Win 8.x • Win 7 • Vista - 'Multi-OEM' ISO Project

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by searchengine, Jan 30, 2010.

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  1. skolar

    skolar MDL Novice

    May 5, 2014
  2. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2222 The_Guardian, Oct 19, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
    Script and oem-sync works as it should...why all the questions? I am sure since nothing else is in the scripts folder with only a blank oobe file he put in place a method if something didn't exist do something which is probably why you are seeing the other cmd file...this is a guess though because the theme is transferred in the original oobe.cmd file so that is redundant. He was and is a smart scripter and is highly missed. There is no use in asking anymore questions regarding the oem-sync for he is the creator of that exe and only he can answer your questions. Script works and that is what counts. :) I will not reply to these questions anymore for I cant answer them, nor can anyone else here. The source was never released before his leaving.
  3. skolar

    skolar MDL Novice

    May 5, 2014
    Sorry, wasn't trying to ask any questions, was trying to point out that OEM-Sync.exe performs some runonce instructions for various OS's with some self deleting batch files, that return some file names back to normal [previously altered by OOBE.cmd to apply themes], and that Win10 would have no such instructions built-in to OEM-Sync.exe.
  4. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2224 The_Guardian, Oct 19, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
    Depends on how he wrote it. Technical Preview isn't in the list I know for a fact, nor in the oobe.cmd so if it didn't work (regarding themes which is the main point of your questions, I am more concerned with activation method personally, I can make the script transfer themes but activation is another story) I would have had normal windows theme applied. See either way it works but I am more concerned about the oem activations....images we can figure out easy, IF there ever is a true issue with it. ;)

    You are only seeing some of the files used for the oem-sync for it is a compiled project into one exe....who knows maybe autoit....the main point is there are more instructions then what you are catching. I will leave it at that and say good night.
  5. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2225 The_Guardian, Oct 19, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
    I have decided to get rid of the oem-sync for two reasons..obviously no source code was shared but more importantly, oem-sync showed as virus on some AV's (this is a false positive of course but noobs still freak out, lol). I have decided to go with getwin8key.exe and dll or just Rw.exe instead which are both clean on virus total results. Then it will apply key if needed. Everything will be open source so if I decide to drop this project someone else can pick it up. Its all about sharing info. :) I will be re-creating the tool also just to let everyone know (open source as well). Nothing will be hidden thus why I call it open source.

    Special thanks goes out to xinso for all his help. Two brains are better then one. ;)

    If anyone has any new oem images that they would like to share for this project now is the time to share them before I compile the new oem project (I will be posting in the next few weeks).
  6. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2226 The_Guardian, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
    I am having one issue that I cant figure do I output max screen resolution to a txt file? I cant use wmic for it is disabled. I need another method...

    I remember searchengine saying he had issues of the same a while back and he found a solution but did not share it...I think he used autoit to resolve it but I don't want to use that or else the exe will show as virus on some AV's. That's the reason I am looking for a alt. method.

    Update: Ok, I finally got a vbs file to work that checks for max screen resolution and outputs to a text file so it can be used in script to apply correct size images. :) I know searchengine used rweverything but why did he dump a slic for win 8.x machines? There is no slic for win 8.x, key is in msdm dump....hummmmm. I really do believe the oem-sync was used for something else as well. I just noticed the same with the shouldn't dump the slic for no table exist. Anyways, this is old news but caught my eye.
    Its all coming together now. ;)
  7. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2227 The_Guardian, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
    Alright, who said that wmic doesn't work in oobe mode? Its working in my test oem project now (keyword: now). ;) No more need for external sources to run wmic commands. I am so relieved, this makes scripting so much better. The oem project is coming right along. :) Time for some much needed sleep.
  8. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2228 The_Guardian, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
    Update on progress:
    -Updated oobe to enable wmic
    -Checks activation status if using audit mode and if activated in audit mode the oobe.cmd script skips activation for it is already activated.
    -Script now checks for right size background and renames and removes old backgrounds (not in oem-sync anymore but oobe.cmd instead).
    -Changed cleanup command to run final cleanup during first run (reason being in old oobe.cmd file the cleanup tried (failed) to remove scripts folder because oobe.cmd is still being ran from that folder).
    -Changed exit command to more compatible (for win 8.x mostly) version of self deletion.

