@s1ave77 Please help with my code I have no idea what happened... I put your script in but I don't know what happened... Help please thanks Keep getting hosts file is in use by another process NOBODY USE THE SCRIPT I MADE ANYMORE. ITS NOT WORKING ATM
Since you've helped me out so much I can just hand over the entire script to you so you add it to your repository and you can claim it as yours @s1ave77 BTW: I wanted to avoid the hassle of having to use two files for the script so I tried integrating all of it into one...
Currently not at my laptop ATM so I'll have to test later. Also somehow all these telemetry threads including mind should be merged into yours. Theres too much telemetry everywhere Suggestions?
No need to merge them, they will sink itself . Better post new findings in the Repo and we'll find out the best way to block.
Thats the thing I don't want my thread to sink Its helped almost 30,000 people remove their telemetry How do I make it not sink
Easy thing, i will link to the threads that inspired me, the [guide] one and yours . So they can be always found . DONE. .
i am not disabling it ,atleast for time being...as i am not doing anything illegal by the way where is the uninstall of this program ?
In Windows 7 it was easy to execute *.bat files (double left-click or right-click and Run as administrator). In Windows 10, *.bat files open in Notepad using double left-click. And there is no way to run it as administrator from what I can tell. I also tried to execute it through the Command Prompt but I either didn't do it right or it won't execute your SpyScript.bat file. Could you please provide instructions in your first thread on ways (or one way that will work) to execute your file in Windows 10?