Everything would be clear! Are you ready for the next steps ? What is the size of your customized win 7 ISO ?
Right now we are not going to use any driver. We are identifying the missing devices/drivers which are crucial for RAID0 Array. Then we will use appropriate drivers. Did you follow : https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...ryzen-threadripper.76335/page-31#post-1541289 ?
Whenever I run the program, it says that it's completed the integration and everything is okay, but there's no iso file being written anywhere. I've tried it now on multiple computers with different configurations (unchecking the apply to all editions thing, using a folder instead of an iso as the source, using different builds of windows 7), but I'm having the same problem - no output file (despite the log saying it was successful). I searched this thread and saw some similar issues from over a year ago, but nothing more recent than that and no helpful solutions (unless I overlooked something, which is quite possible). Has anyone else had this issue? Any luck fixing it?
It's in my dropbox with this following string after the .com part: /s/60oo0pb5cnohkr6/log.7z?dl=0 (Sorry for the broken link, I haven't posted enough times here for it to let me link it directly).