David, Sorting on Status does NOT sort on Status; it sorts on alphabet! What is the purpose and sense of color coding when you can't sort on color?
Emm... not necessarily every column is intended to be sorted by and yield a meaningful order, some are only meant to be looked on and not sorted by. That said, its actually a good idea to use the color to be sorted by when the status column is sorted by. I will add that to the next build.
Just ignore it, the driver is perfectly fine. I was just to cheep to waste a few 1000€ on an EV Code signing certificate, and used a leaked one that's floating around the internet. Its easy to find so obviously many malware authors also found it and are using it as well.
Referring to https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-built-in-firewall.78651/page-13#post-1595381 (memory leaking bug with Private WinTen). Unfortunately, the memory leaking bug applies to TaskExplorer, too. Not too surprising, as I guess they both run on the same foundations. Possibly, WuMgr is affected, too, if running for a long time.
Can u add feature to Taskexplorer which will run app in spy mode and summarize the cpu cycles for each threads that app ran ty