Tested in a VM today. All is ok. For people with a little knowledge as me it is perfect. Many thanks. A must have
I updated my project, I maked a tool for update the Recovery without formated a new installation for Windows 10
Detection of BIOS Mode after installation : DetectionLegacyMode.cmd Code: @ECHO OFF TITLE Detection of Legacy Mode - Chibi ANUBIS COLOR F0 MODE CON: COLS=60 LINES=20 pushd "%~dp0" for /f "tokens=9" %%i in ('find "Detected boot environment" "%windir%\Panther\setupact.log"') do set myint=%%i echo %myint% if %myint%==EFI goto :UEFI if %myint%==BIOS goto :MBR goto :END :MBR cls COLOR F0 echo ================================= echo = = echo = = echo = BIOS (Legacy BIOS) = echo = = echo = = echo ================================= echo Please wait the copy will be finish... 7z.exe x -y "MBR.rar" -o"%userprofile%\Desktop\Installer\" echo Finish ! echo Press any key to exit. pause>nul exit :UEFI cls COLOR F0 echo ================================= echo = = echo = = echo = EFI (UEFI) = echo = = echo = = echo ================================= echo Please wait the copy will be finish... 7z.exe x -y "GPT.rar" -o"%userprofile%\Desktop\Installer\" echo Finish ! echo Press any key to exit. pause>nul exit :END echo ================================= echo = = echo = = echo = Detection Error = echo = = echo = = echo ================================= echo Press any key to exit. pause>nul exit REMEMBER ! : You can use this script if you deploy the Recovery after the installation in Audit Mode.
PreConfig pack updated ! FINAL VERSION https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-mbr-windows-installation.69967/#post-1493864 Changelog : Code: Windows 10 : + Updated Windows 10 Manager to 3.2.7 + Updated ESET Online Scanner to + Add a shortcut to 1 click cleaner after Windows installation + Add a confirmation for delete or not AddOn + Add a OEM package + Fix if is not extracted with a OEM-DM key + Changed script for WinPE, now can check if XML files are at the root before continue. + Updated to the last ScanState + Rewrite scripts + Recovery Tools Updated to v4.2.1 Windows 7-8-8.1 : + Add Pack for Windows 7-8-8.1 + Add ReadMe + Include my Detection of BIOS Mode for Windows 7-8-8.1 in recovery folder + Changed script for WinPE, now can check if XML files are at the root before continue.
Fix the Recovery folder was not extracted in Audit Mode Now the script can check if is extracted, if is not, the script run OOBE.cmd to extract the Recovery folder before run Sysprep.
Hello, Thanks for your hard work, I tried with MRP project integration, it works pretty good ! I have some questions : - I haven't understand the purpose of Recovery Updater. I suppose it's not intended to create a recovery partition in an installed Windows ? - With MRP integration when you completelly reinstall Windows via the menu, all MRP setting disappear (because the backup is done before OOBE.cmd, so MRP is not included in it). I'm not sure MRP can be installed in Audit Mode. I'll have a try with Push-button option and report thks
Hello ! Thanks for your feedback The Recovery Updater is only if you had installed a old version of my Recovery Project. (example : 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4) This tool can update the feature to 2.5. MRP will be installed in OOBE installation, is not possible on Audit Mode. So normaly MRP must run after the reinstall, maybe the last version had a error... When I test, all work perfectly. REMEMBER : If you have a OEM-DM key, OOBE.cmd and SetupComplete.cmd are not usuable...
Hello ! In the 2.5 version, a "Manufacturer" folder was created. Excample if you work in a Society, you can add your OEM Information, OEM Logo. Is not work with OEM Background and OEM Lockscreen for now, is possible only in OOBE. I created a new thread for anyone can help me : https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/need-help-change-wallpaper-and-lockscreen.80570/ THREAD CLOSED ! Because I cancel the Multi-OEM Project, he can't be captured and is not installed when Windows was reinstalled...
Hello, If you want Multi-OEM Project OEM infos, logo and theme to be reinstalled after recovery, System Brand Changer 1.22 beta is working with Recovery Tools (1.21 version is not compatible with latest 10 versions) : you just have to run it with the appropriate switch via OEM-Custom.cmd script (ex : System Brand Changer.exe /B= ALIENWARE) and place the program with corresponding OEM's Folder content in C:\Recovery\OEM folder. I've tested it with 10 1903 (1909 should work too). Since Windows is previously activated during first installation with MRP, you just need to recreate OEM infos, so System Brand Changer is enough.
Thanks is a great idea, I have already tested... Same I have created a tool for backup MRP and reinstall it after a recovery, but is didn't work for all Edition I notice the creator for the bug, when is possible, I think apply this tool in my project. Thank you for your proposition is very nice
I created a little fixe, if you can test and send me a feedback is welcome Code: @ECHO OFF COLOR F0 pushd "%~dp0" 7z.exe x -y "OEM's.7z" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET MANUFACTURER /format:list" 2^>nul') do set "SYSMNF=%%A" if not exist "OEM's\%SYSMNF%" goto END "System Brand Changer.exe" /B=%SYSMNF% :END if exist "OEM's" RD /S /Q "OEM's" exit /b Thanks @rhahgleuhargh to trust in me
I have updated my OEM Recovery Project, I add a database of manufacturer. Now is work anywhere anytime
I made a script to install the OEM theme that one wants without self-detection, I'm waiting for your comments. I reupload the 2.5 OEM with Optional Script, is possible to install OEM brand you want, example : if you have a HP computer you can install Alienware OEM information and theme. You can also Edit or Remove OEM Information. REMEMBER : Run this script before sysprep.cmd Recovery Project demonstration v2.5 MDL OEM FINAL Good afternoon, I'm taking a break