Why moving to Linux to avoid Microsoft spying is impossible for most people

Discussion in 'Linux' started by roga, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    #1261 smallhagrid, Aug 19, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
    YAY !!!
    Thank You Yen.

    Given that Roga (the OP) was last seen Oct 2, 2015 - this thread is really a hit&run type of thing that has ONLY brought negativity & harm in this section of our forum for ~4 years already.
    This 'fix' could only be a teensy bit better if this thread would have its title changed from 'most' to 'some';
    Failing that - to have it locked to stop the excessive negativity that it has already created from getting any worse.
  2. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    No, not only negativity - some of us (needless to say, you included) pointed to many positives re. Linux, in so many posts... :)

    Don't get your knickers in a twist over this, SH... :D
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  3. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Fond Greetings to You, Gorski !!

    Given that your reply is #1262 & over time I have actually read this whole, lengthy anti-Linux thread, I respond thusly:
    ~1200 of the replies here to Roga's misbegotten OP are actually very strongly anti-Linux right here within the Linux section.

    Not up in a twist - just making it as clear as possible that from the start where this was negatively titled by Roga (who has NOT been back here since 2015), it became a too-active cesspool for the Linux haters.

    Roga's only other contribution here back in 2015 is a thread entitled:
    "Reasons Why It's Hopeless to Try to Fix Windows 10"

    So, essentially he made clear that he hates Linux and M$ both, which tells me to be sad for him because any need for a PC and/or internet access will lead to the same sorts of privacy invasions that he clearly objects VERY strongly to.

    What began with a very misleading title has simply gone on for WAY too long and anything that is actually helpful is not likely to be seen anymore simply because the thread is already 64 pages long !!
  4. Kaldius

    Kaldius MDL Novice

    Jul 19, 2013
    omg no one is spying on you or cares about your personal stuff, its just mass gathering of generic information which you will never be personally identified in the sea of a trillion computers... stop being so paranoid people.
  5. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    Insulting other folks & telling them how to manage their lives & preferences is a grand way to alienate them - especially on a forum like this one.

    The 'generic information' you refer to from a 'trillion computers' is mostly used for commercial purposes and not everyone wishes to be getting selling messages endlessly, and finally:

    Some folks value their privacy very much - and if they do - it is nobody else's place to tell them what to do or not to do or to criticize them for it.

    Lastly - after being here since 2013 & with a total of 7 posts - perhaps you might wish to do other than alienate folks here ??
  6. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    well said. not everyone wants to stick his head into the sand,
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  7. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    I want add my "five cents" to this discussion.
    It could seem a non related argument because it's my opinion about M$ and their never finished Windows 10, but I hope it can be useful to who wants migrate to Linux. M$ forces all of us to use their beautiful Windows 10 (included DirectX 12). Intel, AMD & nVidia are not upgrading drivers for old OSes, strange...

    So, if I spend my money to buy new computer components, a new complete desktop computer or a new laptop, I'm obligated to install Windows 10, "the best OS of the globe". With Windows 10 I can't change the look of the user interface, instead, I can do it on the old versions of Windows (XP/Vista/7).
    Moreover, the OS obligates me to not use old versions of programs, for example of CCleaner, because it's "dangerous"!? Why I must upgrade the OS 2 times per year? Why updates/upgrades can be "delayed" only? I don't want be prisoner of my OS!!!

    I must pay attention to "bad patches", because they can break my OS, and in the worst case I must execute a fresh install. M$ employees should reach the customers, with a bag of food and a big thermos of coffee, and solve for free the problems they have generated. After, M$ surely will reduce the problems. ;)
    I want be free to decide if and when execute updating and/or upgrading the OS and the programs, corporations can't force me to use this kind of OS, particularly if I must pay to use it. So, we can finally talk about GNU/Linux. :)
    I don't care if M$ tries to spy, I use Windows 10 only on the VM, to test if my programs work on all OSes. When I use a real OS, I work offline.

