VMware Workstation/ESXi BIOS/EFI SLIC Mod

Discussion in 'Virtualization' started by pantagruel, Aug 26, 2015.

  1. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    VMware Workstation 16.2.3 Pro/Player | 10 MAR 2022 | Build 19376536

    The BIOS/EFIs are unchanged since 16.2.0:

    BIOS BUILD 497
    EFI ROM version: VMW71.00V.18452719.B64.2108091906 (64-bit RELEASE)
    EFI ROM version: VMW71.00V.18452719.B32.2108091906 (32-bit RELEASE)

    You can get the latest modded BIOS/EFIs on the first post.
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  2. w2k

    w2k MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
    Doesn't work for me. Neither for XP, nor for Win7. Using VMware Workstation 16.2.3 Build 19376536

    Followed the instructions in the PDF. Copied the Slip BIOS to the VM folder, changed the VMX file.
    For Win7, I installed the certificate and applied the key, both were shown as successful.

    But in both cases, Windows is still not activated.

    For WinXP, I used old Dell recovery image. For Win 7, this DVD:

    Both keys are from original Dell OEM stickers that I bought years ago. Any idea?
  3. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    You're probably using the wrong keys. You have to use an OEM:SLP key (not a COA sticker key).

    XP - Try these:

    Windows 7 - I downloaded the DVD you linked and installed it in VMware. I added the modded BIOS, edited the VMX, installed the cert and it activated straight off. It wasn't necessary to input the key (DELL Ultimate OEM:SLP Key is embedded), maybe you input an incorrect (COA) key.

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  4. w2k

    w2k MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
  5. CaptainKirk1966

    CaptainKirk1966 Former MDL Guru

    Oct 31, 2009
    Did you try running slic toolkit in the vmware session, in order to verify the slic table was properly loaded? If activation failed after installing both the slp certificate and key, then I'd wager if it was not.
  6. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    I set up the DVD that @w2k linked using the embedded key (Win 7 Ult OEM:SLP key), specified the modded BIOS, and installed the cert. Activated, everything looks OK. Ditto for XP (SLP 1.0). Maybe the modded BIOS isn't correctly configured in the VMX and the stock BIOS is being used? That would explain why both XP and Windows 7 were unable to be activated.

    SLIC ToolKit.PNG SLP 1.0-highlighted.PNG 7ULT VMX-highlighted.png
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  7. CaptainKirk1966

    CaptainKirk1966 Former MDL Guru

    Oct 31, 2009
    #308 CaptainKirk1966, May 19, 2022
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
    Yes, my guess would also be that @w2k does not have the bios configured correctly in the vmx file, or the modded bios file is in the wrong folder, or tried to edit the vmx file without fully closing vmware workstation, etc. It looks like he/she finally used a COA key, which doesn't depend on the slic modded bios.
  8. cardon

    cardon MDL Novice

    May 19, 2022
    tell me how to modify bios .rom? I'm editing Phoenix Bios Edit and the vm won't start, just a black screen. vmware 16
  9. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    It's pretty easy. For SLP 2.x you need:

    Latest PhoenixTool:

    OEM SLICS & Certs:

    OEM:SLP Key:
    for other OEM:SLP keys check appropriate MDL sub-forum or google it.

    To mod the BIOS with a SLIC:
    1. load BIOS.440.ROM into PhoenixTool
    2. select 'other' as Manufacturer
    3. load 'your' SLIC file (from OEMCERT_AND_SLICS_2021-09-12.7z)
    4. skip the RW file (not necessary for VMware BIOS - to skip create an empty PhoenixTool.ini in the PhoenixTool directory)
    5. optional - verify certificate
    6. Method - select SSV2
    7. press 'GO' - no need to use 'Advanced' options
    8. the modded BIOS will be named 'BIOS.440_SLIC.ROM'

    There's a how-to-use.pdf included in the bios mod download.
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  10. cardon

    cardon MDL Novice

    May 19, 2022
  11. cardon

    cardon MDL Novice

    May 19, 2022
    do I need to edit the bios file, replace the vmware inscription in the system name with what to edit it?
    Phoenix Bios Edit I edit, save and the system does not start, black screen.
    PhoenixTool can edit DMI strings?
  12. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    For VMware I recommend PhoenixTool. You can use PhoenixTool to add a SLP 2.x SLIC or/and add SLP 1.0 strings.

