Please explain options. Is there documentation to explain options. Um, is "Disable Store Auto Update" separate from and not dependent on "Disable Automatic Update" or "Automatic Update (default)? Um, what does black box "Include Drivers" mean and how is black box different from box "Include Drivers" with/without check mark? | How do I reset values to before running Windows Update Manager for the first time. Does deleting WuMgr folder with WuMgr ini reset to Windows default policies. MuMgr may be too much tool for me. Does deleting WuMgr folder revert Windows policies back to Windows defaults? Um, Is this Windows Automatic Update policy defaults .......|........or this | Thanks
"Disable Store Auto Update" is probably for this Code: reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsStore\WindowsUpdate /v AutoDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 5 /f reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\WindowsStore /v AutoDownload /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f box = default setting (no policy set) check = enable drivers (ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate = 0 ) empty = disable drivers (ExcludeWUDriversInQualityUpdate = 1 ) all WU policies is in this registry, delete it to get default Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate the left imae (AU default + box driver)
Hi, I did a thread search and found various posts regarding the "Disable Update Facilitators" setting - However, I am completely clueless about this stuff and after reading the various posts about it I still am unsure of what it does or if I need to enable it. Could someone please be so kind to explain this setting in "idiot" terms? Simple put, I am running win10 enterprise LTSC and want to disable automatic updates and have manual control over my updates. I have auto updates disabled in the app, do I need to have the above option checked as well? Also, I did notice that even with the option enabled, I still get auto updates to windows defender but I'm guessing that is not controlled by this app?
LTSC doesn't need Update facilitators blocked, as it won't be forcefully upgraded to a newer build, anyway. It's by design and depicted by LT = Long Term. That option is for non-LTSC builds to imitate LTSC behavior, it blocks all those little nasty buggers that nudge and force you to upgrade to a new "feature update". Examples: rempl, Update Assistant v1 and v2, and more.
Thank you Carlos for the explanation. Now I know to leave that unchecked. On another note...I've successfully downloaded all updates but there is one update in the list that is not working. Its KB4507469 - Cumulative Update for Windows 10 version 1809 x64 (Date: July 9, 2019). Everytime I select install, the app says that it failed to download. Here's a portion of the error message: Download failed: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned and error: (403) Forbidden. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at HttpTask.RespCallback(IAsyncResult asynchronousResult) Anyone else having similar issues?
Yeah I saw the size too and had a wtf moment as well. Being that Wumgr keeps erroring out when attempting to download/install this update, is it safe to assume that there is a problem with the app? I wonder if DavidXanatos is still actively working on this project.
There's nothing wrong with WuMgr. If you want to make sure, hide or install every update except the one you're having a problem with, then try to install it using the Settings app.
The remote HTTP server (or a man-in-the-middle if it's non-HTTPS) error 403 means "Forbidden". For some reason unknown, it does not allow the file to be downloaded. That's not the fault of WuMgr, though.
How can you be so certain that there is nothing wrong with WuMgr? I only pasted a small portion of the error message (it was huge). There were other errors in there stating something about Illegal characters in the path which im guessing is one of the reasons the update couldn't be installed or manually downloaded through the app. If it was a standard 403 error then the other updates should have had the same 403 error since they are coming from the same WU server. When I updated manually outside of wumgr - via the WU settings page, it downloaded and installed correctly. By logic that should indicate that there is an issue with wumgr causing an error in retreiving the update.
I've had many more issues in the past using WuMgr than WUMT... As you stated, WuMgr FAILED to D/L and Install M$ Updates that WUMT did on many occassions... WuMgr may have more capability to suit everyones needs, but WUMT works flawlessly for me and I will continue to use WUMT as long as it WORKS!...
That answer can only be given by @DavidXanatos - for me, WuMgr did not fail, except when it was my fault.
I've used only WuMgr for the last year to install updates and never had a problem, that's why I said there's nothing wrong with it, but I'm probably not using it the same way you are on the same machine you're using it on. It could be something wrong with WuMgr causing your problem, or bad ram or solar radiation, who knows? It's been a long time since I used WUMT, but any problems I had with it were because of UUP updates, and the settings app worked then. When I compared the two, just for downloading and installing updates, I couldn't tell any difference other than WuMgr being open source. You should give some more details on how WuMgr failed to help troubleshoot it. Other than that, stick with what works for you, I guess.
You got the 403 error when using the "Manual" download mode, right? The problem is that with some updates MSFT does not allow a 3rd party tool to download them. You get also a 403 when using WUMT copying the URL's for that update into a web browser and trying to download them. Also note that WUMT does NOT have a build in "Manual" download mode at all. Since for normal operation booth tools use the same Windows API I wouldn't expect any difference in performance, in the end booth tools are just a custom fronted to Windows's own update mechanisms. Cheers David X.