Understand. SVF filename have to be exactly ISO filename. And it work. Another once question: S1ave77, which (completely) parameter(s) You using for smv_x64.exe CLI? Example: I believe for compression, parameter is 192?
Not necessarily but it do make identification easier. Addon: Checksums of both images are embedded in your .svf if source file is unknown.
Yes, for extraction with SVF (SVF to ISO), SVF filename is not important. Can be rename to whatever after You made SVF. But for this S1ave77 tool is important to be the same filename (ISO to SVF), otherwise will fail. Like me.
@s1ave77 Might add -nomd5 switch? For the SVF 2 ISO/ISO 2 SVF conversion: Is it possible to add drag´n drop functionality?
Atm using this (is iirc from a @GezoeSloog post): Code: smv BuildPatch "%SVFName%" "%ISOName%.iso" "%SVFName%.iso" -nbhashbits 24 -compressratio 49 -sha1 -sha25
Thanks. I advice to use compression parameter (zstd) : Code: -compressratio 192 Look here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/smartversion-guide-needed.49033/#post-1412738 I have made (with -compressratio 192) SVFX en_w7_x64_ult to en_w7_x86_homep with file size only 477 MB! If someone thinking, what is SVFX, look here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-svf-repository.63324/page-76#post-1260611
My 17134.1 patches are made with compression ratio 192 (smv 370), the others are made with the old smv versions (compressratio 49).
Problem with 1709 is unfortunately the not responding EVAL link . Just tested with IDM, needs ~1min to start.
That's a separate issue from mine, I am able to download the Evaluation ISO and SVF file, but the conversion results in a very small ISO file that obviously doesn't match the hash.
I don´t know if that will be helpful but could you post checksums, names and size of iso and svf? If those match it should give you correct iso.
Interesting. Normally if the SVF is corrupt it won't create any ISO at all. Never had it creating a mismatching ISO in my tests so far .
When ignoring the bitchy EVAL links for 1709 and Server2016 the process itself works here Code: 09:46:24 CREATING MVS ISO 09:46:24 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 09:46:24 Language: en-us 09:46:24 ISO Name: en_windows_10_multi-edition_vl_version_1709_updated_dec_2017_x86_dvd_100406182 09:46:24 ISO Hash: 6eeff9574366042ed5ad50c48f406ce10ef20e10 09:46:24 EVAL Name: 16299.15.170928-1534.rs3_release_CLIENTENTERPRISEEVAL_OEMRET_x86FRE_en-us 09:46:24 EVAL Hash: 4a75747a47eb689497fe57d64cec375c7949aa97 09:46:24 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 09:46:24 EVAL ISO exists. 09:46:24 Checking hash... 09:46:42 Check Hash: 4a75747a47eb689497fe57d64cec375c7949aa97 | SUCCESS! 09:46:42 Downloading Target SVF... 09:49:44 Creating en-us Source ISO... 09:50:16 Source ISO exists. 09:50:16 Checking hash... 09:50:37 Check Hash: 6eeff9574366042ed5ad50c48f406ce10ef20e10 | SUCCESS! 09:50:37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++