Tesla Issues Software Update To Prevent Cars From Randomly Bursting Into Flames https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-16/tesla-issues-software-update-prevent-cars-randomly-bursting-flames Wonder if Microsoft will write the updates
We must get away from fossil fuels ASAP!!!! https://www.offgridenergyindependence.com/articles/17303/the-effects-of-air-pollution "The American College of Chest Physicians has published a new and comprehensive study of the effects of air pollution. The report summary declares that: Air pollution poses a great environmental risk to health. Outdoor fine particulate matter (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm) exposure is the fifth leading risk factor for death in the world, accounting for 4.2 million deaths and > 103 million disability-adjusted life years lost according to the Global Burden of Disease Report. The World Health Organization attributes 3.8 million additional deaths to indoor air pollution. Air pollution can harm acutely, usually manifested by respiratory or cardiac symptoms, as well as chronically, potentially affecting every organ in the body. It can cause, complicate, or exacerbate many adverse health conditions. Tissue damage may result directly from pollutant toxicity because fine and ultrafine particles can gain access to organs, or indirectly through systemic inflammatory processes. Susceptibility is partly under genetic and epigenetic regulation. Although air pollution affects people of all regions, ages, and social groups, it is likely to cause greater illness in those with heavy exposure and greater susceptibility. Persons are more vulnerable to air pollution if they have other illnesses or less social support. Harmful effects occur on a continuum of dosage and even at levels below air quality standards previously considered to be safe."
Maybe... https://www.greencarreports.com/news/1122335_seawater-could-bring-breakthrough-for-hydrogen-cars "The biggest problem for hydrogen fuel-cell cars has been where to get a plentiful, affordable supply of hydrogen that doesn't contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Now scientists may have come up with what some have called the holy grail of clean transportation: a way to create hydrogen affordably from seawater."
Trouble!!! https://www.greencarreports.com/new...-falters-as-carbon-dioxide-hits-record-levels "The past couple of weeks have seen the convergence of two troubling trends. Perhaps most troubling, the Scripps Institute of Oceanography released data last week from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that concentrations of carbon in the atmosphere have reached record levels unseen not just in human history, but in the scientific record of the world. At the same time, the International Energy Agency released a report on Monday showing that for the first time since 2001, the number of new renewable-energy installations in the world has plateaued."
https://www.electricvehiclesresearc...c-bus-system-transitions-to-electric-vehicles World's largest public bus system transitions to electric vehicles Public transit passengers in Indonesia's capital may soon notice a new green addition to their commute. In line with Governor Anies Baswedan's vision to make Jakarta one of the greenest cities in the world, the Transjakarta Bus Rapid Transit System is rolling out a trial programme of electric buses on certain routes in the city. Serving almost 200 million riders every year, Jakarta's bus rapid transit system is the largest in the world. And the ridership is growing, as the government adds new routes and more buses to unclog the notorious traffic jams that plague the capital. BTW: https://cleantechnica.com/2019/05/31/the-media-is-telling-one-story-about-tesla-facts-tell-another/
You don't get it do you? This whole idea if "clean earth & save the planet" is a big load of BS designed to rape you as soon as we can no longer get petrol fuel. They will claim "rare earth minerals" are running out and you (we) will have to pay an extreme price for transportation. This will come after all production of all i.c.e. engines has stopped....duh
You really make me laugh, you silly ol' sods... (Are you serious?!?) First, it was all weak and rubbish and it doesn't work and it looks bad and.... Then, it was too expensive, exclusive, not safe, blah-blah... When that didn't work either, it was too short a range, we're not gonna be able to have the strong enough batteries and so on... When that was proven wrong, with trucks and buses, even air-planes and ferries, then it was too long a time to recharge, not enough places to charge blah-blah... Now, when it looks like all of the above is A-OK already (or coming along nicely) and new tech is coming for a variety of types of batteries and so on there has to be something... ANYTHING, in your blessed conservative and/or Luddite bliss... OH, BUT IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!!!! YEAH, LIKE THE PETROL, GAS AND COAL LOBBY, SUBSIDISED TO THE TUNE OF BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF EACH YEAR, POLLUTING US TO CANCEROUS DEATHS AND HELPING GLOBAL WARMING!!!! Get a working brain!!! (If you're serious...)
