Excellent news! I'll replace WUMT with WuMgr on my own machine with your next release then, and use it exclusively. I'll be one of your bug testers. I would have been already, but I've had too many irons in the fire lately.
@pf100 what do you think about the infrastructure to integrate user callable scripts to the UI: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-update-manager.77736/page-8#post-1462184 fine like this or should I improve something for the next release?
@DavidXanatos I think that's a fine idea, but of course I'd have to try it out for a while to give a definitive answer. What I mean by that is if the scripts folder had a lot of scripts in it, which in my case it already does (3 permanent .cmd's); and (3 temporary: 1 "close.cmd" and 2 task creation .xml files that are created and deleted as the script runs), it might create confusion for the end-user with multiple scripts. That could be solved by me putting them in a ".\bin" or ".\Don't run these" folder in the main folder where WuMgr is. But yes, that sounds great. And I don't see where you should "improve something else", but then again, I'd have to use it a while to give you a better response about that. So, what I'm saying is, I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction by not having first having tried these options. At the end of the day, I think your ideas are sound and it seems like you have a great plan for WuMgr. I'll have better answers for you soon...
@DavidXanatos i've few queries. * Just tested Restrict access to wu server option, seems to work good for disabling auto updates but ques comes to mind, - what happens if some update hijackers by windows decide to update forcefully? - It'll break defender auto definition updates? in that case a scheduled task to update definition is required? - I've come to know that if graphic driver is missing and resolution is not correct, in that case windows forces driver update for graphic. will it be able to block those force updates? * In education edition, i selected to disable updates in GPO option with wumgr. but i can't seem to find any changed entry in windows update section in GPO. is it suppose to change any entry in gpo to enabled, disabled?
@ShiningDog I don't think that M$ distinguishes between we want to force an update a bit and we want to force an update a lot, so (while I haven't tested it) I would say that it will block any forced updates. I think it will break defender definition updates so a custom task for updating it would be needed. I don't use defender myself but I will look into an option for that never the less. It is supposed to change the GPO registry, I noticed that such changes sometimes are not visible in the GPO editor mmc snap-in, not sure why. WuMgr changes HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU you should see the changed done directly to the registry in the registry editor when you go to said location.
How do I run a more involved -onclose command with WuMgr to prevent a command prompt from briefly flashing? The following doesn't work. I've tried closing quotes and every other trick I could think of. It seems as if there is a space in the command following -onclose, it won't work, or am I doing it wrong? Code: wumgr.exe -update -online 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d -onclose start "" /min cmd /C close.cmd I also must mention that WuMgr's ability to register and use Microsoft Update is awesome.
Are you taking into account Update Assistant sneaking in through a random update? Files in %systemroot%\UpdateAssistantV2\ and/or %systemroot%\UpdateAssistant\ installed by an update, when triggered, initiates the creation of %systemdrive%\Windows10Upgrade\Windows10UpgraderApp.exe and if it's not stopped it's game over. I use the lock-system-files approach and am planning to lock those files soon, but have considered using ifeo to block those files, but I don't know if I really trust it. Considering they already bypass the hosts file, how long will it be before update hijackers can bypass ifeo too? They could even bypass other registry tricks too but I'm getting way ahead of myself here. Just letting you know what I'm thinking about the possibilities of the future. If they make it so I can't lock system files it's game over for me so I don't want to sound like I can predict the future. Just thought I'd mention this. You keep doing your thing your way and I'll keep doing mine my way and if one method has a problem, code from one method can possibly be used to help another, or maybe the day will come when several devs have to work together on one solution.. I'm glad there are so many who are working on this problem. This is a lot like a game of chess, except with multiple players who are rarely if ever in the same location.
what happens when you try to start 0.6? are you sure there is not an other instance of wumgr running? ach i see what s wrong with instance detection, but its only a communication problem it should not wrongfully detect an instance
after starting 0.6 it asks for admin rights and then nothing happens. (nothing in task manager related to this and i've tried restarting pc)
ohh here is the log Code: E:\WuMgr_v0.6>wumgr.exe E:\WuMgr_v0.6>Starting... LOG: Update Manager for Windows, Version v0.6 by David Xanatos LOG: This Tool is Open Source under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 LOG: Windows Update Agent Version: 8.0 (10.0.17134.137) Update Services: DCat Flighting Prod: 8b24b027-1dee-babb-9a95-3517dfb9c552 Windows Store (DCat Prod): 855e8a7c-ecb4-4ca3-b045-1dfa50104289 Windows Server Update Service: 3da21691-e39d-4da6-8a4b-b43877bcb1b7 Windows Update: 9482f4b4-e343-43b6-b170-9a65bc822c77 Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.CallWindowProc(IntPtr wndProc, IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.DefWndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.DefWndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ListView.WndProc(Message& m) at wumgr.ListViewExtended.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) at wumgr.ListViewExtended.SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 Msg, Int32 wParam, LVGROUP lParam) at wumgr.ListViewExtended.setGrpState(ListViewGroup lstvwgrp, ListViewGroupState state) at wumgr.ListViewExtended.SetGroupState(ListViewGroupState state) at wumgr.WuMgr.LoadList(List`1 List) at wumgr.WuMgr.LoadList() at wumgr.WuMgr.SwitchList(UpdateLists List) at wumgr.WuMgr..ctor() at wumgr.Program.Main(String[] args)
Previous log for when i started the cmd as admin. this time cmd with no admin rights and the log is this. (uac set to default) Code: E:\WuMgr_v0.6>wumgr.exe E:\WuMgr_v0.6>Starting... LOG: Update Manager for Windows, Version v0.6 by David Xanatos LOG: This Tool is Open Source under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 Trying to get admin privilegs... LOG: SkipUacRun Error System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002) at TaskScheduler.ITaskFolder.GetTask(String Path) at wumgr.Program.SkipUacRun()
Starting from cmd as admin is the right way to get a log. Try this build, for once it should solve the one instance issue once and for all (I hope LOL) it seams there is an issue with the way i make the groupes in the list view collapsable so i removed it for now. On windows 10 it works fine but not on 7 and may be 8 Try this build