You would install each update individually, one at a time? What if your offline machine hadn't been updated in 6 months? In a year? Just wondering.
One school of thought is that the catalog is missing update facilitators. What else is missing, for example? It would be good to definitively know.
Since update facilitators are already baked into the system on a clean install before any updates are installed, I kinda doubt that MSFT would miss any available opportunity to add new ones. If I'm wrong, and the catalog doesn't add new ones, it wouldn't matter since they're already installed to start with. Not all of course, but 90%.
The WSUSSCN2.CAB catalog is for WSUS servers. It does only contain security-related updates. For Win10 that means, it will find the security-related update CU MS issues second Tuesday, but not the bugfix patch that's released around end of the month. A catalog with ALL updates is not offered by MS.
I don't know what happened but the Hide WU Settings Page box is checked and greyed out on mine, so WU Settings page is showing blank. I am on Windows 10 1803 17134.376 Update Manager is v0.8. What should I do? [Additional] If I switch from Disable Automatic Update to Automatic Update the box becomes clear and I can uncheck it. Upon rebooting, however, the box is greyed out and checked again even when set to Automatic Update.
I think the greyed out checked box is an indication that something somewhere inside Windows 10 is set to hide the WU Settings. The problem is, I haven't been able to find what and where it is in the registry or policies. BTW, I could call up GPE even if I am using Home.
@pcuser10 Check HKML\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\SettingsPageVisibility="hide:windowsupdate" That may be where the problem is about Windows Update being missing in Settings. So back up that key, then delete the value and see if it fixes it.
Tried that one already, using both regedit and GPE. In one reference I came across, someone even first used showonly:windowsupdate, then removing it later when his WU settings came back. No luck for me. =(
As I mentioned earlier, I suspect the greyed out and checked box in Update Manager is merely reflecting whatever is already set in my system (?). I read about Update Manager from another site, so I downloaded and ran the program to see what it's like. I did not use it to process anything. I also did not check WU settings right after to see if the program changed anything without my knowledge. But, of course, I hope I will be able to fix the issue using a new release of the program.
I notice that the WU Medic Service is disabled. I can't enable it to see if it affects display of WU settings. Also, I tried Safe Boot (minimal), still no WU settings.
Is it possible to change the date format for the main window? When you look at "Last checked for updates" the date is shown as 11/2/2018, but in the main window the date format is 02.11.2018.
I found your thread recently and noticed your tool wumgr was built on .net 4.6 Does that mean this tool is un-useable with depreciated Microsoft 32 bit OS like w2k3, XP and some of the other older OS that are still in use but nearing EOL? For example, with w2k3 it will only install up to .net version 4.0.30319
WuMgr doesn't work on XP-era OS at all. It's built to work on Vista (NT 6.0) and up. WUMT works on XP and even Windows 2000.
Question: Running v0.8g of Windows Update Manager. I've done the Tools - Defender Update - Create Definition Update Task, but, if I have Windows Update Manager check for updates I'll usually end up with a "pending" Definition Update and a total number of updates of (just picking a number here) 100. Without downloading/installing the update via Windows Update Manager I'll just close the Windows Update Manager app and go on doing what I was doing. Two, three, four hours later, I'll run Windows Update Manager again and everything is still the same as it was the last time I opened it: (1) pending Definition Update and 100 total updates. How long would the expected wait time be before the Definition Update gets installed and I see 101 total updates and possibly another Definition Update that's now pending when I reopen Windows Update Manager? Or, does Windows Update Manager need to be running in the background to do it's thing, just minimized?