Yes the above has done the job over the weeks on physical machine as well just by insertions in the final AIO ISO media created from ESDes Thanks to Abbodi1406's ESDes and Decrypter
Hi All Firstly thank you all for replying to me in this thread. All of the above ei.cfg works but the problem occurs when you create a multiboot usb (eg easy2boot), windows cannot find the licensing term in Enterprise (all the other os works) Following on from Murphy78 advise, this is the procedure I used to make all my OS's work (note that i have already imported all my Wims in to one Wim): Note: This guide assumes that you have a little knowledge of DISM commands (I don't think this guide is too noob friendly) If I get more time, I'll try to write up a more comprehensive guide using screenshots. I recommend that everyone reads murphy78 guide (at the bottom of his signature, for more understanding) **Create Structures of License Folder (c:\winall\Licenses) _Default *Add all OS\license.rtf (eg \Core\license.rtf, Professional\license.rtf) In my folder, i had: Core, Professional, Enterprise etc... OEM *Add all OS\license.rtf (eg \Core\license.rtf, Professional\license.rtf) In my folder, i had: Core, Professional, Enterprise etc... Volume *Add all OS\license.rtf (eg \Core\license.rtf, Professional\license.rtf) In my folder, i had: Core, Professional, Enterprise etc... **Mount Image Code: Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:c:\msxx\sources\install.wim /index:2 /MountDir:c:\test\mount **Use explorer to view image (c:\test\mount) Path of License files: \Windows\system32\en-US\Licenses\_Default NOT \Windows\system32\Licenses (though this folder is good to use as a reference for the named used for OS license folder)!!! **Now you will need to change permission of folder before you are able to amend any changes: Code: takeown /f c:\test\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /r /d y & icacls c:\test\mount\windows\system32\en-US\Licenses /grant Administrators:F /t xcopy /cey c:\winall\Licenses\* c:\test\mount\windows\system32\Licenses Note 1: You make get error or an access denied message. You need to run the 2 commands above a few times and the system will be able to write the files (make sure all files have written to disk!!). Note 2: I had mounted each of my index (1 through to 7) and completed the above procedure to make sure that I wouldn't run into problems in future (you may only want to do this for the 'Enterprise' index in your WIM). **Unmount Image (No change) Code: Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:c:\test\mount /discard **Unmount Image (With change) Code: Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:c:\test\mount /commit *Commit change to image (without mounting) Code: Dism /Commit-Image /MountDir:c:\test\mount Using Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:c:\test\mount /commit is suffice for most people but i have included the extra commands for future reference. remember to close the mount folder before unmounting image or you will get an error message!!!!! *use oscsimg to compile the files back into an iso This worked on my 32-bit and 64-bit iso. After completing the above procedure, all I can say is I have a more deeper respect for people like Murphy78 for sharing his knowledge and even sharing his work as well Thank You Murphy78 and everyone who have helped, I hope some people find this guide useful
What distribution channel belongs Windows 10 v1511 Education MSDN? If I wanted to create an AIO with all editions of Windows 10 with their product codes (belonged to the Retail, OEM and Volume channels) inserted in their respective volume images, what should I include in ei.cfg files for not having licenses problems? Thanks Bye
Have you tried to install a clean MSDN Multiple Editions on a vm or pc/lap without a 8.x/10 home embedded key? ps, it does it all by itself, just hit: "I don't have a key" at initial setup
So if I insert the related product codes in their respective volume images of Windows 10.x, when I create the AIO containing more editions of this OS, the window, which lists these editions during the first installation phase, is automatically displayed even without inserting the ei.cfg file in media. Right? Thanks Bye
You could just try it yourself, i never use VL editions because my aio's should be usable by all users, who have official keys or HIWD's. And the ei.cfg with CHANNEL _DEFAULT should be usable for all editions.
If I were to write in ei.cfg file Code: [EditionID] [Channel] CHANNEL_DEFAULT [VL] the window, which lists the various editions, will always be displayed. Right? Thanks Bye
Why would someone use a pid.txt on an ALL IN ONE iso Only to enforce a pro install w. HWID on a system with an embedded oemm 8.x/10 Core/Home key, a pid.txt or ei.cfg is needed.
Hy guys...I created win 7aio.After I created a version of win 10 aio, I export with GImagex the version of win 10 in the install.wim of win7... finally with virtualbox, when I want to install win 10 education, i have this error: Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms. Make sure the installation sources are valid and restart the installation what's the problem? I tried to create the file but I have not managed to solve...
Why do you export a windows 10 version into a windows 7 install.wim, better to do it the other way around and use the windows 10 iso. What ei.cfg did you use?
I tried to export win 7 to the windows install.wim 10 but I have the same problem... the problem is only with the win 10 education and win 10 pro educatiion versions I tried them all...I used these ei.cfg [EditionID] [Channel] Retail [VL] 0 [EditionID] [Channel] CHANNEL_DEFAULT [VL] [EditionID] [Channel] Volume [VL] 1 [EditionID] [Channel] OEM [VL] 0
Try this ei.cfg when the 7 indices are exported to the 10 install.wim and the 10 iso is used: Code: [Channel] _Default [VL] 0