Windows 10 Imaging, Customization and Deployment

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by arseny92, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Atari800XL

    Atari800XL MDL Expert

    Apr 3, 2011
    #1201 Atari800XL, Jun 24, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022
    Well, I has been a whilte since we had a really new ADK, I almost forgot how to get the boot.wim from the PE addons iso (without installing the ADK). Nothing much seems to have changed: Open the Addons iso, get the 3rd largest .cab file from the \Installers folder, open with 7zip and extract, rename the larger of the two files to boot.wim.
    I also did a quick "custom PE" test on it, all my PE tools seem to work correctly (Disk imagers, Apply, etc. etc.)

    Thanks to @abbodi1406 for the links.
  2. Carlos Detweiller

    Carlos Detweiller Emperor of Ice-Cream
    Staff Member

    Dec 21, 2012
    Does it have the IP build restrictions?
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  3. fch1993

    fch1993 MDL Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2020
  4. atplsx

    atplsx MDL Addicted

    May 11, 2009
  5. tavrez

    tavrez MDL Addicted

    Sep 28, 2015
    Hey everyone, I have a question about boot.wim:

    during PXE boot process, when I use a winpe boot.wim everything works correctly and I can see the winpe booting, but when I use boot.wim from iso, it tries to run setup.exe and then it complain about wds server missing, when I delete the second index from iso boot.wim, boot fails and it says some required files are missing.

    My question is,what is different in these two boot.wim? how the iso one is configured to run the setup.exe or why it wants files from second index? This is just for learning I know I should not delete index 2 in real scenario :D
  6. Silent_Warrior

    Silent_Warrior MDL Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2018
  7. tavrez

    tavrez MDL Addicted

    Sep 28, 2015
    Thanks for the info, but I wanna know how index 2 is the default after boot, and how it automatically starts setup(I can only see the usual wpeinit in it's startnet.cmd)
  8. Silent_Warrior

    Silent_Warrior MDL Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2018
  9. tavrez

    tavrez MDL Addicted

    Sep 28, 2015
    seems like with imagex we can see the default boot index and change it,
    >imagex /info c:\boot.wim
    ImageX Tool for Windows
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
    Version: 10.0.10011.16384
    WIM Information:
    Path: c:\boot.wim
    GUID: {f8169057-1a27-4e87-a0a1-75d220cb8bd5}
    Image Count: 2
    Compression: LZX
    Compression chunk size: 32768
    Part Number: 1/1
    Boot Index: 2
    Attributes: 0x8
    Relative path junction
    >imagex /boot /info c:\boot.wim 1
  10. #1212 Deleted member 1385001, Aug 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2021
    Suppose we have a Wim Whose Indeces are as Follows Exported Ones to 1904x ISO install wim:
    1. Windows 10 PRO 1904x
    2. Windows 10 ENT 1904x
    3. Windows 10 ENT LTSC 2019
    4. Windows 10 Server LTSC 2022
    5. Windows 7 Professional (Simplixed Updated)
    6. Windows 7 Ultimate (Simplixed Updated)

    Wim is of 19GB in Size. How Could we Optimize / Reduce Size of this Wim Image to fit in Dual layer DVD ie 8.5GB
    Already Done Exporting All Indeces with Max CompressionType using Dism without any change Plus Wimlib Optimize doesnt do any change too
    Will ESD Solid Compression does any Change to this Wim Image or any other solution to reduce the actual size of this install wim.

    Added Two more Indeces ie:
    7. Custom Win7 Ultimate Simplixed Updated (Syspreped Universal System Image With all Pre Settings)
    8. Custom Win10 ENT 1904x.xxxx (Sypreped Universal Syatem Image With all Tweaks Plus Removed Apps Highly Tweaked Using my own Privacy Script)

    Now Wim size Exceed to 26GB Even Cant fit in a BD 25GB Bootable ISO Image via ULTRAISO.
  11. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    use a 32GB kingston / pny / a-data / other s**tty usb stick for such wasteful projects - price is under 4$..
    wim / esd cant be optimized for such vastly different builds
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  12. Atari800XL

    Atari800XL MDL Expert

    Apr 3, 2011
    Wow, that screenshot proves ...

