I tested in rs5 home two times,fresh installed each time, winaero tweaker also can't stop auto store updates and also can't stop suggested content in start menu and auto download new apps. Although they worked in RS4.
Yeah, its on home, haven't tested enterprise yet. i'm waiting to see if home rs5 will ignore 'wumgr disable update facilitators' or not. so far its working as intended.
Do you think I should write more on the git hub page about the project? Also while assembling a list of tweaks for the privacy tool I noticed that many of them only apply to certain versions of windows, yet the tools that offer them show them on all versions, which is pretty pointless.
You should write more about how you can update W.defender without getting other updates. About that feature and its function. That info i VERY hard to find on the net about Wumgr.
@DavidXanatos I noticed similar and was addressing this by doing the versioning checks and also by stating in the info win 7 only or win 10-1709 or x86 or not win7x86 etc I look forward to seeing a draft of this new project to see if anything I have would be useful or not, but I think you will have most of the stuff covered. the spoiler on post https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-update-manager.77736/page-13#post-1470679 gives a rough list of what I have. Sure more info on the project would be welcome, covering more of the functionality
If here are people willing to help with translation why not. todo for 0.8 cologing/hiding of updates ctrl+f for updates add translation support
Checked status with WUMGR after installing updates online with Dism and WUMGR doesn't list the Security Rollup that's already installed. Spoiler Would be nice if WuMgr would agree with the Control Panel list.
wumgr shows WUA Update History, not CBS Installed Updates two different APIs installing with dism will always not shown in Update History
And I have a bug fix ### Added - translation support ### Changed ### Fixed - crash bug in uninstall routile - size and date columns ware out of order - fixed some GPO related crash issues You can check out the translation.ini and prepare some translations for the next release
I checked the translation.ini and have fixed a few typos. Please review. Spoiler: Open Me Code: [en] cap_chk_upd=Please Check For Updates cap_new_upd=New Updates found col_cat=Category col_date=Date col_kb=KB Article col_site=Size col_stat=State col_title=Title err_admin=Required privileges are not available err_busy=Another operation is already in progress err_dl=Download failed err_file=Required file(s) could not be found err_inst=Installation failed err_int=Inernal error err_no_sel=No selected updates or no updates eligible for the operation lbl_ac_day=Search for updates every day lbl_ac_month=Search for updates every month lbl_ac_no=No auto search for updates lbl_ac_week=Search for updates once a week lbl_au=Auto Update lbl_au_def=Automatic Update (default) lbl_au_dissable=Disable Update Facilitators lbl_au_dl=Download Only lbl_au_notify=Notification Only lbl_au_off=Disable Automatic Update lbl_au_time=Scheduled Installation lbl_auto=Run in background lbl_block_ms=Block Access to WU Servers lbl_block_upd=Hidden Updates ({0}) lbl_dl=Download wsusscn2.cab lbl_drv=Include Drivers lbl_fnd_upd=Windows Update ({0}) lbl_hide=Hide WU Settings Page lbl_inst_upd=Installed Updates ({0}) lbl_man='Manual' Download/Install lbl_ms=Register Microsoft Update lbl_off=Offline Mode lbl_old=Include superseded lbl_old_upd=Update History ({0}) lbl_opt=Options lbl_start=Startup lbl_store=Disable Store Auto Update lbl_support=Support URL lbl_uac=Always run as Administrator menu_about=&About menu_exit=E&xit menu_refresh=&Refresh menu_tools=&Tools menu_wuau=Windows Update Service msg_admin_dl=Administrator privilegs are required in order to download updates using windows update services. Use 'Manual' download instead. msg_admin_inst=Administrator privilegs are required in order to install updates. msg_admin_rem=Administrator privilegs are required in order to remove updates. msg_admin_req=The {0} requirers Administrator privilegs in order to install updates msg_chk_upd={0} couldn't check for updates for {1} days, please check for updates manually and resolve possible issues msg_dl_done=Updates downloaded to {0}, ready to be installed by the user. msg_dl_err=Updates downloaded to {0}, some updates failed to download. msg_err={0} failed: {1}. msg_gpo=Your version of Windows does not respect the standard GPO's, to keep autoamtic windows update disabled update facilitation services must be disabled. msg_inst_done=Updates successfully installed, however, a reboot is required. msg_inst_err=Instalation of some Updates has failed, also a reboot is required. msg_new_upd={0} has found {1} new updates, please review the upates and install them msg_ro_wrk_dir=Can't write to working directory: {0} msg_running=Application is already running. msg_tool_err=Failed to start tool msg_wuau=Windows Update Service is not available, try to start it? op_cancel=Cancelling Operation op_check=Checking for Updates op_dl=Downloading Updates op_inst=Installing Updates op_prep=Preparing Check op_rem=Removing Updates op_unk=Unknown Operation stat_abbort=Aborted stat_beta=Beta stat_block=Hidden stat_dl=Downloaded stat_excl=Exclusive stat_failed=Failed stat_in_prog=In Progress stat_install=Installed