    Things to still do:
    -Still need to update keys for win vista and win 7.
    -Need to update the xml files to include key that ppl like to post about having. ;)
    -Last thing I will work on is the oem-query tool but will be easier once I get everything else done.

    Note: oem-sync (oem-activation.exe) now only dumps oem-dm key then applies does nothing else. oobe.cmd controls most all functions now. This will now work if you add ei.cfg (which breaks windows install from activating key auto.). Applying key from oem-sync avoids that issue. ;) New oem-sync (oem-activation.exe) scored a 3/54 on virus total and that is because of the rar sfx file only...the contents are completely clean according to virus total results.

    Keep in mind there is no way to test win 10 activation for that will not be implemented until rtm at least.
  9. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Are you in charge of the OEM Project now? :p
  10. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2230 The_Guardian, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    I would not say I am in charge but since no one else wanted to pick this up and since searchengine is gone now, I decided I would update it and in so doing had to re-write some things because we don't have the source code for it. I am bored and decided to do it since no one objected. It will not be using the oem-sync nor the oem-query tool for I cant update those without source code. I used other methods for key extraction for win 8.x which xinso helped with.

  11. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    On the contrary, I am grateful, a lot, you did pick this project up...:worthy:
  12. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2232 The_Guardian, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    oem-sync (oem-activation.exe) is not going to be used anymore period....the oobe.cmd file handles everything now so no false AV reports on anything. Plus less to include in the project thus making it smaller. All I have to work on now as far as scripting is the rest of the background images. I already got the script to find screen resolution but need to do the name changing so correct size image for background is applied. Then the oobe will be done. I will then work on updating the tool. Good night everyone.
  13. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Can't wait to test it cerberus, thanks a lot!!! :D:worthy:
  14. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    That tool was for win8.x to search the bios key and apply it to the operating system.
    I'd imagine you could so something the same with a powershell command.
    I seem to remember FaiKee mentioning one... I could be mistaken.
  15. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2235 The_Guardian, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    The key to making everything work in the oobe.cmd file was to get WMIC enabled for it is disabled by default during setup via a reg entry...if the reg key is there it tells the setup to disable WMI. Having it enabled now I can check activation status if kms is used in audit mode for example, the script would then of course skip activation for it would already be activated. I use audit mode a lot for installs on my machines then I capture the image and my office 2013 is already activated even after a recovery. Makes thing faster to be back online. :)

    Note: oobe.cmd is done now. I have to test everything since I put it all together in modules so to speak. Mr. X get ready to get a pm for beta testing soon. ;) I will be adding more resolution sizes to images tomorrow. Good nite.
  16. Chibi ANUBIS

    Chibi ANUBIS MDL Chibi Developer

    Apr 28, 2014
    I love it ! :wub:
    If xinso gets to update his project, the merger of the two will be perfect.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Would be wonderful. Just remember to add functionality for multi-editions aios for oem and generic machines.
  18. tcntad

    tcntad MDL Guru

    Oct 26, 2009
    Like Mr.X Im also very grateful that you picked it up. Its also very unfortunate that searchengine is no longer here, he did a fine job with this project!
  19. The_Guardian

    The_Guardian Contributor

    May 7, 2012
    #2239 The_Guardian, Oct 21, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2014
    Preliminary testing in VMware worked perfect but I need to test on my real lappy which is oem win 8.1 and check activation which I will do in the next few days. Adding more resolutions to images now.

    @ tcntad...Agreed, Searchengine will be missed and he did a great job on this project.
  20. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    cerberus, unfortunately I own only two generic systems (no oem) so that oem-dm thingy I cannot test it. But anything you need in a generic system don't hesitate to reach me...