2012 End of the world or not??

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ambidav, Dec 28, 2011.

  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    My favorite 2012 post ever :rofl6:

    Listen closely everyone as it's getting old having to repeat the real 2012 info over and over :suicide:

    First, we have to define the phenomenon of people writing books about 2012 and masses getting into whether or not we are facing doom with catastrophes and such from the soon to come phenomenon of what the 2012 prophecies are actually about. I know this from experience in peering forward, not from reading a book although out of everyone the late José Argüelles is the closest if not totally right on about what is to come...

    Second, now that we agree that many people are quite fascinated about 2012 and there seems to be a cult following of sorts about the 2012 phenomenon, the doom and gloom perspective is ,again, not what 2012 "thing" is about!

    Third, When one want's to know the true story of the Maya they have to themselves start to think differently or perhaps leave thinking alone entirely. The predisposition about 2012, through the perspective of current, contemporary science are what misleads us from being to "resonate" with what the Maya we're a perfect refection of regarding 2012. After all it is their prophecy and shouldn't we respect how they perceived the cosmos if we really want to acknowledge the information they have but alludes all humanity almost?

    In acknowledging the Maya unique information concerning time we must do this and this only! Stop thinking the cosmic energies of time are of a linear nature. This linear perception of time alone is what not only keeps us from understanding what the Maya truly have for us regarding the information they embody, but indeed the linear time phenomenon is itself what is mentally blocking the masses from gaining ,to say the least, a new and natural perspective on what actually is time or eternity. Time is not space! The actual laws of time govern and are greater than the laws of space. The Maya could see this because they we're viewing history and nature through the eyes of time/eternity. We as a collective planetary consciousness are not viewing through the eyes of time/eternity. We are viewing through the physical only thus again the Maya perspective is unobtainable and seemingly crazy to think of. or consider as new or ancient information.

    When one looks through the eyes of time/eternity, things look different. The big bang theories and other theories present themselves as false and indeed fictional. This is something that science and it's "followers" do not want to hear nor do they want this information to become mainstream as to take away attention from the mind of space. This mind of space is also known as the ego and it can only acknowledge itself, the physical, and nothing further. This mind of space viewing reality through it's purely limited physical perspective can not tell you more than exists physically and thus is inherently threatened by any outside notions of how the universe works outside of it's purely physical perspective.

    Now that we've covered the basics, we can again give validation to a new and perhaps final perspective regarding the 2012 information left for us by the Maya/Indigenous and thus gain their special insight but with the eyes of time.

    Simply put the transformation we are going through regarding 2012 is the perceptions or state of mind changing from time having the quality of coming from the past and going to the future to actual cosmic time being a now centered phenomenon. How do things look different when time is not like an arrow going from past to future. Why is it so hard to remember our past and seemingly impossible to foresee our future. It is simple. Living in the mind frame of linear time causes amnesia. This amnesia becomes global and thus affects all life on earth mainly humans but not limited to humans. Are the dolphins causing irreversible damage to the earth and propagating war. No the dolphins aren't doing it....lol It is us humans that have lost our connection to part of us that not only is eternal but of a non-linear nature. When humans fall into the perspective that they come from the past and go towards a future they truly loose their way and become unconscious to the higher workings of the universe. They become for a lack of better word, lost and without the rare and unique perspective kept "remembered" by our indigenous, namely the Maya, they are truly doomed to never gain enough perspective to come out of the hell they have created for all the world. So how does being in the here and now help us. Who has accomplished this centered perspective. Buddha? Christ? Muhammad? Gandhi? Others? Yes and probably more but it is clear that when these heretics voice their "findings" or discoveries they are met with massive opposition. Witch hunts for a lack of better word. Why? Because when one clears their amnesia of linear time, one becomes aware of what is really going on and who is running things on earth and how. It is possible in this now centered experience, that only a few ever have, that one can peer into the deep past and see how this amnesia is implemented over the course of history. They can also provide answers that make no sense how they we're obtained. Answers that can heal humanity and earth as if by magic. But the masses and their leaders do not want change. They only want control and now centered perspectives take that control away from the powers that be and place it into the hands of the meek or ordinary people. In this here and now the inner workings of the cosmos also empower these meek beyond what man is capable of currently. This new non-linear perspective basically gives unto the one's experiencing this phenomenon, new untold powers and awareness. The types of powers and awareness that can stop all evil doers and their armies in their tracks cold! This is what is to come. They can also do this without further wars and/or violence yet they are meek and seemingly ordinary. So let's take it up a notch and talk about manifestation and how these meek will indeed do the unthinkable and currently unimaginable. This is where it gets fun. It is in this here and now that the higher cosmic inner workings of nature exist. It is through resonating with these higher workings that they are obtained hence there is a mental quality to knowing and using the powers of the cosmos. Rare but true Shamans can resonate with these higher workings and manifest and demanafest themselves with their mind alone. They also can become other things like a wolf or bird. This is ultimately how the world will be healed and cured of all disease and destruction it has uncured via man. Groups of people sustaining this here and now will for lack of words meditate and like magic put back the earth to it's nature unharmed state. Perhaps like Jesus they might even bring back the dead. Indeed with this higher knowledge they could. Everything that sucks will be dissolved and a second creation will unfold and the prophecies of sour great avatars will no longer be rumor but reality. All because of a simple change from going from the linear mind amnesia based perspective to the now centered perspective. It is as simple as that. But take a look around you. Everyone is in survival. They are all going to jobs based on a system of linear time. Both the clock and crooked calendar are perfect reflections of living with the mind frame of linear time. People won't stop wanting to live will they. No. They will keep going year after year pacing themselves by the clock and linear calendars thus further being deceived and lost

