First post updated to v2.4 - Disabled windows update task "Scheduled Start" - Disabled Delivery Optimization option in RS5 and newer
Yaay new update! Thank you @BALTAGY !! ^^ Question: If I want to update the patch, can I just run this and reapply the fixes or I have to uninstall the past one and apply this one?
With this last update You can only run it and disable again, no options or changes need to enable and restart then disable again
Just tested in w10 rs5 home, is it alright? Spoiler: TASK Also delivery optimization page is not hidden.
I think it's because the update service is enabled, it's normal I will remove disabling the task and will hide delivery optimization page
First post updated to v2.5 - Hide Delivery Optimization tab in settings in RS5 and newer - No need to disable Windows update task since update service is enabled and will enable the task later
Good Morning @BALTAGY , with this program i have disable updates, but when i want enable, i don't work, i see the service Update Orchesttrator from command services.msc and i try start appears Error 5 and don''t start the service. Help, Please. Link Image:
Thanks, when i do the procees form ServiceSecurityEditor and changue the permissions appears the message don't save changues. However all the permissions is activated. This situation only happens with the Windows Update Medic Service and Update Orchestrator Service, in the other services, the permissions save normally. I give up!!!!!!
You need to open ServiceSecurityEditor via PowerRun because admins don't have permissions to edit this service Look at the pic's above