Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX KiT (v5.1f Released!!!)

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by Enthousiast, Jun 28, 2021.

  1. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    I guess I did not make my point clear. Old and I mean Old upgrades from 10 to 11 did not need more than 100. They (MS) Have changed something and there are no languages extra on this drive.
    "This is all specifically new Windows 10 to 11 updates requiring more than 100MB EFI partitions. Even the 3rd party Partition tools could not shuffle around all of the partitions to allow us to grow them." this is not my quote, it was taken from Reddit on the subject, correct or incorrect, I do not know for sure whether it is just the system EFI or all the efi partitions created during a clean, but more than one person has run into the same problem, other than the one I quoted here, and above. I made this problem drive's system EFI grow to 610 MB and it still boots W10 but, it just will not upgrade to 11 22H2 current, period.
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Still nothing related to the subject of this thread.
  3. TS2008

    TS2008 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2015
    #1143 TS2008, Jul 11, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023
    As I said, no Problem at all here. Windows 10 to Windows 11 Upgrade with 100MB ESP works fine, even with Microsoft ISOs. If I now start an update from Windows 10 22H2 (installed in August 2022) to Windows11 22H2, the 100MB are completely sufficient.

    CFreeSystemPartitionDiskSpaceChecker invoked.
    CSystemAbstraction::GetDiskFreeSpaceW: Detected 69 MB free (out of 96 MB total)
    CFreeSystemPartitionDiskSpaceChecker: checked InsufficientDiskSpace, found NoIssue.
    The 100 MB partition with only 69 MB free space is perfectly sufficient for an upgrade from 10 to 11.

    The old ~600MB partition is a relic from the days when the system partition and recovery partition were combined. Microsoft changed that a long time ago and reduced the size of the ESP to 100MB.

    Oh, you're right. I wasn't paying attention. Sorry. No more from me to this ESP upgrade topic.
  4. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    It is. Don't waste time with this tool:
    (Win 11 Boot And Upgrade FiX Kit)
    with MBR-converted drives. Anything else, you are good to go.
  5. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    Except you're saying that as if everyone operates the same way you do and has the same needs as you, which we most definitely do not. I've put this tool to so much good use that I can safely say "Don't waste your time with comments, heavily limited to one specific rare scenario.".
  6. Tazgrump2

    Tazgrump2 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    You misquoted. I did not say "Do not use tool." I have had a 95% success rate with the tool. I love the tool. But, page 1 of the thread should have scenarios where the tool will just not work. Without that, we end up asking questions not related to the tool's capabilities. The only way you learn is when you f up. But I am really surprised, with all this expertise on this site, that no one could answer why the upgrade fails. It is not a lack of space issue. I do not, now, think it's a missing partition issue, as the Recovery partition is essentially unnecessary. I will just do the clean install and be done with it. Even the setup log file does not show the reason for the installer termination. End of my rant. You start out clean, you do not transfer over the clap. This includes using images.
  7. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    I'll re-iterate something.
    Your problem is not caused by the tool, nor is the tool advertised as a solution to said problem. There is no connection. That was the entire point. Even saying "the tool doesn't work in a certain scenario", it's false information because the source of the issue is something completely unrelated to what the tool does and how it does it(the various methods provided).

    I'd say it would be better if you opened a separate thread about the problem.
  8. jineso

    jineso MDL Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2021
    Please @Enthousiast , I am confused about something.
    1. Download the latest .esd for desired windows 11.
    2. Convert the .esd to .iso using this tool (esd-decrypter-wimlib).
    3. Put the .iso file from step #2, into this tool (\Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.0\Source_ISO\W11).
    4. Run the tool (Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.0) as admin, and choose #2.
    5. Copy the new (_FIXED_date.ISO) to the USB.
    • I am wondering if there is any wrong step I am doing.
    • May I put the .esd file downloaded from step #1 directly into the tool in step #3 (\Win_11_Boot_And_Upgrade_FiX_KiT_v2.0\Source_ISO\W11)?
    • I mean to not do the convert step #2.
    Thanks :)
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  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    v4 is the current version.

    The ESD file needs to be converted to ISO first, or just download the ISO directly.
  10. jineso

    jineso MDL Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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  11. jineso

    jineso MDL Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    My SVFSFX patches don't need a tool. download source ISO and desired SVFSFX patch to the same folder and run the patch, sit back and wait till the ISO is created.

    Here is a dedicated thread filled with all kinds of tools, tutorials and scripts on how to use SVF patches:
  13. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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  14. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    Yep, i mean for future builds he can get an .iso file direct from uupdump without need to convert anything :)
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  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    UUP files need to be converted into an ISO, will take much more skills and time to do.
  16. jineso

    jineso MDL Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2021
    This forum and its invaluable members are a lifesaver indeed.
    Thank you all.
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  17. uffbros

    uffbros MDL Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2010
    I used this program for the first time tonight to do a clean install of Windows 11 22H2 2134(Latest) on my kid's Intel I7-7700 processor computer. When I booted up with my USB drive it didn'd give me the 4 partitions to delete..It only let me delete 2 of the 4 and given the option to format any of them. So I went to next and it installed but it gave me a windows.old like an upgrade. I selected the custom option from the very first menu also. I've done hundreds of installs so I know how to do this in my sleep. Also when I brought the computer up the first time it had a D partition with all the install files??? Why did it do that? It only went away after the 3rd or 4th reboot. I never had a clean install do that. So even thou all seems well I don't think I got a real clean install but why did it do these 2 things??
  18. W_fantasma

    W_fantasma MDL Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    Use diskpart to clean the whole disk instead of format some partitions
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