Thanks...But, there is a hash error. I already downloaded it twice and it still happens the same. regards
I am trying to create el_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_d5a29846.iso Unfortunately the tool fails to download the el_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_d5a29846.svf Is there any solution?
Use the patches from here:
I downloaded el_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_d5a29846 and rename it to el_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2019_x64_dvd_d5a29846. It gives me a Hash Mismatch.
Renaming won't help. To use the patches by @GezoeSloog you have to download the source iso (en-US consumer, available at the linked repo) and the el-GR consumer patch and the el-GR 2019 LTSC patch, and check the explanation here:
Dear @s1ave77 : even after selecting B for Business, it is downloading Consumer.iso. My current Windows 10 has a volume license.
It doesn't work at all. Only techbench and svf<>iso conversion still works. And all windows 10 sku's can be simply converted to VL by gVLK (most properly coded KMS solutions will do this for you).
search on google "index of" en_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_b980e68c.iso and download from the first link. please note mods if you think if it still links to homebrew iso's please delete ( although it is just a google search string )
trying to activate LTSC with kms38 but says it's unsupported how do i create a non-EVAL iso so I can activate? Is there a way to overwrite or do I need to reformat and clean reinstall?
Hmm, you could opt for Up/Downgrade trick. It's pretty easy with JATD GUI (former license switcher). In LIC SWITCH tab, first drop-down pick EnterpriseS, second drop-down pick UP_DOWN_PROCESS. Leave others untouched. Press SWITCH and point to normal LTSC ISO (same language and architecture as your install). Next point to a folder where the ISO can be unpacked and modified, wait for the copy process to end. Answer prompt to change registry and start Upgrade with yes. Setup Upgrade process will start, IF it allows to keep all Programs and Setting, START THE PROCESS and WAIT.........
Can you briefly summarize with which tool LTSC 2019 will be activated after the download with the new SVF-Converter!!?? And is there now a tool that can really close all Windows 10 (of course also LTSC version) security gaps? Or all the background processes of the unwanted communication?
I have tried the tool to download 1903 but return http 403 Is that the 1903 is not available for download now?