    In end people think the master calendar of the Maya, called the Tzolkin, is just another calendar. Another way to measure a year. It is indeed not that. This master calendar can capture or overlay the entire historical cycle but it is not linear based. It is now centered. It is actually a set of frequencies that govern and make up all of life. When ever a system like our planet earth falls from natural/cosmic time this master "calendar" captures and measures the duration of it's historical fall with it's 260 frequencies. In the Tzolkin measuring all of history we indeed are in the last of those 260 days frequencies. It is in resonating with the calendar over resonating with history as a cycle that history itself becomes dissolved, thus returning us to living in harmony with the true cycles of eternity and natural time.

    Like children our cups will be emptied (No more predispositions) so they can be filled with real eternal cosmic information and our inheritance of unlimited being and our alignment with the divine

    No more control over us and absolute freedom

    Thank you

    timesurfer/Maya/Diviner of Harmony
  2. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    The next notch is pure vibration. Words are no longer required but can be sung if so inspired. The unlimited possibilities have always been waiting to be discovered in the collapse of time.;)
  3. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #223 timesurfer, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
    I take all that time to post this and it sounds like your competing with it

    Like you have an idea not an actual experience or revelation

    My heart felt post is fine the way it is and was an comprehensive reflection, not partial, but real observation through the eyes of time nor was it needing your sumarization for it to be self-existing which it is

    Indeed I knew it would be you to quote it and indeed again I knew exactly when you had to the "second" Note: Seconds are not real time!

    That is true feeling. Not waiting for outside stimuli to inform us but be informed from inside where my entire post came from

    First the Tzolkin is the root of vibration not "waiting" for this pure vibration beyond or "after" itself...lol That would be like God waiting for what makes him tick when indeed God is the tick and the tock for lack of better words :eek:...lol
    Second my post was not about words nor was it leaving out telepathy which in the here and now is the universal language or song sung eternally
    Third saying collapse of time leaves much to understand as you don't define the the quality of time be it linear or non-linear and how it actually collapsed?

    It's like your reading out of a book or have been "given" your info

    Finally it is an expansion, not a collapse, that is the feeling of the eternal or cosmic time. Quite the contrary indeed, would the linear-time/spaced based thought form create an collapse when one is trying to achieve a now centered experience so you've found the artificial time now you just got to resonate with the now centered more and noticed when the fake time would have you feel things are collapsing, then go past that "collapse" or threat of death when one ventures outside just being physical

    This reminds me of when you couldn't answer simple question I proposed to see if you we're a genuine or not. You indeed did not answer such simple questions

    Go back and read my post again and you'll see what you tried to add was already there and well spelled out I might add

    Also I can tell when the energy gets near the present and when someone write as you did it pulls people away from the present hence a hurt healer can hurt and a healed healer can heal. Notice if your "words" are gonna heal or hurt cause this is about real people reading this. This is not a another historical game

    This is something a genuine resonator can notice not someone who is thinking a lot like I believe you to be doing.

