don know if doing this right never posted before i really need help iwas reading a thread when i came across a bios you molded pei boy p5lp-le ihave that exact mob well here is my story i didi a vista install with vista loader install fine but i was missing some defauly drives so i decided to flash back to original bios from hp update sadly mistake because when i rebooted i get award bootblock so my bios is corrupt and i dont have the original bios to reflashso my question is can u change this file back to the orginal 317.rom from pei boy p5lp-le so i can reflash my system or can u tell me how to flash 317.rom with another flash utility flash.exe or installer.exe want work in dos mode ive tried several utilities with no results can u help will u please help i been at it for two weeks now i tired but i dont want to give if u get this message my email address is [email protected] i dont know if this suppose to work like this buy i never use a forum before please send sossossossossos thank u just for looking at this
sosososososososos thanks for your reply back the solution u provided for me is not the answer the link u gave me to hp update is the original bois but the only problem with that is the file want work in dos mode my system is in award bootblock mode meaning i cant get the operating system up so i cant run that setup i will be grateful if u have another solution to my problem and thank u again for sugestion
sossossossossossossossos thanks again Yen for your reply back i followed your instructions carefully i downnloaded the file 43125388/317.rom and as u said it is my exact bios i made a boot disk with (bootdisk.exe) download flash utility (awdflash) extract to bootdisk also extract (317.rom) to boot disk, made (autoexec.bat) with these switches (@ECHO OFF awdflash 317.rom /py/sn/f/cc/r ) " 317.bin " " " " " ) tried ext rom then bin, but with both ext. system seems to hang with message (please wait) on {awardbios flash utility v8.22a} there must be something im still doing wrong can u please help will u please help again. thank u. sossossossossossossos
I don't know. AWDflash seems to be started. I usually make a bootable floppy formating under windows (check checkbox bootable floppy). There are different verions of Awdflash. It comes usually with the bios. Have you got another Awdflash, maybe on your support cd for motherboard? If not try to download another version of it. If you don't have success, I think you have to replace bios chip.
sossossossossossossossos yen please dont sail away yet ok i used flash632 i get error message (memory allocation) ok than i used flashv73 i get error message (insufficient memory) (dos mem corrupt ,_mcb=10830) (panic: mcb chain corrupted system halted) ok i tried awdflash again i get message (it is not award bios) can u help will u please help with these error thank u again Yen. ok now i been using awadflash it dont hang nomore but message says (not award bios)
Hoi ! Why don't you just replace your BIOS-chip with a new one ? For €25,= or equivalent you can make a new start. Just shouting sossossossos won't help you any further ! Greetz, Harry.
Last chance is to try uniflash Download it to floppy (instead of awdflash, edit autoexec bat to uniflash -Asus -E 317.rom instead of awdflash 317.rom /py/sn/f/cc/r Yen
sososososososos well im back again ive stop using awdflash utility got tired of getting error message (this is not award bios) so i ve start using phlash16 have anybody use this utility if have than please help. ok this is what i have done ive download phlash16 and crisis recovery disk set the floppy with all the approrate tools including my 317. rom file and my p5lp-le.bin file change name to platform.bin boot cd at command prompt typed: (phlash16 bios.wph /b bios.rom@rsp platform.bin)took me about 2hrs to get the right switches, where anyway the results i got back was (reading bios) error message (cannot locate platform signature) so then i tried the platform.bin file that came from the crisis recovery disk i open that file first with notepad just to see what was on it,it was from another board but i tried it anyway the results i got back was alittle better (reading bios.rom and this time loading bios image with a check mark for complete but hangs on (identify flash memory type) small note [when using awdflash displayed flash memory type after error] ok than i tried this extract files from hp update bios .exe the files i got was: 317.rom flash.exe installer.exe p5lp-le.bin sp26758.rtf winflash.sys changed winflash.sys to platform.bin results was (reading bios loading bios) hangs on identify flash memory type) which brings me to the conclusing that something wrong with the files look at allmy switches and notices two things which makes me known im doing something wrong 1:switch @rspfile-response file containing more options 2:to flash apart you also need the following files 1)platform.bin (manufacturer initialzation file) might be problem 2)bios.rom (bios rom image file) so can anyone please help will u help thank u
sososososos another question about awdflash utility the files i extract from hp bios update .exe the 317.rom file am i suppose to do anything special to this file besides extracting the bin file which is p5lp-le.bin and what is the purpose of extracting this p5lp-le.bin file from the 317.rom can u please reply back to this
317.rom is your pure bios file already. You can't extract another one of it. You can rename it to whatever you want, but the contents never change.
sbsbssbsbsbsbssbsbs With out the help of other where would the world beI like to thank u Yen for your very very great help and support. When everybody else said no, and jump ship, u stood and gave me a hand. Hp help line said board damage can only be reflash through their service, send in for repair 249.00, price of a new board geek squad wanted 250.00 for asmall service everybody else said throw it away heartbroken but u reached out and gave me a life line, when i was beginning to think there was no more hope thank u yes my board is up and running again, finnaly. i would of never found my bios file if it wasnt for u, i really wouldnt of never known about extract a.exefile and getting a rom file from it thank u for that knowledge i follow your instructions but there was one small error that was a big factor but u can say that,that was my error because i told u that it was a award bios but instead it was a Phoenix Award BIOS big difference which is why i was using the wrong flash utility iwas using awdflash v7 and v8 when i should of been using Phoenix Award BIOS flash tool v1.16 thank u again u save me 250.00 for a 5 minute job this site just became my favorite forum