    I begged M$ to let me download more than 100MB using a cellular connection, same as millions of other users on Windows 10 Mobile (we started with WM8, then WM8.1). And what they did? they closed the "project". Now we have a nice and expensive "paperweight", with Nokia logo (M$ Nokia 1520 in my case).

    How can I hope M$ will create "something fabulous" starting from current state of Windows 10?

    M$ frequently changes something, from A to B and after from Z to A. I would like asking to M$ how the old persons can remember the changes. They don't correctly remember basic things, they need annotate everything. They learn once, and they copy the learned operations every day.

    That's my opinion: Linux's time will come faster than they can imagine... If they don't change the current way of development.

    TL;DR ;)
    Some persons say that the OS upgrades are needed and the users that haven't updated/upgraded the OS for years, they are in danger.

    Maybe they are right, but old computers with P4/Athlon64 processors, SDR/DDR1 RAM and the immortal Windows XP, they work. Some persons can't buy new hardware, for different reasons. They are obligated to use old solutions, why cut them out of the game?

    P.S. I'm aware that each of my arguments may have a counterargument. I want to know other arguments.
  8. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
  9. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
  10. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    #1270 nodnar, Nov 13, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
    yes, i detest w 10 too, and m$ with it, you hardly even mention the spying they try to do. it never fails to baffle me how umpteen members follow good old enthousiasts`threads about the umpteenth failed ùpgrade`like lemmings down a cliff.and if i ever have to change my os [7 now]. then mint is the most serious candidate.
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  11. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    #1271 wilenty, Nov 13, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
    You know, the "funny" part is that they "closed the WM10 project", and after then they release new Surface. It's based on this same Windows 10 Mobile, ARM version. And now old CEO and the creator of this company says, that in the old days the government blocked a large contract with another company - which ruined the Windows Mobile project.
    The cellphone still work, but I can't make any payments transfer, due to "not supported device". Most apps there is also "not supported".
    If normal company "close the project" then they allow for the users install other OS, or they share the source code (the community can continue the work).

    After some time M$ may "forgot" the given word about Windows 10 in this same way as they did with WM10 (they can do what they want) and the users must buy new better Windows 11, 12, etc...

    Windows is not perfect, Linux is not perfect also. But as I wrote in my post above, Linux don't force me to update/upgrade if I don't want. I can use any old Linux if I want, the hardware may be not supported, but I have a choice. Also I don't need the AntiVirus Defender, which I can't disable in normal way, and .NET framework in Linux, which is need form 1GB to 2GB size on hard disk to run an app in a few KB's.

    Windows 10 increasingly limits my "field of activity" and "thinks for me". The OS can't "thinks for me", it's only a tool which help me with the work on the computer. I want to decide what I want to do and when I want to, even if I want to collect all old software with viruses included - the OS must accept my decisions.
  12. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    yep, just a tool to run software on.and it had better leave the thinking to their customers. we have the tools right there to do it. i sometimes wonder why we bother, even.
    all about freedom of choice. m$ took a wrong corner when they tried to force [paying] customers to ùpgrade`from 7 or 8 to 10. it has gone from bad to worse, since then.
    and i must confess that i am not entirely unprejudiced ever since. and i will remain so happily ever after. they even managed to turn back on my 7 updates surreptuously.
    even though it has been turned off [ with no problems; i have my doubts about m$ yelping about EOL of 7 because of that, ] since ~2015..result; a lot of time lost
    checking for telemetry issues.
    they behave like a virus, imho.
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  13. Xolvix1

    Xolvix1 MDL Novice

    Oct 26, 2015
    The reason privacy/telemetry issues with Windows 10 have never really bothered me is because we've already lost the piracy war, and to get angry about Win 10 would be hypocrisy unless one was willing to disengage for essentially ALL modern tech and future tech.

