@BALTAGY here is a list of problems i've found so far. in fresh installed win 10 1607 ltsb x86. i first applied optional feature stop downloading cmd manually to stop downloading language related component. schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\LanguageComponentsInstaller\Installation" /Disable after that disabled updates with this tool, and restarted system. after when opening update page in setting, it closes itself. it need to be fixed. didnt bother to test more. in fresh installed win 10 1803 x86. i applied optional feature stop downloading cmd. disabled updates with this tool, and restarted system. installed netlimiter pro from setup to see data usage. connected to internet and it started downloading updates, which was actually graphic driver. used 196 MB data so i know its the size of my driver setup. automatic defender definition updates didnt happen. it didnt download any other updates. so i suppose this tool also need to disable driver updates. in my experience winaero tweaker tool method to disbale driver updates work in 1607, 1709 and 1803. i've tested other registry methods but they didnt work in 1607 ltsb.
about defender definition auto updates, by default auto updates didnt happen in 1803 x86. the registry you sent me in convo, worked but it didnt work as you told that it updates every one hour. bcoz i forwarded my clock and there was no sign of data usage. tested it many times. will test more how it behaves. edit - my previous definition update test was on old windows 10 1803 installation. now i did a test on fresh windows 10 1803. by default updates didnt happen. applied your registry and tried to change clock to hours and days. host process for windows services uses few kb but not in MB, but defender updates didnt happen. you need to find better option in registry or a task is needed. Edit - Registry is working fine, restart is needed for it to properly work. which i didnt do last time. it is checking for updates every hour.
i made a mess in these feedback. here is summary. 1. windows 10 1607 ltsb disable update needs to be fixed. 2. automatic driver updates needs to be disabled. 3. defender definition update registry fix needs to be added in tool. thanks
1- Your talking about update page close it self right ? it's normal since the system can't open the needed service to open this page, open it again it should open 2- I will add this option 3- Nice, i will add it also and let you test it for sometime About any program check for updates, user need to disable this option in the program it self since i'm not disabling windows update service or BITS
Sent you v1.9 Beta 1- Added Set Windows Defender (Security) to Update Every 12 Hours (Win8.1/Win10) 2- Added Disable or Enable Automatic Device Driver Installation (Win8.1/Win10) 3- Now you will be asked to restart after you enable or disable any option 4- Removed Disable Windows Update Service since it's not needed ( If you used it from older version, you need to enable it from same older version or you can keep using this version if you want) since the point is to disable windows updates without effecting Store/Defender/Edge As for the update page in settings it should auto close one time each restart it's normal, you can open it again and it should open, another option is to search for the setting you want in this page for example Windows security, I don't think there's a way to change the order in this page to open in any other choice What exactly schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\LanguageComponentsInstaller\Installation" /Disable do ? it disable language update right ? for example if you have 2 languages installed If anyone welling to test the beta and give feedback just pm me, and please don't share it, it's still work in progress
@ShiningDog Sent you Beta 2 - Now disabling update will auto hide Windows Update page in settings so it will now open Windows Defender (Security) instead and settings wont auto close anymore in Win10 1709 or newer ( This option not present in older versions )
thanks @BALTAGY tested beta 2, happy to see that now update page opens directly defender and update option is completely gone. also pleased to see that you have removed disable/enable update service option, and added disable driver update option and defender update option. here is problems/questions/suggestion/request i've so far. 1. it breaks win 10 ltsb 2016 update and settings page, user cant open it,it closes settings page immediately. tried many times, didnt help. and there are many ltsb users and you should fix this. 2. i want to know about defender definition update method in detail, i mean does it work after every 12 hours when user opens computer, and does it only work if user is online, and and does it also run when user enable or disable defender? 3. i think you shouldn't make separate option for defender updates in gui, instead you should integrate it in disable / enable update option. here is why. first you should find a way to update definition after every 12 hours, when user is logged in and only runs itself when user is connected to internet. you should make sure update definition source is not mmpc bcoz it uses unnecessary data. you also should make sure that definition update only happens if user is using defender, and it should check every time whether user is using defender as a default av, only then it should run itself. if you can do this work through registry then it'll wonderful otherwise you may need a task. now when you have figured out this solution, then it doesnt make much sense to give defender definition update separate option. you can simply integrate in enable/disable update option. and change first option name to --- Disable or Enable Update --- (Store and defender definition update will work) or something like that so the users can get answer immediately to their natural question, will store and defender will work if i disable updates? 