As in topic, will that build work with said components? MOBO will be Z390 Extreme4 from ASROCK Thanks!
@Yen Do I have to use 1809 to enable Raytracing in games in general? Or DXR is for something special?
Battlefield V is the first game that uses the new API. I suppose DXR will play a role at new upcoming games. To use DXR then for those 1809 is precondition, generally.
Pc desktop goes under cos the smartphone So what ms left with is dirty marketing tricks Hopfully we will find same exit
It's not the first time where a small DirectX upgrade forced the windows user to upgrade the entire OS. 10.00.15063.0000 to 10.00.17763.0001 requires the October 2018 upgrade. The version number of DirectX12 has not changed, though. And it's not the first time where M$ tries to keep their DirectX alive promising new cool features and improvements by cooperation with Nvidia (only).... It would be cool to have an open GPU standard supported (Vulkan API for instance) and no proprietary.... Well let's see how DXR will develop and if it wins through...
no idea if you can remove it completely on 1809 from the install medium before installing it and so on, but you can for sure disable the defender and security center services just fine afer installing it
MS started to merge packages on 1809 so stuff people like to remove will probably be merged with other stuff so you cant remove them, disabling is just as effective as removal.