I've a similar error too when I wanted to take LTSC refresh, pretty sure it's a repo returning 404 or something. No antivirus / firewall used
While there's an issue with the SVF repo at the moment, you can manually convert the Eval ISOs you downloaded through the tool by using the SVF patches collected here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-svf-repository.63324/
Sorry for asking such stupid questions about Server 2019, but: 1) do I need to convert from "17763.1.180914-1434.rs5_release_SERVER_EVAL_X64FRE_EN-US" to "something else"? Like using the "SVF2ISO" tool? 2) when using the "KMS_VL_ALL" script I'm only getting "No Supported KMS Client Windows Detected"
I tried to download the LTSB version, but I only got the EVAL version just like you, instead of both. I guess there's some problem or I am doing something in the wrong way.
Hi, do you mind if i ask what svf to download? and how how to manually convert the eval iso using such svf. thx.
Yes, I can download file. I attached file for you. Content is: smv.exe x86 v3.7 (latest) and a script Spoiler: SVF_extractor Code: @echo off for /r %%i in (*.svf) do smv.exe x "%%~nxi" -br . echo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) @echo off echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo ------------FiNiSHED------------ echo. echo. echo. echo. pause Tools at #1 will do the same job patching svf (not in bulk however) and @3zero3 : I would remove /r switch It adds recursive mode and to be honest I find this useless if I have several sub folders with svf files.
@3zero3 Works fine, no problems. Used it on Windows 7 x64 Only issue would be that my AV engine (SEP) had a few "questions" about your SVF_extractor.exe Spoiler