[TOOL] XP2ESD - Create modern Windows XP installer v1.6.2

Discussion in 'Windows XP / Older OS' started by George King, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018

    I'm not talking about *Insider Preview* Server 11 (22xxx.yyy) (which is still confusingly branded as Server 2022) I'm talking about proper Server 2022, which is still win10 based. And is 20348.yyy

    Everything worked in W10 / Server2016 / Server 2019 should also work in Server 2022 (which is not a beta and is current and supported)

    Usually I refer to Server 11, when taking about the Win 11 sibling, to avoid confusion.
  2. UsefulAGKHelper

    UsefulAGKHelper MDL Senior Member

    Aug 28, 2021
    #1422 UsefulAGKHelper, Jul 26, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2022
    I can't run windows xp on my uefi class 3 laptop because it's too new. I have tried the driver to windows 7 but the problem is that the TouchPad isn't even detected on device manager on windows 7 uefi class 3 because Intel I2C Host Controller 9DE9 (in windows 11 if I disable this controller, the TouchPad stops working until this is enabled) on windows 7 lists "no drivers installed for this device" on device properties without any exclamation icon.
    And yes I know you have said that the ported drivers only works on XP x64 but I just wanted to try this myself to see if this really works.
    Perhaps the reason why I suggested TouchPad driver for XP2ESD is to give TouchPad support for i2c hid touchpad for windows xp and newer os up to 8.
    If VirtualBox supported I2C HID drivers, then I would be able to test this driver for Xp on VirtualBox.
    Pherhaps the Intel I2C Host Controller 9DE9 needs to be backported as well otherwise ACPI\PNP0C50 wouldn't show up on modern hardware for some reason (meaning that the TouchPad of modern laptops is useless on OS older than windows 8 on modern laptops until there's a compatible backported driver).
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  3. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream

    Dec 21, 2012
    Server 2025 (as it will probably be called) Insider Preview is 25xxx.yyy, not 22xxx.yyy. The 22xxx.yyy Windows will be released soon, but Server 2025 is still in the Dev channel.
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  4. acer-5100

    acer-5100 MDL Guru

    Dec 8, 2018
    Not really relevant here, but Server 11 started as 22xxx and now is on 25xxx just like Win 11 Client. I seriously doubt they want to release it before 2025, but frankly I couldn't care less. Server 11 works fine right now, and is a way better choice than Win 11 (for people interested to experiment with the new "improved" :D GUI)
  5. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
    First try ====>>>>> BSOD...
    Someone can build for me ? :D
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  6. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    #1426 George King, Jul 27, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
    Really great info for debugging... Depends of what BSOD... Building process was successfull, right?
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  7. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    #1427 jiafei2427, Jul 27, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
    SDI cannot automatically select the localized language.
    After entering the desktop, an error prompt window appears.It says there is no floppy disk.

    Maybe it has something to do with the drive?
    chronic disease

    Asus notebook K40AB
  8. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
    No my dear friend, it's during manufacturing, I see that he runs the 4
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  9. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    @Chibi ANUBIS Would be better if you can post everything you did with screenshots and logs. Otherwise I have no point to catch what you mean.
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  10. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    #1430 George King, Jul 27, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2022
    1) What XP ISO was used as input?
    2) I can't read that language.. Have you builded XP2ESD ISO on your own?
    3) IE8 is really old right? I expect non working sites

