It is really heartening for me personally to watch the swell of interest in discussing a topic which is so difficult to put into words but has so much validation in our daily living. My experience in my life since childhood has been watching our communities focus and purpose be harmonized through the introduction of tonal qualities. IMHO The purpose of a song, chant,or drum ect. are not words themselves but tonal qualities brought into focus with the soul purpose of bringing harmony to the highest order. Even the great orators of our nation have given speech the qualities that I'm speaking of where the words become secondary to the vibrational pattern. Underneath it all is the never ending undying eternal progression of harmony ( for the good of all). Thank you to all This authors gives an interesting perspective.
The internal speaker here is bad......need to watch it at home. I want to add some brainstorming, fragments of thoughts that came into my mind before I go home...... Music--loss--prophecy Prophecy: Actually an announcement of something drastic, associated with loss. Loss: Something wrongly identified as to be 'I' and hence 'I need' also.....a wish to have it won't be fulfilled..or has to 'go'..... Music: Remedy to break nescience, synchronize..the mind with the Self until extinction by interference of the mind happens. So "never ending undying eternal progression of harmony" reveals. -I had times in my childhood where music was the only thing I had. At least I thought it when my parents had to go home and had to leave me back alone in the hospital....(Prophecy--loss--music) -"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". The word is also sound. (No word perceptible without sound, even when reading it)....what is a sound 'after' it is preceived...? -Tibetian mystique, where tonal language and symbols are advanced..fascinating....... -Experimantal electronic music. A modern way to experiment...example Harald Bluechel AKA Cosmic Baby, "Stunde Null" (The zero hour) ...or "Die Toteninsel" The Isle of Deathüchel -Balinese Gamelan music....far away from our tonal system. ..all these play / played a role in my life......end of storming, lol.......
i have a split personality's about 2012 1_ my believe in nature is stronger than anything that has been said , written or singed . i do know that human is able to destroy it now but i dont believe human is able to predict or make the end of the world without using weapons , which is then not a spiritual or scientific event . 2_ i am a 42 grumpy old man no job no house no family no ambitions , i spend my time either sleeping ot playing video games i see all evil around me and the killing and on the other side some fagots artists and starts and rulers trying to convince me the world is heaven and i am the evil one (satan) and all what is happening is like i see them all dressed up and cool talking politics and killing children in cold blood hello anonymous biatches are you watching this ? you are just faking the world around me to see if i will turn evil or be a good little girl ? dose anyone here understand this illusion i am having ??????? is there any buddy out there ? i dont care if died and am not one of those who thinks in: well i wanna take everyone else with me theory , but i swear i wouldnt mind watching the fire works at all at 2012 . 3_ i have a theory that intelligence was born on this planet and will never die , nature passed it from a rate to human and can still make Superior beings than us . i think the sun will die some day blowing up our solar system but i think by that time intelligence will be on space ships on its way to another solar system . life will never end . my acknowledgment of reality is not effect , earth seems to be normal as usual there is war here and there as usual there bad guy and good guys as usual some people are ok some are not as usual i dont see anything different from the usual .
Our construct of perfect alignment is limited sometimes to: and sometimes These images of alignment fall short of the experience of harmonic alignment. IMHO we have so much to gain as a planet by keeping our minds open.So much is being unveiled with each new day.
Water as a communication medium A perspective / A consideration This article is interesting reading for me because it provides a perspective on both water and sound (432 hz.) "Tests have concluded that even a genetic hybrid seed stock can revert back to its natural strain in less than three to six generations when consistently exposed to diluted ocean water." When I think about the question of "how to fix that which is out of harmony" water becomes a medium to communicate / better than broadband. . Righting the ship. Some examples of ancient practices for consideration. Drumming the water Native American Church water drum There are many examples of water used as a medium to communicate an intention these are but a few.
greetings honored one , we send you this song : A message from under water if you are my Friend help me , to leave you . if you are my love help me , to be cured from you . if i knew love is such a dangerous thing i wouldn't have loved . if i knew the sea is so deep i wouldn't have sailed . if i knew haw i was to end i wouldn't have started . i miss you so haw you are going to teach me not to ? haw you gonna teach me to root you love from the deep ? teach me haw the tear dies in the eye teach me haw dies the heart and haw dose the Longings suicide . IF YOU ARE STRONG get me out of this ocean because i dont know the art of swimming . the blue waves in your eyes is pulling me toward the deep , i have no experience in love neither i have a boat . you , who painted this world for me like a poetry book and planted your wounds in my chest and took patient . if i was dear to you take me by the hand i am charmed from my hands to my feet . the blue waves in your eyes is calling me toward the open water i have no experience in love neither i have a boat i am breathing under the water !!! , i am drowning i am drowning i am drowning. all my present all my past the life of my life if you are strong get me out of this dark water for i don't know the art of swimming for i don't know the art of swimmmmmmmming for i don't know the art of swimming if i knew love is such a dangerous thing i wouldn't have loved . if i knew the sea is so deep i wouldn't have sailed . if i knew haw i was to end i wouldn't have started .
