By experience M$ gives the minimum even in training courses leading to a certification. You have to do the job by yourself and dig dig dig......
Ive got the newer versions of those files for embedded industry pro u3 so are they all i need instead of tons of individual updates or should i scan with WUMT and the offline cab file for good measure? Edit - Bollocks. Seeing as MS cant build a CU worth a wxxx these days then individual updates is better even if it is a pain in the arse. Raiding WHD now.
Wondering if there's a "W10-Uninstall.bat" and "W10-Hide.bat" equivalent for 8.1 so we can block useless updates like in the Windows 7 forum. Or something like Simplix pack to get up to date without terrible updates. I'm currently using Embedded Industry Pro, not sure if this works with that WHDownloader.
Can old SSUs be removed that are flagged 0x20070? I tried removing the following online with the latest Windows8.1-KB4524445-x64-SSU-11 installed and they all failed as permanent packages even though flagged 0x20070 . -SSU-KB4504418-x64.msu -SSU-KB4512938-x64.msu -SSU-KB4521864-x64.msu I could start from scratch and leave out all the old SSUs, but I was wondering if there was another way. Also I'm never sure which SSUs need to be kept permanently, if any, such as: 2919442 3173424 along with the current 4524445
SSUs are permanent themselves, regardless ResetBase to remove them, you need to modify the main /mum file for the update if the SSU is not flagged 0x20080 in registry, you can remove it without NSudo or similar, via cmd as administrator you just need the correct package name for first variable _p Code: set _p=Package_for_KB4521864~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~ set _f=%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%_p%.mum powershell -nop -ep bypass -c "&{$doc = [xml](Get-Content '%_f%'); $node = $doc.assembly.package | where { $_.permanence -eq 'permanent' }; if ($node -ne $null) { $node.permanence = 'removable' }; $'%_f%')}" dism /Online /NoRestart /Remove-Package /PackageName:%_p% you only need 2 SSUs: latest GM SSU = KB4524445 one of RTM SSU = KB3021910 (latest, if you installed it) or KB2975061 (included with latest ISO/ESD release) all others can be removed
Sorry @abbodi1406 if this has been discussed earlier. Why do you say that KB3021910 is still required even if it is superseded by Microsoft? In a wider sense, what is the difference between the GM SSU and RTM SSU? Is it related to before and after October 2016 patches? EDIT: Or does this apply only in the context of integrated wim and on an online installation it does not matter? Thanks.
@ch100 it's only superseded on components files level RTM SSU = Standalone you can install it on vanilla Windows 8.1 RTM, which allows you to get or install KB2919355 GM SSU = require KB2919355 as parent hence, GM SSU require RTM SSU as baseline