    ... nothing.
  13. Yes you are Absolutely correct it doesnt prove the queried scenario but prove something else regarding HWID . migh be somebody else knows what that screenshot proved :)
  14. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    my "wasteful" is in respect to having both pro and ent indexes for 1904x (either pro or ent is enough, anything else can be done via changing key) and having both pro and ultimate for 7, while server 2022 being useless for general purposes
    why are you so salty about anything lately? there's nothing personal, nobody here is "out to get" you, not even arseholes for the sake of arseholing. if you don't want people to interact with you, then..
    also, your pc date is bad ;)
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  15. System Date & Time is Correct ;)
    Screenshot taken from A VM not Physical Machine
  16. kibkalo

    kibkalo MDL Expert

    Sep 8, 2009
    Can anyone suggest correct way of injecting updated WSL 2.0 to install.wim?
    There is CAB for 1.0. Everything else is a bunch of .msi updates
  17. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    setupcomplete.cmd run 2x times
    I have this bug a long time and didn't notice this at all
    at first logon stage, it do the job well
    after the run once scripts end,
    it do another round, so my solution is this hack

    New setupcomplete.cmd
    rem this script will run before
    rem any user log in
    @echo off
    title setupcomplete Helper file
    cd /d "%~dp0"
    for /f "tokens=*" %%$ in ('"2>nul dir /a/b *.reg"') do (
        echo Process ### %%$
        call reg import "%~dp0%%$"
    for /f "tokens=*" %%$ in ('"2>nul dir /a/b *.bat"') do (
        echo Process ### %%$
        start "" /wait /min "cmd" /c call "%~dp0%%$"
    for /f "tokens=*" %%$ in ('"2>nul dir /a/b *.cmd"') do (
        if /i "%%$" NEQ "%~nx0" (
            echo Process ### %%$
            start "" /wait /min "cmd" /c call "%~dp0%%$"
    for %%# in (7z, rar, zip) do (
        for /f "tokens=*" %%$ in ('"2>nul dir /a/b *.%%#"') do (
            echo Process ### %%$
            >nul 2>nul rd/s/q "%dp~0%Temp\"
            if /i "%%#" EQU "7z"  >nul 2>nul BIN\7z x -o"%dp~0%Temp\" "%%$" *
            if /i "%%#" EQU "zip" >nul 2>nul BIN\7z x -o"%dp~0%Temp\" "%%$" *
            if /i "%%#" EQU "RAR" >nul 2>nul BIN\UnRAR x "%%$" "%dp~0%Temp\"
            2>nul pushd "%dp~0%Temp\" && (
                start "" /wait /min "cmd" /c call "proc.cmd"
            REM >nul 2>nul del /q "%%$"
            >nul 2>nul rd/s/q "%dp~0%Temp\"
    timeout 10 /nobreak
    rd/s/q bin
    for /f "tokens=*" %%$ in ('"2>nul dir /a/b *.*"') do (
        if /i "%%$" NEQ "%~nx0" (
            del /q "%~dp0%%$"
    call :Create > Self_Delete.cmd
    start "" /min "cmd" /c Self_Delete.cmd
    echo (timeout /t 3)
    echo cd /d "%%~dp0"
    echo ren "setupcomplete.cmd" "tmp.x"
    echo (timeout /t 1)
    echo del "tmp.x"
    echo (timeout /t 1)
    echo del "Self_Delete.cmd"
    exit /b
    New patch
    call :Create > Self_Delete.cmd
    start "" /min "cmd" /c Self_Delete.cmd
    echo (timeout /t 3)
    echo cd /d "%%~dp0"
    echo ren "setupcomplete.cmd" "tmp.x"
    echo (timeout /t 1)
    echo del "tmp.x"
    echo (timeout /t 1)
    echo del "Self_Delete.cmd"
    exit /b
    it's still fail to remove it
    but it never run twice

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