    The only way to be truly private in this day and age is to live in a shack away from the Internet and everyone else. Everything you do leaves some sort of trace that can be used to build a profile of yourself, and even with things such as VPNs, Tor and the like, you're going to eventually slip up and reveal enough of yourself in other ways you weren't even thinking of (e.g. family and friends posting things tagged with yourself on Facebook). There's just too many vectors to obtain info about you nowadays, there's experts out there who's job it is to find ways to build a profile on you - it'd be hubris to think you're smarter than people who do this day in day out. It's not sensible for me to get annoyed with Windows while at the same time still being a part of our technological society, a society I'm not prepared to leave - there's no way I'm giving up my smartphone for example, it's just too damn useful and provides so much utility.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that unless there's a tangible source of danger one can point to with Windows 10 as opposed to hypotheticals and "what-if" statements, it's not really worth getting emotional over. If I'm truly concerned about privacy, I'd have to essentially restart my whole life as a hermit. To do otherwise would make criticism of Win 10 hypocritical. It's just the unfortunate reality of the situation, and I'm not happy about it at all, but this is the way the world works folks.
  14. smallhagrid

    smallhagrid MDL Addicted

    Sep 14, 2013
    No concept of true ownership...OK.
    Glad to hear that you're happy as you are.

    Many of us came up in a world & time with cars minus black boxes - some of us have actually managed to keep our land from 'the commonwealth' and/or 'emminent domain'.

    Anyone who is happy & content living in police world needn't even say a word, because they are so content & safe with full body searches (cavities included of course...), expiration dates on bags of garden stone, and having chips implanted in their bodies.

    It is all the same sort of stuff - and no - this isn't an 'emotional' reply - but instead merely a position statement.

    If you are so happy with your non-ownership of everything up to & including your home, PC, phone, s/w and yes - even the body that you inhabit, then great - I very sincerely congratulate you !!

    Us old folks prefer the old fashioned world along with its old fashioned responsibilities - it is as simple as that.
  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    Yup. That's what the 'NIX people are trying to do. Minimize intrusion by having and understanding the source code of the OS and kernel.
    Not entirely true. Even with Windows 10, you can lock it down pretty good and minimize inbound / outbound traffic.

    True, but you can be diligent and protect yourself from the amateurs. A pro will get in if they want to. If they want you bad enough, they'll send Law Enforcement to collect you.

    I agree. But know the animal that you're trying to tame. That includes your smartphone.

    The real problem is when large corporate entities "drop the ball" on data security, and your personal info gets leaked. And it's getting worse, especially with Google saving your medical data.
    Data that was once only allowed by HIPAA authorization (In the USA). (See: Googles' Project Nightingale)

    Granted, this goes beyond the scope of the OS, but it's there, and it's the latest "elephant in the room".
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  16. wilenty

    wilenty MDL Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2014
    I intentionally left out the topic of the spying, because this is neither confirmed nor excluded. But, when you install Windows 10, then you will see one page with question "how many data yours computer can send to the mother", and the possible answers is only two: "full" and "basic". So, basically you can't disable it permanently, that is the "problem", they decide what you can do and/or you can't do on your computer. If you agree to this approach - my congratulations!

    I have a question, will you be happy when the flight from point A to point B and the distance of about 1000KM suddenly extends by another 1000KM, because the pilots states that they wants to visit this point that is not in the timetable?
    Or, you have semi-automatic steering in your car with the help of AI. You know that the way to work/shop/wherever leads through the route you know. So you drive calmly, you want to turn left, but AI says that it will be better to the right and will not let you turn left, after which you are standing into a traffic jam for hours. Who is guilty, you or AI?
    I think you would turn off your AI in the car during the first trip, and if it didn't work, you would go to a mechanic and just cut the AI cables.

    For second. In my opinion M$ should buy "cheapest as possible" computers/laptops in the market for the testers. Then the OS optimization will be a lot more better. :)
  17. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    well at least here I was forced from the Windows 8 and expand my ability to "tame" which do not agree within the operating system which is not an easy task so how live alone I have time to do my self-criticism and realized I'm getting really paranoid; I'm glad you can use their own tools like Dism and Powershell to disable / delete etc which I think necessary ...;)
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  18. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    #1279 nodnar, Nov 14, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2019
    @Xolvix1, old story. you know that corporation can read the loveletters that you write to your secretary.without your permission. Like a dirty old man.
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    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008