    I'm using this to detect system language and assign SDI translations
        REM Get default language for SDI
        if not exist "%WinDir%\servicing\Version\*" (
            REM Windows XP / Server 2003
            for /f "skip=4 tokens=1 delims=" %%i in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Language /v "InstallLanguage"') do (
                set "LPTMP=%%i"
                set "LPTMP=!LPTMP:InstallLanguage=!"
                set "LPTMP=!LPTMP:REG_SZ=!"
                set "LPTMP=!LPTMP: =!"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0401" set "SLLP=Arabic"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0404" set "SLLP=Chinese_tw"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0405" set "SLLP=Czech"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0406" set "SLLP=Danish"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0407" set "SLLP=German"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0408" set "SLLP=Greek"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0409" set "SLLP=English"
                REM Finnish set to English SDI doesn't have translation for it
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "040b" set "SLLP=English"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "040c" set "SLLP=French"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "040d" set "SLLP=Hebrew"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "040e" set "SLLP=Hungarian"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0410" set "SLLP=Italian"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0411" set "SLLP=Japanese"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0412" set "SLLP=Korean"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0413" set "SLLP=Dutch"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0414" set "SLLP=Norwegian"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0415" set "SLLP=Polish"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0416" set "SLLP=Brazilian"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0419" set "SLLP=Russian"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "041d" set "SLLP=Swedish"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "041f" set "SLLP=Turkish"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0804" set "SLLP=Chinese_zh"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0816" set "SLLP=Portuguese"
                if /i "!LPTMP!" == "0c0a" set "SLLP=Spanish"
        ) else (
            REM Windows Vista - 11
            if exist "%WinDir%\servicing\Version\6.0.*" (
                REM Windows Vista
                for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%i in ('reg query "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International" /v "LocaleName"') do set dflp=%%i
            ) else (
                REM Windows 7 and newer
                for /f "tokens=3 delims=: " %%i in ('dism.exe /online /get-intl /english ^| find /i "System locale :"') do set dflp=%%i
            if /i "!dflp!" == "en-US" set "SLLP=English"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "cs-CZ" set "SLLP=Czech"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ar-SA" set "SLLP=Arabic"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "hy-AM" set "SLLP=Armenian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "be-BY" set "SLLP=Belarusian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "pt-BR" set "SLLP=Brazilian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "bg-BG" set "SLLP=Bulgarian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ca-ES" set "SLLP=Catalan"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "hr-HR" set "SLLP=Croatian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "da-DK" set "SLLP=Danish"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "nl-NL" set "SLLP=Dutch"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "et-EE" set "SLLP=Estonian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "fr-FR" set "SLLP=French"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ka-GE" set "SLLP=Georgian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "de-DE" set "SLLP=German"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "el-GR" set "SLLP=Greek"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "he-IL" set "SLLP=Hebrew"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "hu-HU" set "SLLP=Hungarian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "zh-TW" set "SLLP=Chinese_tw"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "zh-CN" set "SLLP=Chinese_zh"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "id-ID" set "SLLP=Indonesian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "it-IT" set "SLLP=Italian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ja-JP" set "SLLP=Japanese"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ko-KR" set "SLLP=Korean"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "lv-LV" set "SLLP=Latvian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "lt-LT" set "SLLP=Lithuanian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "nb-NO" set "SLLP=Norwegian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "pl-PL" set "SLLP=Polish"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "pt-PT" set "SLLP=Portuguese"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ro-RO" set "SLLP=Romanian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "ru-RU" set "SLLP=Russian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "sk-SK" set "SLLP=Slovak"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "es-ES" set "SLLP=Spanish"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "sv-SE" set "SLLP=Swedish"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "th-TH" set "SLLP=Thai"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "tr-TR" set "SLLP=Turkish"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "uk-UA" set "SLLP=Ukrainian"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "vi-VN" set "SLLP=Vietnamese"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "az-Latn-AZ" set "SLLP=Azerbaijan"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "az-Cyrl-AZ" set "SLLP=Azerbaijan"
            if /i "!dflp!" == "fa-IR" set "SLLP=Farsi"
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  11. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    #1431 jiafei2427, Jul 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2022
    1)ISOs:Windows XP(zh-hans_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-74070.iso
    The latest version of Windows 10 Pro 21H2 x86
    2)I didn't create XP2ESD myself.Others followed the tutorial without making any changes.
    Don't worry, I'll install it again tomorrow.
    EDIT:In version 1.56, language.txt is used to realize the localized language.
  12. MilkChan

    MilkChan MDL Senior Member

    Mar 8, 2020
    Can you check in the Event Viewer?
  13. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    You reminded me.:)
  14. MateV

    MateV MDL Novice

    Sep 13, 2020
    My laptop (Lenovo V130-15IKB, Windows 7 x64) also used an I2C touchpad and it's device wasn't found until the I2C host controller driver was installed. I found this driver (Intel Serial IO) that installed it for me. It doesn't have yours device listed in the inf (DEV_9DE9), but maybe it would install if you add the device id manually. Also I remember installing KB2533623 while installing the drivers, so maybe you will need it as well. Let me know how it works for you.
  15. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
    I try with another computer and is OK ! Thank you ! :)

    I have only one index : Professional (Fr-fr) x86

    Don't forget to put Net Framework 3.5 is required
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  16. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    #1437 jiafei2427, Jul 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2022
  17. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    #1438 George King, Jul 28, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2022
    @jiafei2427 I found out SDI language problem. My code was created under 10, but on XP reg.exe have different output, so I have to adjust it and for upcoming v1.6.1 it should be fixed :)

    EDIT: You can now copy code from here to Launch.cmd in SDI directory to fix language detection problem
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  18. George King

    George King MDL Expert

    Aug 5, 2009
    I will also add MyPal to next release. Currently you can place into plugins\setup this repack
    For v1.6.1 there will be better repack, that will delete all unsuded transalations XPI according to system language + MyPal will be set as default browser :)
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  19. vintotal

    vintotal MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2022
    #1440 vintotal, Jul 29, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2022
    I tried many times to build the ISO file under a Windows 8.1 French host, either from a Windows 8.1 ISO or from a Windows 7 + Windows 8.1 ISO. The Windows XP image was SP2 x64 VL in English. XP2ESD was running from a NTFS partition (O) and my TEMP folder was on another NTFS partition (C). Here are the problems I encountered:

    - The inclusion of IE8 Addons (both 7z) leads to several errors during the NLite step.
    - The inclusion of the .NET Addon leads to an astronomical number of errors during the installation within the virtual machine.
    Both of these problems have been fixed by deleting the affected .7z files. The config.ini did not seem to take into account the "No" specified for .NET and IE8.

    - During the "integrating setup drivers" step in Windows 8.1, I got a huge number of write errors, which compromises the build: file not found (NTFS permission error?).
    I solved the problem by building the ISO from WINPE. In WINPE, there are also "File ownership cannot be applied on insecure file systems" errors (ramdisk on FAT32?), but the process completes correctly.

    dl.dropbox.com/ s/34gfm7tdpw8fxvc/erreur.jpg?dl=0

    I still haven't managed to run Windows XP x64 on my recent EFI machine (without legacy) outside a virtual machine; that's OK, your script is very impressive. Congratulations! If I may make a humble suggestion: as the size of XP2ESD has grown considerably since version 1.6, perhaps it would be a good idea to separate the file into two parts, one with the essential script, the other with the optional .7z files? :)

    Translated with DeepL (free version)