Windows Defender Remover script (Lite)

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by DavidXanatos, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. DavidXanatos

    DavidXanatos MDL Senior Member

    May 23, 2010
    If you ever used windows server you may have noticed that in the add/remove features dialog, unlike in user windows editions you actually can uninstall Windows Defender, and this is done right, that is it only removes the Malicious part of WD (the one which always deletes your important files without asking), and leaves other security center options intact.

    Run the script as SYSTEM or better TrustedInstaller,... yea this is a proof of concept script not a final polished easy to use utility.
    Usage RemoveWD.cmd path_to_windows_root
    where path_to_windows_root is the path you have mounted the WIM file to or the drive letter of an offline windows installation.

    and after it looks like this:

    All the actually useful things are there, only the Malicious part is gone, and bonus extra, it wont load useless WD updates from windows update anymore eider.

    One thing to keep in mind though is that when you run an full upgrade i.e. windows gets reinstalled WD will come back and will need to be removed again.

    FYI: this script was created by diffing a fresh server image with one on which "Dism /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Windows-Defender /Remove" was run.

    BTW: It also seam to work on windows 11 just fine.

    Attached Files:

  2. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #2 Dark Dinosaur, Aug 7, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
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  3. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    I'm not a fan of unfinished scripts - it's easy to say run as system, but it's not something trivial and it's a vector for infection for people searching online for binaries providing it. You could incorporate runasti snippet for example.
    I'm not a fan of brute-force when it comes to removing components. Under windows 10 you can gracefully uninstall defender on a live system - see this and this - no need for offline booting crap.
    @(echo off% <#%) &color 07 &title UNINSTALL DEFENDER W10
    set "0=%~f0" &set "1=%~f1"&set "2=%~2"& powershell -nop -c iex ([io.file]::ReadAllText($env:0)) &exit/b ||#>)[1]
    $_Paste_in_Powershell = {
    $uninstall = 'Windows-Defender-Client-Package'
    $packages = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages'
    $found = split-path -leaf (reg query $packages.replace(':','') /f $uninstall | findstr HKEY)
    function reg_own { param ( $key, $recurse='', $user='S-1-5-32-544', $owner='', $acc='Allow', $perm='FullControl', [switch]$list )
      $D1=[uri].module.gettype('System.Diagnostics.Process')."GetM`ember"('SetPrivilege',42)[0]; $u=$user; $o=$owner; $p=524288
      'SeSecurityPrivilege','SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege','SeBackupPrivilege','SeRestorePrivilege' |% {$D1.Invoke($null, @("$_",2))}
      $reg=$key-split':?\\',2; $key=$reg-join'\'; $HK=gi -lit Registry::$($reg[0]) -force; $re=$recurse; $in=(1,0)[$re-eq'Inherit']
      $own=$o-eq''; if($own){$o=$u}; $sid=[Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]; $w='S-1-1-0',$u,$o |% {new-object $sid($_)}
      $r=($w[0],$p,1,0,0),($w[1],$perm,1,0,$acc) |% {new-object Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule($_)}; function _own($k,$l) {
      $t=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'TakeOwnership'); if($t) { try {$n=$t.GetAccessControl(4)} catch {$n=$HK.GetAccessControl(4)}
      $u=$n.GetOwner($sid); if($own-and $u) {$w[2]=$u}; $n.SetOwner($w[0]); $t.SetAccessControl($n); $d=$HK.GetAccessControl(2)
      $c=$HK.OpenSubKey($k,2,'ChangePermissions'); $b=$c.GetAccessControl(2); $d.RemoveAccessRuleAll($r[1]); $d.ResetAccessRule($r[0])
      $c.SetAccessControl($d); if($re-ne'') {$sk=$HK.OpenSubKey($k).GetSubKeyNames(); foreach($i in $sk) {_own "$k\$i" $false}}
      if($re-ne'') {$b.SetAccessRuleProtection($in,1)}; $b.ResetAccessRule($r[1]); if($re-eq'Delete') {$b.RemoveAccessRuleAll($r[1])}
      $c.SetAccessControl($b); $b,$n |% {$_.SetOwner($w[2])}; $t.SetAccessControl($n)}; if($l) {return $b|fl} }; _own $reg[1] $list
    foreach ($item in $found) {
      reg_own "$packages\$item" -recurse Replace -user 'S-1-1-0'
      set-itemproperty -Path "$packages\$item" -Name "Visibility" -Value 1
      remove-item -Path "$packages\$item\Owners"; $item
      remove-windowspackage -Online -PackageName "$item" -NoRestart
    shutdown /r /t 0
    } ; start -verb runas powershell -args "-nop -c & {`n`n$($_Paste_in_Powershell-replace'"','\"')}"
    You just paste that in powershell under windows 10 - and BAM!

    The only challenge is doing something alike under windows 11
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  4. longbeard

    longbeard MDL Novice

    Oct 23, 2021
    missed programdata\vault.
  5. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #6 Dark Dinosaur, Aug 8, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2022
    Copied parts of the script
    And explain you it can broke Wu
    "This specific lines ..."
    And you say my code is broken
    Ok .... Fine ..
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  6. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
  7. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    By design you can't prevent the core Defender package (or Edge for that matter) to be re-applied by new build and/or LCU - because these are hidden sub-components of the main edition marked Critical ( remove = BSOD / automatic repair loop ).
    But there's always a way, you just have to dig deeper ;)
    PS talking about live systems and windows update, not pre-butchered media and custom updaters
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  8. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    #9 Mr.X, Aug 11, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022

    Do you have a script to revert all changes made ?

    Anyway I do like the idea of removing the "malicious side" of it :D
  9. Mustafa Can

    Mustafa Can MDL Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    Sorry, I didn't know you copied it from OP.

    Yes, the script will break WU if you run it as TrustedInstaller. Running it as System is ok.
  10. Dark Dinosaur

    Dark Dinosaur X Æ A-12

    Feb 2, 2011
    #11 Dark Dinosaur, Aug 14, 2022
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2022
    I said removed this service & files break some updates.
    You can feel it well in LTSC edition :)
    it not matter how you removed them, with System / ? / ? ....
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  11. hoak

    hoak MDL Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Does removing Windows Defender also remove Windows Firewall?
  12. No my dear friend .
    Firewall is a mandatory need for your OS to work only firewal dependent services could be disabled .