    Why not start by using PhoenixTool to add a SLIC to VMware BIOS.440.ROM. The SLIC will allow you to activate Vista, Windows 7 and Server 2008+ (SLP 2.x).

    BIOS.440.ROM is located here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\x64\

    Once you have the ROM follow the steps I gave you above to mod it. There's no need to edit DMI (SLP 1.0) strings etc. with a SLIC mod.
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  13. CaptainKirk1966

    CaptainKirk1966 Former MDL Guru

    Oct 31, 2009
    I was playing with PhoenixTool and BIOS.440.ROM, mostly just for fun. It does seem really easy to add a slic table, but the slp 1.0 function remains greyed out. Is something here not needed for XP activation, and is there an easy way to add it?

    I know I could just use the modded bios you provide in post #1 :)

  14. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    #315 pantagruel, May 20, 2022
    Last edited: May 21, 2022
    To be honest, I don't know how to use that function, so I set the SLP 1.0 OEM SystemStrings manually. You'll need a hex editor.

    Basic flow:
    1. set up PhoenixTool to do a SLIC mod
    2. select 'module' method
    3. press 'advanced' and tick 'allow user to modify other modules' (to enable advanced mode create a file called PhoenixTool.ini in the tool directory. It can be blank.)
    4. press 'Done'
    5. press 'Go' - PhoenixTool will now inform you that you can make alterations to any file in the 'DUMP' directory
    6. before pressing 'OK' add SLP 1.0 SystemStrings to 'BIOSCOD2.ROM' in the 'DUMP' directory (or overwrite with modded version)
    7. when completed press 'OK'
    8. you can ignore a warning about 'prepare' errors and safely continue
    9. the modded BIOS will be created

    Adding OEM SystemStrings:
    Check out this post. It references a pretty good (but dated) guide:


    Mainly interested in Chapter III - some updates needed:
    1. we no longer extract BIOS.440.ROM from vmware-vmx.exe
    2. I think the offset calculation for VMware 16 is 772D, for example, f000,e05e,0010,Dell System is E05E - 772D = 6931. Place 'Dell System' starting at 6931. By using SLIC ToolKit Memory Access @ FE05E you'll see 'Dell System' in the correct position, and that it is recognized as being valid in the SLP 1.0 tab. Be aware that SLIC TooKit is out-of-date and doesn't recognize more recent entries.
    3. you can add as many strings as you can fit.
    4. BIOS revisions may also alter BIOSCOD2.ROM in which case it will need to be redone, too.

    Again, you'll need a hex editor. If you have any questions lemme know :)

    Attached Files:

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  15. ZaForD

    ZaForD MDL Expert

    Jan 26, 2008
    Like @pantagruel I also tried @w2k's DVD.
    I used it in VMWare Workstation, Proxmox and Unraid.
    I left the DVD untouched and didn't add or install anything (No Certs or Keys) to the VM's.
    I just edited the VM config files to match the path of the SLIC/BIOS file.
    It installed and activated in all Hypervisors.

    So, I'd also say its a configuration issuse.
  16. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    Ah, you're right, it's an OEM disk, the cert is installed too! Good point, I could have saved myself a step, even easier! :)
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  17. user9345

    user9345 MDL Novice

    Jun 12, 2022

    warface received an update a few months ago about 40 mb and vmware no longer works with the game, when starting it stays open for a few seconds and says it lost connection to the server, is there any fix?
  18. user9345

    user9345 MDL Novice

    Jun 12, 2022
    Hello warface received an update a few months ago about 40 mb and vmware no longer works with the game, when starting it stays open for a few seconds and says it lost connection with the server, is there any fix? I use vmware with warface for years, and it always worked, I did everything right 6006 room, I messed with the IP connections and nothing solves it.
  19. pantagruel

    pantagruel MDL Addicted

    Aug 30, 2007
    VMware Workstation 16.2.4 Pro/Player | 21 JUL 2022 | Build 20089737

    The BIOS/EFIs are unchanged since 16.2.0:

    BIOS BUILD 497
    EFI ROM version: VMW71.00V.18452719.B64.2108091906 (64-bit RELEASE)
    EFI ROM version: VMW71.00V.18452719.B32.2108091906 (32-bit RELEASE)

    You can get the latest modded BIOS/EFIs on the first post..
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