stat_mand= Mandatory stat_not_start=Not Started stat_pending=Pending stat_reboot=Needs Reboot stat_rem= Removable stat_sel= (!) stat_success=Succeeded stat_success_2=Succeeded with Errors tip_cancel=Cancel tip_dl=Download tip_hide=Hide tip_inst=Install tip_lnk=Get Links tip_rem=Uninstall tip_search=Search [de] cap_chk_upd=Bitte suchen Sie nach Updates cap_new_upd=Neue Updates gefunden col_cat=Kategorie col_date=Datum col_kb=KB Artikel col_site=Größe col_stat=Status col_title=Name err_admin=Benötigte Rechte fehlen err_busy=Ein anderer Vorgang ist bereits im Gange err_dl=Download fehlgeschlagen err_file=Benötigte Datei(en) nicht vorhanden err_inst=Installation fehlgeschlagen err_int=Interner Fehler err_no_sel=Keine Updates ausgewählt oder Updates für die gewählte Operation ungeeignet lbl_ac_day=Suche nach Update jeden Tag lbl_ac_month= Suche nach Updates jeden Monat lbl_ac_no=Keine automatische Suche nach Updates lbl_ac_week= Suche nach Updates jede Woche lbl_au=Auto-Updates lbl_au_def=Automatisches Update lbl_au_dissable= Update-Dienste blockieren lbl_au_dl=Nur Download lbl_au_notify=Nur Benachrichtigung lbl_au_off=Keine automatischen Updates lbl_au_time=Installieren nach Zeitplan lbl_auto=Ausführen im Hintergrund lbl_block_ms=WU-Server aussperren lbl_block_upd=Versteckte Updates ({0}) lbl_dl=Download wsusscn2.cab lbl_drv=Treiber-Updates suchen lbl_fnd_upd=Windows Update ({0}) lbl_hide=Verstecke WU-Einstellungen lbl_inst_upd=Installierte Updates ({0}) lbl_man='Manueller' Download/Installation lbl_ms=Microsoft Update einrichten lbl_off=Offline-Modus lbl_old=Überholte Updates anzeigen lbl_old_upd=Update-Verlauf ({0}) lbl_opt=Optionen lbl_start=Start lbl_store=Deaktiviere App-Autoupdate lbl_support=Support-URL lbl_uac=Starte immer als Administrator menu_about=&Infos menu_exit=Be&enden menu_refresh=&Neu laden menu_tools=&Werkzeuge menu_wuau=Windows Update-Dienst msg_admin_dl=Es werden Administratorrechte benötigt, um Updates mit Hilfe des Windows Update-Dienstes herunter zu laden. Benutzen Sie stattdessen den 'Manuellen' Download-Modus. msg_admin_inst= Es werden Administratorrechte benötigt, um Updates installieren zu können! msg_admin_rem= Es werden Administratorrechte benötigt, um Updates entfernen zu können! msg_admin_req=Der {0} benötigt Administratorrechte, um Updates installieren zu können! msg_chk_upd={0} konnte in den letzten {1} Tagen nicht nach Updates suchen, bitte suchen Sie manuell nach Updates und beheben sie etwaige Fehler. msg_dl_done=Updates heruntergeladen nach {0}, sie sind bereit zur Installation. msg_dl_err= Updates heruntergeladen nach {0}, einige Downloads sind fehlgeschlagen. msg_err={0} fehlgeschlagen, Grund: {1}. msg_gpo=Ihre Version von Windows ignoriert einige Gruppen-Richtlinien. Um automatische Updates weiterhin zu verhindern, müssen die Update-Dienste blockiert werden. msg_inst_done=Updates erfolgreich installiert, jedoch ist ein Neustart erforderlich. msg_inst_err=Installation einiger Updates ist fehlgeschlagen, zudem ist ein Neustart erforderlich. msg_new_upd={0} hat {1} neue Updates gefunden, bitte prüfen sie die neuen Updates und installieren Sie sie. msg_ro_wrk_dir=Es kann nicht in das Arbeitsverzeichnis geschrieben werden: {0} msg_running=Die Anwendung läuft bereits msg_tool_err=Das Werkzeug konnte nicht gestartet werden. msg_wuau=Der Windows Update-Dienst läuft nicht, soll er gestartet werden? op_cancel=Vorgang wird abgebrochen op_check=Suchen nach Updates op_dl=Herunterladen von Updates op_inst=Installation der Updates op_prep=Suche wird vorbereitet op_rem=Updates werden entfernt op_unk=Unbekannter Vorgang stat_abbort=Abgebrochen stat_beta=Beta stat_block=Versteckt stat_dl=Heruntergeladen stat_excl=Exklusiv stat_failed=Fehlgeschlagen stat_in_prog=wird installiert stat_install=Installiert stat_mand= Erforderlich stat_not_start=Nicht gestartet stat_pending=Wartend stat_reboot=benötigt Neustart stat_rem= Entfernbar stat_sel= (!) stat_success=Erfolgreich stat_success_2= Erfolgreich trotz Fehlern tip_cancel=Abbrechen tip_dl=Herunterladen tip_hide=Verstecken tip_inst=Installieren tip_lnk=Kopiere Verknüpfungen tip_rem=Entfernen tip_search=Suchen
wumgr does nor initiate a reboot it only tells you its needed, its the users responsibility to reboot the pc manually. disable booth tabs right?
Thanks to Carlos Detweiller for finding those typos in the English and German languages above. There are a couple more typos in English that could be fixed, in addition to what he posted. I'll just paste the lines here and add the corrected word at the end of each line: --------- err_int=Inernal error Internal msg_admin_dl=Administrator privilegs are required in order to download updates using windows update services. Use 'Manual' download instead. privileges msg_admin_inst=Administrator privilegs are required in order to install updates. privileges msg_admin_rem=Administrator privilegs are required in order to remove updates. privileges msg_admin_req=The {0} requirers Administrator privilegs in order to install updates requires & privileges msg_gpo=Your version of Windows does not respect the standard GPO's, to keep autoamtic windows update disabled update facilitation services must be disabled. automatic msg_inst_err=Instalation of some Updates has failed, also a reboot is required. Installation msg_new_upd={0} has found {1} new updates, please review the upates and install them updates