The VgaShim method is very promising, it works flawlessly on a Kaby Lake SoC. But somehow the boot still fails on Gemeni Lake SoC even though VgaShim correctly maps INT10h entry point.
I did some tests with my own version of int10h compatibility module and I am starting to think that this has something to do with GOP drivers not natively supporting 1024x768 Machines that fail even with VgaShim doesn't support 1024x768 in efi and Windows 7 freezes before int10h actually gets called edit: I could confirm it with custom compiled OVMF with 1024x768 resolution removed from QemuVideoDxe... fallback to 640x480 mode from the bootloader didn't work either
I came up with a new project featuring many fixes and improvements
As a longtime fan of GPT and UEFI thanks to Linux, I'm curious if this trick would improve boot times and performance on class 2 Legacy/CSM capable motherboards, especially relative to UefiSeven INT10H handler/GOP emulator. Some people seem to think not, but I have no idea where they got that info: If any of y'all got some sources, I know I should just use MBR and CSM but I must have perfection.
Try --> my solution. It doesn't require CSM emulation or any other third party (non-Microsoft) drivers. I have used Windows 10 bootloader, disabled legacy VGA and integrated vendor graphics drivers.
I was able to successfully install and boot into windows 7 on GPT m.2 with CSM enabled and secure boot disabled. I tried the advice OP gave, and I cannot boot into windows 7 with CSM disabled. This is weird because I got it to work on my laptop, but it won't work on my desktop (asus x99 usb 3.1, intel i7 5960x). Any solutions? I'm trying to do dual boot on m.2 with Windows 10 and Windows 7.
Though a clear solution has been given, I need to make a tutorial on this that will forever work even after 2021. I will gladly make a video on this if someone can walk me through this step by step on my Discord server.
As per the forum rules, section 3.1, posting links requires a minimum of 20 posts. Try posting your link with slight obfuscation.
I have been trying to create a windows 7 usb installer for 6 months with no luck, tried just about everything . any help greatly appreciated
First you need to understand what each .wim contains(boot and install). Then you'll understand which .wim you need to put in which iso(7 install.wim into a windows 10 iso).
UEFI without CSM will NOT work on all graphics cards, for example it's impossible on my Radeon RX 550.
I understand the wim files . just going to try it in a usb install stick, then switch them on on esp , thanks
Hi, can someone please help me. I'm really trying, I'm not stupid just have tried over and over and failed. Any help greatly appreciated , Thanks a bunch