@Enthousiast So, in my BIOS... I don't know what this option is and whether it applies SATA mode 1. AHCI 2. INTEL RST PREMIUM ** ** ** If I enable UEFI... then, Network Stack option show up -- which has options to enable IPv4 and IPv6 network installs I suppose. Disabling UEFI makes those options disappear. No other options come on when UEFI is disabled. ** ** ** I do have on my TITLE and in one place I said my "other laptop". Anyway, yes, I am trying to do this on a laptop. It is probably an OEM laptop modded [I guess even in the MOBO or BIOS or whatever] to not show who the real suppliers of their parts are. So, you mean to say, I have to go the UEFI route? Which is fine. Ah that explains it, it can be UEFI only [as you say] and that is why, no other options are showing up.
@Enthousiast I have briefly looked at your link (UEFI info), but I am ready to call it a day, for now. I will pick this up tomorrow and post further questions, as needed. *** *** *** Thank YOU and everyone else for helping.
When you exactly followed my instructions it doesn't seem to work. When the USB key now is one MBR partition and formatted NTFS and it won't boot, i can't do anything more to help to get it to boot Legacy BIOS. Intel RST = Rapid start tech. I would let it on AHCI. EDIT: We'll see tomorrow
Before trying to install in UEFI, try the solution that i proposed to you in my previous post. if it still does not work, you will have to install win7 in UEFI, there is no reason why you shouldn't install win7 successfully
there is a bios screen that i hadn't seen, it's the onee that shows blue screen with a error message "the bios in this system is not fully ACPI compliant" and that means that the bios does not support ACPI and i'm prettty sure that your problem comes from that blue screen, so after doing some research on the net about that error message that appears in the blue screen, it turns out that you have to flash your bios with the last version to be able to install win7 successfully. So you won't probably manage to install win7 using UEFI without flashing the bios. Give a try by installing win7 on UEFI without flashing the bios and see the result. If it does not work, no other choice but to flash the bios to be able to install win7 successfully on UEFI. so you will have to download the latest version of your bios, if the bios file is zipped, you unzip the file and you put in into your usb drive, you access to the bios, then you select the option that is associated to the bios and you should be able to flash the bios easily. and once it's done, boot again from the usb drive and should be able to install win7 successfully. Let us know of the result.
have you seen the screen that shows blue screen with the error message i mentionned in the link i just sent you ?
No, i've just seen your test results : so to sum up, you were able to install win7 using UEFI +CSM failed using pure UEFI but if im' correct his bios does not contain CSM or legacy bios options so that would mean that he has only pure UEFI btw, some of your screens do not appear.
All screens are there. It's the CSM that is missing, if there would be a bios update for the laptop, it has to give CSM to be able to install 7.
i meant that some of your screens don't work for me, they don't appear in my machine. By bios update, i suppose that you mean flashing the bios, right ? As i said, i think that flashing his bios will allow him to install win7.
@mehdibleu I love the MDL interface including blue on black background... but I have missed some messages from you. Anyway, ... I went back and read them Remember, my screen shots are OLD... with settings from the time they were taken. If UEFI is enabled, it shows "UEFI: USB_STICK", other wise, it shows "USB_STICK" (no UEFI label before it). About, USB being bootable, well, I don't know... I was simply following instructions yesterday to copy the unzipped ISO into the USB (MBR/LEGACY) and try to boot... Tried both with and without USB3 mod, on both USB 2/3 ports, no luck! On trying with RUFUS... (install) MEDIA: MBR/NTFS; (storage) MEDIUM: MBR/UNALLOCATED; BIOS: LEGACY, it booted and started the installation But, shortly after, I was hit with ACPI non-compliance error. At least the media was bootable. I have previously attached screenshots that show, the error, and my mobo's BIOS version. With FAT32, it did not even boot for me. I appreciate your response... that I should be able to install WIN 7 in UEFI... I hope so. Updating BIOS... How do it do that in this state? I can install WIN 10 UEFI mode, then update BIOS? I will need help. Okay, I will try Win 7 UEFI without BIOS flash and report back, first. Flashing BIOS, as I said, I am going to need help as I don't want to brick my laptop. @Enthousiast "When the USB key now is one MBR partition and formatted NTFS and it won't boot, i can't do anything more to help to get it to boot Legacy BIOS." -- I understand! It could be that my BIOS needs an update or something else is wrong... Some pics you uploaded do not show up for me as well. Yes, looks like there is no CSM on my laptop, just the option to disable UEFI (I don't know what that makes it). BOTH Is there any way I can enable POST... I am not seeing the full BOOT UP screen to see which BIOS I have. *** *** *** Reading your posts, I am WOWed... you guys are SUPER [ and I thought I was deeply analytical and a good problem solver... ] *** *** ***
It's pretty much "the same". install.esd is the heavily compressed version of an install.wim (it doesn't work with Windows 7 so don't even try lol), and install.swm is just an install.wim file divided into two or more pieces. In your case, as you already know what an install.wim file is, just focus on that one
@goodflood so as i thought, the problem was coming from the usb drive which was not bootable. Now that it is bootable and that the same error message appeared either with legacy/bios or UEFI, that means that win7 install should succeed with botth interfaces, so now just stay with legacy/bios and MBR. As i said, flashing the bios will fix this issue and will allow you to install win7. Flasing the bios can be done in different ways, you can flash using usb drive or from windows session, al you have to do is go to the site of your manufacturor's mark then go to drivers win7 then select bios, you will probably find the lastest version of your bios to download, you unzip the file, put it on usb drive, you connect the usb drive to your machine then you access the bios, you should find the tool in the bios that will allow you to flash the bios easily. or as said previously by @Enthousiast , putting win7 install.wim file into win10 iso should allow to install win7 successfully. you will find "install.wim" into iso/sources folder, you extract this file then you put it into win10 iso by replacing the old one and all you wil ahve to do is to build again the iso, then you make a new bootable usb drive using the new iso, you boot from it and you see the result.
@mehdibleu Yes, most like the USB was not booting. Yes, same error, I got when trying both ways. I hope one way or the other succeeds. No luck so far. At the moment, I have converted the USB media to GPT/FAT32, M2 to GPT/FAT32, and BIOS to UEFI. I used Rufus to create an Win 10 USB... then, I replaced the Win 10 install.wim with Win 7 install.wim. I did the installation, but when I reboot I get Windows Error Recovery (after a Orange flash on top). It never boots all the way into Windows. What do you mean by "build the ISO again..."? I think I not doing this step and something is going wrong. Also, I am doing all this in UEFI - GPT - FAT32 mode? This appears wrong as well. EDIT: Let's try to resolve this if possible, before talking about BIOS flashing.
Building the iso again means that you have to create a new iso after replacing win10 install.wim by win7 install.wim into win10 iso. And to answer your second uestion, using UEFI means that you have to use GPT disk with FAT32 mode so you're doing things correctly.