I have less spare time than I thought first. This post is addressing no particular's for all out there.. I had been ever very curious, so I've studied science. Later knowing it is insufficient, or better, not suitable to explain what I am I started to be interested in mystic, cultures, art, experiments, magic.......... I have left pure theoretical science concerning exploration of 'myself' Water as spiritual medium, items as spiritual medium...experimenting beyond the borders others have determined, as a theory of a particular science. It is not water or any other item that is actually a spiritual medium....but this state is an indicator that dissolution of definitions has begun, the mind has started to transcended itself, water isn't just water anymore, one sees the world 'with different eyes' one starts to grant water to have other attributes than the common.....the beauty reveals.......old cultures become recognized, also that they had experienced the same already many years ago.....physics are not physics as by theory......everything changes.... But a great danger is to get stuck here...erratic with focus on items outside....still assigning those newly discovered attributes to the are not the items that are fascinating. It are the self made borders that start to vanish. When putting the amorphous into shapes then the mind still works and keeps you apart. Then it's not perceived as it is, it is still an item, that what is real cannot be thought..... It is you! This is pure wisdom. You are starting to perceive the world as it is, the veil is lifting, the mind opens and opens, the sea becomes calm..the sight clear.......the world original........the sight to the Self: pure and present without time........... Then you are encountering bliss, no items are between 'you and the world outside' 'One perceives all as the Self' perfect alignment.....found as basic 'everywhere'
i dont understand all this well . but at least most of it is a positive futuristic vision , i have not observed it in the past and i defiantly dont see it at the present . the most pain i get is seeing the present as totally the opposite side of every great meaning you mentioned . reading your post makes me feel like a demon looking at heaven but have no access to it and it hurts , redroad because should i harbor the spirit of peace inside me which is a great gift for the souls around me . or should i open the eye and then it will make me a coward and just hiding my head in the dust , should i close the door for a chance of sanity because the anger has no direction anymore its blind and insane and overwhelming , i opened again yesterday to see haw that American reporters getting killed feeling that father embracing the death of his baby i will post that video because i can translate what the father said he said i swear my son i will revenge you , i swear i will revenge you i swear i swear , what have you done wrong my child ? what is your guilt in this life
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. Aristotle
If this might help i don't know But my opinion is do not fear death, death is beautiful. If you learn not to fear death then much of your fears will go away and you will live life unhindered.
i dont not fear death because death only kills it self . it dose not kill me . death vs death = 0 when death is coming at me its only killing the fear from it because there will be no more death after that , so its its own enemy . thats haw i see it . am talking about violence like you said and haw am losing the battle of self conquer we have clashed before r29k and i want you to know i was in a place like this for a while and am under surveillance and believe me you dont want me near your kids , while you talk about death poetry
Water as "communication medium" a conduit to communicate with a previously unrecognized and sometimes unknowable part of the self. Expanding not defining. No more us and them. All inclusive ever changing undefinable portrait,the ultimate big picture. The great mystery. Curiosity is the nature of the pathfinder. Thank you for taking the time, however limited it might be, to share.
is religion destroying the world ? religion is when before you go to sleep you pray and praise god to help you and he dose all the others are fightting for money , with or without religion they will fight .. i have been touched by evil spirits and by music spirits now i want to be touched by god and its working i stopped watching the every day gore blood s**t on the tv and i watch pray and i read holly books and relax but even that NASA ignored the sun prediction stuff actually the sun is acting strange day after day
I got some friends inside For the music is your special friend Dance on fire as it intends moon praiser by the legendary phenomenon hallem
calm gose the night . (calm goes the night) by khalil gibran , vocal by Turquoise , translated by me and offered to you ,happy mothers day calm goes the night, and in the dress of serenity hides the dreams , the moon has gone full , and the moon got eyes , the moon got eyes , that observes the time .that observes the time so come , come ,come, daughter of the field . lets go visits the grape-vine . so shall we quench with that juice the grief of Longings . Hear the Bulbuls between the fields , Hear the Bulbuls between the fields composing tunes in a space of mountain Basil breeze . nooooooo, laaaaaaaaaaaaaa, noooooooooo, laa tahafy la tahaffy dont be afraid my girl dont be afraid for the starts secrecy the news . and the fog of the night in those vines veils the secrets . dont be afraid because the Jinn bride is in her magic cave . has gone sleeping drunk and almost disappeared away from the eyes of the nymph and the prince of Jinn if came will go back and the passion would drive him back because he is like me like me a lover because he is like me like me a lover . so haw can he tell about his wounds ??!!
here is something i would like to share . its about the pulsar phenomenon and the holly book of Islam the quran . i herd it today as it was lectured in the mosque . it says in the name of the mercy god i swear by the collapse of the star your prophet did not lie or gone mad and dose not speak in vain . the sky and the knocker and what do you know about the knocker ? its the piercing star . its strange to know that these words where said 1000s of years ago when now its scientifically mimicked and explained here is the knocker star the collapse of the star = death of the sun piercing star = black hole because when you pierce something you get the hole . the massive weight of that the dense of that star cause the universe the be pierced http:// [/URL][/IMG] [/URL][/IMG] <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">