Hello I would like to remove the "Print" option from the context menu, the REG file I had for W10 doesn't seem to work and the info found on various sites/forums only seems to work for W10 Is it possible ? Thanks
It's not trivial due to randomized appids (new notepad having it's own Print shell entry). So a reg file won't cover all, but a script might: remove_print_contextmenu.bat Code: @echo off ::# elevate with native shell by AveYo >nul reg add hkcu\software\classes\.Admin\shell\runas\command /f /ve /d "cmd /x /d /r set \"f0=%%2\"& call \"%%2\" %%3"& set _= %* >nul fltmc|| if "%f0%" neq "%~f0" (cd.>"%temp%\runas.Admin" & start "%~n0" /high "%temp%\runas.Admin" "%~f0" "%_:"=""%" & exit /b) echo HKCR\*\shell\print& reg add "HKCR\*\shell\print" /v ProgrammaticAccessOnly /d Apartment /f for /f "delims=" %%W in ('reg query HKCR /s /k /f "print" /e') do echo;%%~W& reg add "%%~W" /v ProgrammaticAccessOnly /d Apartment /f pause ::
I found it for notepad (but thanks [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppX4ztfk9wxr86nxmzzq47px0nh0e58b8fw\Shell\Print] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppX4ztfk9wxr86nxmzzq47px0nh0e58b8fw\Shell\PrintTo] I will look for other extensions
Pff. Like.. Pff x2. You have the script that will take everything existing, including microsoft office, or even libre office. Anyway, knock yourself out!
If it's adding the "ProgrammaticAccessOnly" value, it doesn't work, already tested Otherwise I will test
Update Windows Auto Configure v3.0 Code: ~ Add new option, Disable Power Throttling (another s**t from MS) >> In my signature. (thought i made it obvious) Windows 7-11 Automated Tweaks Script - Download
Why do you post updates here, this is not the thread of that app. When you want to promote your or anyone elses projects at least post the link to the original post for that app. This thread was meant to be a tweaks and fixes thread, where tweaks and fixes would be published, like shown at the OP.
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/microsoft-edge.79237/page-139#post-1643306 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-registry-tweaks.81346/#post-1585674 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...area-for-all-window-users.80988/#post-1572426 some suggestions by @Yen about the matter.
Latest Changes Code: Windows Auto Configure v4.0 (Re-Upload) ~ Disable MSDT URL protocol ~ Disable Troubleshooting Wizards i got error code 0x80070005 when runing Windows Auto Configure v4.0 and fix : run the following commands: net stop wuauserv net stop bits rename "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution" SoftwareDistribution.old net start wuauserv net start bits ok
What did I do wrong ... No have problem at all. (In my computer) Edit I need to find better name for it It's not sound good
Is there a tweak available for this in 22621... 22h2. Icons are spaced as before in detail view. In list view, the icons folders in first column get spaced out. It is not visually appealing and I can't figure out why MS made this change from around 22598. It has made 22h2 quite unappealing to me. So is the sudden change in colour of top bar of message box titlebar From pure white to dirty grey. I really also don't know if turning on transparency or seeing accent color on taskbar is such a good idea. Turning on transparency makes the white background yellow. Turning on accent color for titlebar brings up a new set of visual defects on file explorer and programs.
Hello Since W11, when I insert a USB key, the content is expanded in the navigation pane (by default) Possible to disable this ? Thanks