    Truly the Maya/Real indigenous we're/are beyond words

    They are resonating and on their best days they/we are resonance itself

    A diviner of harmony is the source because harmony is the source which again they resonate with to attain God or the root of life or ultimately their true SELF <--- for Yen

    And my post is a reflection of what it is really like not a guestimation sounding enlightened...lol

    Time is the fourth dimension

  4. Alphawaves

    Alphawaves Super Moderator/Developer
    Staff Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #224 Alphawaves, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  5. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #225 timesurfer, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Very Funny :suicide:

    Finally the 2012 and music thread merge in eternal enlightenment :rofl6:
  6. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    The first thing I did After I read your post was press the thank you button. I did that because I find truth in some of what you say.

    You made the comment "kick it up a notch" and I simply stated that the next notch IMHO is pure vibration no need for words. End of story. Your projections are tiresome and undermine what you are trying to achieve.

    As far as the simple questions this was my answer last time

    and is still my answer. I mean really you don't think "to see if you you were a genuine or not" constitutes a predisposed agenda. Genuine what exactly?:rofl6:

    All my communications with you from now on will be done on a purely vibratory level now. Can you feel me?:music_guitar:
  7. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #227 timesurfer, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
    Please take back your thanks


    With more neatrality in vision and less biased predisposition more will be true as you grow as spirit and stop being just a body :p

    Well then you'll wait for that pure vibe and waiting is a linear game and linear games don't get you to the pure vibe :eek:

    End of your growth as spirit if you keep people where your at in vibration hence you have no one to resonate with who knows what the F their talking about cause no one can be beyond your "level" of awareness. Yen grew past this point recently, you can too ;)...lol

    Insecurity stunts one's growth...

    Their is a difference between projection and what you can't hear yet :mellow:

    Exactly no answer cause your afraid to look :eek:

    If you look :eek: you have a good answer

    It is very hard to get out of your web but I seem to when I notice I am not a body but of a spiritual nature. So you just taught yourself how to get out of your own webs and maybe you'll not spin them to control others but merrily point out that web which is the body and allow others to be free of it even when your not ready. Be a good spider

    I don't want to fall to where your at presently but I'll try to get neautral to that vibe you call pure which is indeed still physical

    When you decide to finally resonate with what you wish to achieve or better said remember you'll know if I can feel you without asking...lol

    See you in the TS music thread music thread junkie

    Hi, I'm TS I'm a music thread junkie :eek:

  8. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    Here's the answer to your questions.

    TS=BS :rofl6::roflmao:

    TS=troubled soul
    BS=blocked source

  9. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #229 timesurfer, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2012
    TSBS = The Soul Being Synchronized

    rr = LIS

    redroad = Lost in space :rofl6::roflmao:
  10. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    #230 prescient, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  11. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #231 Yen, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017

    To the ones who don't know anything about the Maya, the Mayas have never existed. The Mayas are as illusionary as the 2012 phenomenon. It's nothing but a bedtime story. It's up to you how you become involved. So to you it's what you have posted, to me the 2012 phenomenon doesn't exist.

    Btw: Music! Music can have the same action than scriptures usually have. Music is more subtle than words.
    To listen to music is to come close(r) to your Self......the mechanism is the same. When listening to music you enjoy your Self by reducing thoughts by focussing on the music...good musicans are close to their Self when making it.....this simply is preserved on a CD....to those who don't have access to that music it's nothing but physic, to the others who can have access to it, the Self the musician is aware of and yours are unifying...so it's not OT here to have music vids.

    I am euphoric when I have found something for my Self and want to share it.....but I often forget that we (the egos) are different..hence to have access to something is also different, no matter concerning scriptures, or music....or phenomenons

    @ Dohiyi. So watch out for the things..you simply have to find yours...things that turn your sight to the Self.....maybe put prayer and scriptures aside and listen to your favorite music. Close your eyes and simply enjoy your Self.......
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  12. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Did Buddha exist because the same enlightenment for him is the same for everyone

    Seriously you sound arrogant but with no truth as to what your saying is real just your concept based off your religion Buddhism

    True Buddhism would include other avatars teachings not leave them out ;) At least that is the healthy students refelction about the great and divine teacher Buddha

    Buddha means the enlightenment of all things hence the synchronization of all life with the galactic source

