark : the /min parameter means minimize to taskbar. IMHO this is not suitable. I suggest using : Start "" "%wumt%" -update "-onclose %~dp0wub.exe /D /P"
Originally it didn't maximize WUMT, that's something I changed not long ago. But yeah, I could change it back next version.
A quick rewrite will save lots of posts asking/moaning about maximise I'll just copy/paste the fix into my 215
When using the Windows Update Blocker, these are the needed statements : Code: cls "%~dp0wub.exe" /p /e echo *********************************************** echo Welcome to manual updates! You are about to run echo the Windows Update MiniTool (WUMT). echo *********************************************** echo. & echo Press any key to continue... & pause > nul :: Check OS and run correct version of WUMT for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic cpu get AddressWidth /value') do (set arch=%%a) IF %arch% == 32 (set "wumt=%~dp0wumt_x86.exe") else (set "wumt=%~dp0wumt_x64.exe") Start "" "%wumt%" -update "-onclose %~dp0wub.exe /D /P" Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation in the script is no longer needed. "%~dp0wub.exe" : add quotes (if directory contains spaces,...)