esd-decrypter-wimlib v37 Improvements for Multi-Architecture ISO process (details in ReadMe.txt) - Removed shared install.wim option (not very practical), and replaced it with a new option: Custom AIO - Added multi_arch_iso.cmd to create Multi-Architecture ISO (whether from two ISO files or two ISO distribution folders) Spoiler Multi-Architecture ISO feature in decrypt.cmd will include all editions in the 2 ESD files however, you can use decrypt.cmd to create two separate ISOs with install.wim, choosing the editions you want to include then use with multi_arch_iso.cmd to combine ISOs in Multi-Architecture ISO thanks to cdob @ for method to create aio efisys.bin thanks to erwan.l @ for offlinereg.exe (quicker than loading/unloading ESD registry hive)
Ok, I'm totally lost On the GitHub page there was no "file" to dl, only the text script - so I copied that to a new text file as UUPDL.CMD - this would not execute.
In the line that shows the gitlab adress there is a button that shows 'Download' when you hover the mouse over, use the 'Download ZIP' option to get the whole package.
Actually, with January refresh, the Volume ESDs are also available in MCT i didn't test the upgrade, but i think it detect edition automatically for creating iso/usb, /Retail parameter is required (see the irony? ) then it will also prompt you for a product key, GVLK works (see the irony again? ) however it doesn't show the options window, so the created media will match current OS lang/architecture other switches are needed to customize: Code: MediaCreationTool /Eula Accept /Retail /MediaLangCode fr-fr /MediaArch x86 /MediaEdition Enterprise i could not find a proper option to create multi-arch media
Hi, i have downloaded the above .esd, convert into .iso and booted and installed. However, it seemd windows 10S was installed which disallows external apps . How do i choose the version of windows during installstion? any specific product key i need to key?
Older ESD>ISO converters won't convert the latest ESD's ( correctly. Always use the most current ESD>ISO converter:
ESD Release Index list:
Thank you both, I have to borrow my friend's computer to redo it but all is working now. Appreciate the prompt advice and will bookmark this page for future reference.
@abbodi1406 May you please add an option for applying the image directly to the desired drive to your UUP converter? As you already know, it can be done by using apply switch instead of export.
Any idea what this error is and how to get around it? Using uup-converter-wimlib-14 with Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 (16299.248). I end up with a bootable ISO that is 16299.15 instead.
Is there a different tool you can recommend? Trying to create an AIO Win10 with Home and Pro that already has the latest build slipstreamed if possible. UUP Dump miniserver gets me the files easily.