    Invalidating the Maya's mission on earth does not invalidate their divine job just clarifys how you do not respect them as teachers and how they guide and help planets that go out of synchronization with the galactic source get back in alignment. They are the true mechanics of natural time and their compassion is unlimited just like Christs. They are one in the same with all great teachers indeed

    All real prophets, avatars and spiritual teachers see the same goal but the Maya are cursed with knowing the exact mechanics of time and creation thus they get closer with more information and they share it unconditionally

    You and redroad have a lot of spritual growth to achieve assuming that growth is not an illusion...lol

    It also sounds like your angry about things you can't understand through your dogma. Predisposition at it's best...lol

    A planet falls from being drenched in it's origins and everyone becomes unconscious especially redroad and his false spiritual and hurtful crew or fake tribe. I can tell he likes to dump his problems and lack of healing onto others and even worse onto real healers

    Reading off a script or out of book or coming off someone elses truth is not salvation or enlightenment but indeed just competition and envy

    So in end as regular humans we go from having access to eternity to not and the Main prophecy is of Maya decent since they in code layout how long the interim of history lasts and exactly what happens during every 20 year Katun. They see the dissolving of the historical cycle and indeed the rebirth of earth in sync with it's galactic source. For those of who don't understand that is a comprehensive understanding of the cycle of the fall of earth and it's return to God or Self

    I was wrong you haven't completely gotten past letting those be where you are not yet

    You and redroad have similar images/predispositions in your aura and should give each other readings as to cleanse your dispositions. But you'll need neutrality and to be grounded or you'll be as caught up as you are now. Readings via pm to see what you can't cause your head is full of predisposition

    Seriously someone needs a beer :cool:

    And a vacation

    And a genuine spritual experience that doesn't fade away after the peyote or other drugs wears off :roflmao:

    2012 is about spritual growth and genuine experience

    2012 is a marker or flare for what stage of the historical cycle we're in

    2013 = 13 X 20 = 260 = The root frequencies of the Master calendar the Tzolkin

    lol...You disrespect the Maya but sticky this thread. That alone shows your still curious and my large post tells it all if you take the time to read it. It will require strength and courage though and for redroad not dumping his fears and problems on others while pretending to be genuine in his information that is not his but given to him or found in a book :rolleyes:...lol

    And a little advice on how to post or debate. Leave your big fat ego's at home

    Debate each point with logic until the point debated is considered self-evident or not

    And also remember the truth goes through 3 stages on planets

    1. It's ridiculed
    2. It's violently opposed
    3. It's accepted as being self evident

    So go back you guys and debate my long post like gentlemen they your quoting with not only spirit but courage

    Courage is something fake Indigenous no nothing about ;)
  13. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    Do you honestly believe I would give credence to anything you have to say when all you do is post one scorched earth tirade after another. You fail to recognize the eternal spirit in each of us and the multi dimensional expression that each of us are.

    Debate that's a joke the only debate I currently see is the one in your head.

    For you to even think for an instant you are ego less is the epitome of arrogance.

    Courage, now that's rich. You sit behind some computer screen somewhere flaming others for expressing their point of view. You are going to have to go some to convince me there is any courage in that.:rofl6:

    Only the truth is true. Start there
  14. prescient

    prescient MDL Member

    Jan 20, 2012
    #234 prescient, Feb 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    a bird looked at me from my window and said to me whats wrong my baby

    we are the ones who dwell within , this is the root of all what is happening in our region , the world will
    never know peace as long as these souls are being abused by satan , we are billions and god is among us .
    our cause is not Syria or Egypt or Libya these are our children's and Christ children's and god will never
    give up on them , in the 60s we fought with all what we have we fought nations that were victorious
    in world war 2 and we knew no fear . and now we attack again and again i will sacrfy my kids and my money and my
    life to wipe the tears off that girl face as you see its just-full . or we will all die trying and we will take some demons
    with us to hell .
    am sorry redroad(crow chaman) but peace have no way to my soul anymore i think you among the others understand me
    and am sorry admins u may delete this or ban me but i swear am still on topic . i know we are away from ure world
    but our world will come to an end soon and we can see it now with the naked eye not on tv .
    but we will not fall alone for the sack of these kids we will murder satan

    i know you wont understand what this Palestinian girl said but they will be my last words to you .
    i hop i added something to this thread . about life and death and the end of worlds here is a nice song for
    you to listen . the singer is the best female singer known in our Arabic recorded music

    the world will never know peace as long as one innocent child is crying in the dark being kept by demons
    because god and the great spirit will hear him and will send his pain angles to revenge his blood .
    so if you listen carefully now you will hear
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  15. 721

    721 MDL Novice

    Feb 15, 2012
    I hope not as it's my 21st birthday :(
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #236 Yen, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2012
    Only god knows how alien one is to him.
    How can you dare to make his job, yes even try it?
    Take care of yourself. Let the world take care of itself.
    Not to think about the 2012 phenomenon is no arrogance, self-assertiveness is.