4. next i think you should also integrate disable/enable automatic driver updates in disable / enable update option. bcoz every user who want to disable updates definitely dont want to enable automatic driver updates. i cant imagine anyone who dont want automatic updates or cant afford to, would still want automatic driver updates. 5. there should be only 2 options in this tool, first is disable/enable updates and second is disable enable store apps auto update. 6. add a check for updates option in gui which opens a url to the downloading site you want. why is it necessary? bcoz a windows update may stop your methods to work in future and tons of users will get this tool from softpedia or something and most of them will forget to check for updates manually for this tool and a windows update which they will do in future will stop your method. in that critical situation i suggest to put a check for update button in gui or even better if your program can automatically inform users that their is new update available for this tool. 7. add a link to this forum in gui to let users know this is the place where they can discuss their problems and ask questions. thanks
schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\LanguageComponentsInstaller\Installation" /Disable it disable language component related update, by default it download immediately on fresh installed win 10. you can see it if you set connection to metered on a fresh installed win 10, it will give you an error in notification bcoz it cant download in metered connection. maybe you can also integrate it in disable/enable update option. here is the cmd to disbale and enable it. Code: schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\LanguageComponentsInstaller\Installation" /Disable schtasks /Change /TN "Microsoft\Windows\LanguageComponentsInstaller\Installation" /Enable
1- I'm installing it now and will see if i can do anything about it 2- It's the same registry you tested before just made it 12h i think if the user is not online it will skip to the next 12h (Just guessing) 3- I made it separate option for people that don't use Defender also it's even not checked by defaults - I was using mmpc and other two sources but removed mmpc now and left the other 2 - Sadly i can't check if user using Defender or not - Back to point 2, if user is not online or system wasn't on i think the update will start with the next 12h, i can make it less but i think Defender to update much ? maybe 1 time per day or so ? give it a try and let it update by it self and let me know how it's going 4- It will be a problem if there's old driver only available throw update, you can install the driver without downloading all updates then disable it alone ( Need to test it if it will work fine while update disabled ) 5- Some option as i described above like Defender need to be separated 6- I made this tool with inno setup because idk how to make a gui, also it makes me control the builds like this script will run from Build xxxx to build xxxx more easily, also i'm not that expert in inno setup either idk how to make the check, and for the update option it's the same it need a gui and direct link for the tool, maybe someday someone will help with that 7- I removed the notes page that i can add the link in to reduce the pages and make it like a gui, but link to the forum is already on majorgeeks and will add it into my blog also with the next version Now will send you Beta 3 - Removed MMPC server - Also i added Disable or Enable Auto Downloading Language Related Components and included this into Disable or Enable Update Take your time in testing Beta 3 and see how Defender updates will work with you, if it update daily fine then all good Thanks for testing Update: Tested automatic driver updates while update is disabled it seems not working, user need to install the driver first if it's a must then disable update So will integrate it into Disable or Enable Update
The ltsb problem was on my end. i used a custom x86 x64 in one ltsb iso, to test this tool, and after disabling update with this tool, windows update page was continuously crashing. but now i tested with original x86 iso, and everything is working as expected. i guess i wont be using x86 x64 in one iso ever again !
i made x86 x64 in one myself with multi_arch_iso.cmd available in ESD > ISO in this thread https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/abbodi1406s-batch-scripts-repo.74197/ i will report this problem in that thread.
Can you try to make it without integrating updates ? i think it will be an update doing this, just to make sure if it's an update then witch one
just tried it. created multi arch iso without slip-streaming updates. working as original. no problem. now you have to figure out the new solution bcoz ltsb updates are causing problems with stopwinupdates. it looks like that you also have to test with every month cumulative updates for each windows 10 version to confirm if your programs is working correctly or not. lots of work
There's no other way except to know witch update doing this, so i can type it in first post What build number you have in the updated LTSB ?
in windows 10 the main monthly updates is cumulative. (means it contain all fixes from when that win 10 version started) so i guess identifying which update is causing problem, is going to be tough.