its just very light job for him . I believe he Converts IMPOSSIBLE ====> 2 ===> I AM POSSIBLE Hmm . i am sorry too
Surely Good! Thanks. (That post was meant for your arm64, but being lacking in arm64 win32calc, I changed topic.)
Mentioning the source of your "discovery" would be appreciated.
Sorry @spanishfly Friend i havent on w11 & cant as i dont have w11 image but i think @Chibi ANUBIS [MDL Expert] will for sure
Has Anybody Cross Checked Result after executing Current Edition or TargetEditions Dism Commandlet : Dism /Online /Get-CurrentEdition Current edition is: Error: 0x800f0805 DISM failed. No operation was performed. Dism /Online /Get-TargetEditions Editions that can be upgraded to: Error: 0x800f0805 The Windows edition was not detected. Check that the specified image is a valid Windows operating system image.