    Prophecies are metaphoric. And actually not different to scriptures. If they help to come closer to your Self then they are suitable for the individual. I have neither access to the 2012 phenomenon, nor to the Mayas.
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  17. burfadel

    burfadel MDL EXE>MSP/CAB

    Aug 19, 2009
    The belief in a prophecy from its acceptance to conclusion is the following of a story and seeing how it ends. Belief in the unknown is a powerful thing, its the driver behind faith in religion, the belief of magic over illusion, and can be self-fulfilling through actions of people acting in accordance to the belief. If you went and saw a world class illusionist performing 'magic and miracles', you may believe the illusionist is damn good, but an illusionist is all you will believe them to be. From around 800AD until 1700AD (at the latest, depending on where you were), the same illusionist performing the same tricks (a very large number of illusions performed today could be possible to be performed back then) would be considered witchcraft. Go back a few hundred more years, the same illusions would be considered miracles.

    A prophecy is something that can be fulfilled merely by people acting on the prophecy's words. I'll make up a very simple prophecy with a clear meaning as an example.
    A hot breeze shall blow over the land, feeding the glow of a dragon's breath. Men shall stand firm, fighting each of the dragon puff's until its exhausted, then take a sword to the dragon's breath, so the dragon may no longer breath its destruction across the land.

    So, assume this prophecy was spoken in 800AD. The interpretation of the prophecy would be quite precise, that is men would take their swords and fight off that beastly dragon. Fastforward to the 21st century, and the words take on a completely different meaning, its quite obvious its talking of a fire sweeping the land during a hot part of the year, and that firefighters are using water to stop the spread of the fire. Also they are backburning and clearing the land to stop the progression of the firefront. Assume for a second that a prophecy was about a great disaster, such as 'buildings tremble with a thunderous roar felt right down to the bones', this is a prophecy that may not happen at all. So, to make it come true a believer could bomb several buildings which would fulfill the prophecy. Of course, the same could occur if an elevator completely fails. Although a complete elevator fail is unlikely these days, its not an impossibility, but it would neither confirm or deny a prophecy. If someone says that it may happen, it just may mean they are knowledgeable enough to see a problem and the 'prophecy' is just one possible outcome.

    A prophecy also depends on the believers interpretation of the words, and understanding of the original meaning. 'Land' used to be more commonly used as a term for ownership, and it still does today. People buy land to build on. All the land together in ancient times meant together as one kingdom, in such a way that there weren't separate countries/kingdoms etc. In ancient times the word 'world' did not mean the whole of Earth, it meant as far as the person knew of. Usually this wasn't far, as if you went any further you'd fall off.

    Now, come to the prophecy of the world ending in 2012. The 'world' to the Mayans would have been quite local, not the whole of Earth. Also just because something may happen along the lines of a prophecies interpretation, it doesn't validate the prophecy, any prophecy, as there is such a thing as coincidence. A prophecy could be made with the understanding that its something that could happen, and be vague enough to fit many possible scenarios.
  18. redroad

    redroad MDL Guru

    Dec 2, 2011
    #238 redroad, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    @TS A short addition.:)
    It seems you have found at the Mayas something that's important to you. You can be happy that you have found such a 'thing'. As I have stated already. There are many ways out there. Depending on own predispositions one becomes accessible / suitable for the individual, the other not.
    This is the reason IMHO why to missionize never can have success. Furthermore what would be its success? Wouldn't it be to satisfy an idea of one's ego only?
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  20. R29k

    R29k MDL GLaDOS

    Feb 13, 2011
    You need to differentiate between Maya the civilization which was real and Maya the illusion which is a concept. Not many out there know what the Maya illusion concept is and you may get bashed for not pointing out the right one.:rolleyes:
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