1. It is still expensive compared to an auto running on petrol 2. It is still not as safe as a petrol engine 3. It is Still Short Range 4. Recharge time is still too long to be feasible Your entire post is full of B.S. Why don't you do the smart thing and find out what mega-corps are behind this push for ev cars and providing the financial support to scare the planet into something we really do not need?
All this I have already rebuffed with FACTS a number of times.... This, of course, means YOUR posts on the topic are an old load of horse manure with zero credibility!!!! Ergo, I would refer my either right dishonourable or rather forgetful - but either way extremely biased - interlocutor to the answers I gave a few posts back... P.S. Mega corps you are mentioning are fossil fuel ones, of course and we know which way they are pushing, so it would be good if you'd actually inform yourself at least minimally before royally screwing yourself up yer own rear end with your own head....
If you still have trouble understanding the moment: YOU AND YOUR ILK ARE INTELLECTUALLY DEFEATED COMPREHENSIVELY and in terms of full change towards non or less polluting renewables, things are also hotting up, for many a good reason... Sit back, watch and enjoy the show...
Back to FACTS: https://www.electricvehiclesresearc...ctric-vehicle-and-energy-storage-technologies https://www.offgridenergyindependen...r-costs-open-door-to-greater-climate-ambition Falling Renewable Power Costs Open Door to Greater Climate Ambition "Renewable power is the cheapest source of electricity in many parts of the world already today, the latest report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows. The report contributes to the international discussion on raising climate action worldwide, ahead of Abu Dhabi's global preparatory meeting for the United Nations Climate Action Summit in September. With prices set to fall, the cost advantage of renewables will extend further, Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2018 says. This will strengthen the business case and solidify the role of renewables as the engine of the global energy transformation. For more information see the IDTechEx report on Energy Harvesting Microwatt to Megawatt 2019-2029. "Renewable power is the backbone of any development that aims to be sustainable," said IRENA's Director-General Francesco La Camera. "We must do everything we can to accelerate renewables if we are to meet the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement. Today's report sends a clear signal to the international community: Renewable energy provides countries with a low-cost climate solution that allows for scaling up action. To fully harness the economic opportunity of renewables, IRENA will work closely with our members and partners to facilitate on-the-ground solutions and concerted action that will result in renewable energy projects." The costs for renewable energy technologies decreased to a record low last year. The global weighted-average cost of electricity from concentrating solar power (CSP) declined by 26%, bioenergy by 14%, solar photovoltaics (PV) and onshore wind by 13%, hydropower by 12% and geothermal and offshore wind by 1%, respectively. Cost reductions, particularly for solar and wind power technologies, are set to continue into the next decade, the new report finds. According to IRENA's global database, over three-quarters of the onshore wind and four-fifths of the solar PV capacity that is due to be commissioned next year will produce power at lower prices than the cheapest new coal, oil or natural gas options. Crucially, they are set to do so without financial assistance. Onshore wind and solar PV costs between three and four US cents per kilowatt hour are already possible in areas with good resources and enabling regulatory and institutional frameworks. For example, record-low auction prices for solar PV in Chile, Mexico, Peru, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have seen a levelised cost of electricity as low as three US cents per kilowatt hour (USD 0.03/kWh). Electrification on the basis of cost-competitive renewables is the backbone of the energy transformation and a key low-cost decarbonisation solution in support of the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement." https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/mini-cooper-se-ev-boeing-777-freighter-towing/#ftag=CAD0610abe0f Watch Mini's new EV tow a Boeing 777 freighter Don't try this at home, not that you have a 777 lying around. https://insideevs.com/news/352610/tesla-pickup-truck-price-musk/amp/ https://www.greencarreports.com/news/electric-cars https://diem25.org/climate-rebellion-now/ "...toxic energy systems owned by and run in the interests of the 1% have no place in democratic society and that all citizens perspectives must be heard and supported, especially those who stand to lose the most from climate change. We call on all politicians to stop maligning the XR movement and stand in solidarity by finding the political will to start making necessary changes to curb emissions as a matter of emergency."
I was referring to commercial air liner I think we are still far from that, but if it ever happens the air line industry would make a killing in profits no more fuel cost.
Here it is: one hybrid commercial liner coming as ordered, Sir... Ampaire announces first public electric flight Ampaire In announces the test flight of the Ampaire 337, the highest-capacity hybrid-electric aircraft ever flown.