I just did WU install update without the cleanup image. How do I cleanup image now that WU is updated? Or should I not worry about it at all? (running a fast PC)
The cleanup has no influence on the speed of the system, but you can run this in an elevated cmd: Code: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
Removed no longer working Office updates links, and replaced with windowsupdate.com cab links groove2010-kb2878231 cannot not be found, so i replaced with older update groove2010-kb2760601 office2010-kb2879953 not found either, but it has no replacement, so i kept it as-is for now
@abbodi1406 I'm downloading updates for Win7 and WHD is reporting several failed downloads from download.microsoft.com! MS is also removing Windows 7 files from Download Center?! PS: Thank you very much for your great work here, man!
I noticed when using WHDownloader today for Office 2010-x86 that 15 of the "General" files are .cab files vs .exe Is this an issue? The "Hotfix and Security" files are .exe
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/whdownloader-support-and-chat.44645/page-146#post-1610223 if you still have the exe files, then you can ignore the cab files at the end, both contain the same msp files
It seems odd that M$ moved those 15 .exe Updates from the General folder to the OLD folder and replaced them with the SAME .cab updates in the General folder… AFAIK, .msp conversion utilities are intended for .exe not .cab files and therefore IGNORE .cab files… Also, some OLDER .exe updates were moved to the OLD folder and not replaced with newer equivalents probably because of the SHA1 vs SHA2 decision… Should these OLDER updates be retained to be used or deleted?
@MMIKEE cab files are easier in this case, 7-zip, Winrar and even built-in ability in Windows Explorer can extract cab files which ones? i have updated Office2010 lists to re-include groove2010-kb2878231/office2010-kb2879953 redownload the lists
From the current Downloaded List... Images are not very clear, so: OLD folder Name KB Number Path +D:\WHDownloader\Updates\Office2010-x86 OLD\General\ 179,099.6 KB 0 accessolkaddin2010-kb2791057-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,345.5 KB 1 csi2010-kb3054886-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 6,204.3 KB 2 excelloc2010-kb2956084-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 71,108.7 KB 3 exppdf2010-kb3055047-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,372.6 KB 4 fm202010-kb3054873-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 2,442.8 KB 5 gfonts2010-kb2589386-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,644.8 KB 6 ipeditor2010-kb2817369-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 3,657.7 KB 7 mso2010-kb4484454-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 9,440.6 KB 8 msocf2010-kb2589375-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,332.2 KB 9 msores2010-kb2597087-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 11,704.2 KB 10 mstore2010-kb2553140-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 2,965.3 KB 11 ocfxca2010-kb2553347-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,486.6 KB 12 osc2010-kb2553308-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 2,358.6 KB 13 ospp2010-kb2883019-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,524.8 KB 14 pjloc2010-kb3054882-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 25,940.7 KB 15 riched202010-kb2589318-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 2,035.5 KB 16 targetdir2010-kb2825640-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,299.8 KB 17 wec2010-kb2553388-fullfile-x86-glb.exe 1,641.6 KB 19
@MMIKEE the new cab files are to replace those moved exe files (because Microsoft removed their download links) either keep the exe files and ignore (don't download) the cab files or switch to cab files or if you can upload those exe files, i can re-add them to list
Were you able to implement a workaround sir? Is integration of updates to a Windows 8 image possible now on a computer running Windows 7?