^ Yeah that's what I suspected would happen, Because the end of the world is a demonstrable claim it either happens or it doesn't however "the beginning of a new awareness" is so vague it could be fulfilled by Ann Coulter deciding to support the democratic party.
Well there is a own definition of 'the end of the world' and then the point where it happens or not. So everybody has his own reality of it. When there is the intention to be right, the mind will create its situation where it is true, that's the intention of the ego. I just find it odd to laugh about others, even though their definition is not known. Of course I also don't take those serious who take it literally means on December the 21st our globe will be eliminated by an outer force, whatever they name it.....it actually is an interesting question to determine an end of an old world and the beginning of a new. Does that already happen after a blink of an eye....? What is new and what is old? Vague are any things that cannot be determined by the mind.... The 21st thing can be used to take own benefit to BE aware of present situations (things end and will be newly created to an higher state of evolution) or to simply ignore it and to stay unaware.... To me this event is there to reflect our current situation and not to live blindly every day. To most of us everything is just taken for granted (it will happen as it is a fairly pleasant way just leave me alone) and so we live day after day....with the impression to be separated from the things of the world....without to take responsibility... For those who are panic I don't have an understanding, though.
I wonder if you would accept this from someone fixing your car if he simply pocketed the money and said I doubt it, Also evolution does not work that way.
evolution of the body or evolution of the mind? My reality is I am not my body .. If you had to choose would you rather be right or happy? For that is the very question you have before you ..
Still arguing about this...lol When you pace your life at the linear, from the past to the future conveyor belt, type of duration based time you create instant and permanant amnesia of how overall "things" work. This is what this whole change is about. From linear mechanical time to organic indiginous time or galactic time. A present time non-linear organization principal based cosmos So 2012 so-called end of world propaganda/scare tactic/BS = A. From clock time to: Hella worries B. Cosmic now centered time No F'n worries It's like changing the TV channel from seeing nothing to: Being on the right TV channel which the world and it's "sciences/religions/Whateva" can't and won't convey cause they don't f'n know Modern contemporary fear based belief systems are at their end. Their is no more discoveries that they can share because the template they view things is via a machines perspective and the path beyond technology is the ultimate path outsied the historical cycle and all it's deceptions and control. They are not your healers or friends unless you break your arm then for the time being, they are if you break your arm ...lol For much more exciting and fun spaces to have fun go here and post your favorite song and sing your song and enjoy your self. Then crank up the volume and enjoy your last days ...lol Party your ass off like it's your last days in the linear time historical cycle scandle http://lawoftime.org/home.html
Alpha please put this as reply to ambidav's 2012 thread. It was not intended as separate thread Or was it
But yes even at this example the definition of fixing is also a own and if they are different then there will be trouble. This example is out of context since nobody charges you for your opinion about the 21st, lol. Just have a look what people consider to be a new tyre or 'new' spare parts comparing different nations...lol. You appear to be a person who is very mind orientated and has strict definitions with only a little tolerance. That's why you have fun laughing at others, who have probably experiences which are not determinable by the mind...you'd rather call them weirdos, right? What if the time comes where you have to notice that you were wrong at elementary points of view? Are you ready to reconsider fixed ideas, or do you say they are right, full stop!? The 21st is a reminder to reconsider old ideas of a (old) world.....then this old world ends IF something changes. But nobody needs to wait for it, if it happens, then it happens now, when else?
How I see it in practical terms with regard to cycles .. Every year, at my little spot on the planet, I make preparations for coming events like the coming Winter etc. .. If I don't I leave myself and family in a life threatening situation .. It is that simple .. The plain Astronomy of what is about to happen on 12/21/2012 is we will on our planet be at the completion of a 26,000 year cycle .. Not to at least consider the actual real possibilities that event may have is at the very least basic neglect on my part .. The link below is a rudimentary explanation, from a astronomical point of view, of this 26,000 year cycle.
Whenever an individual feels happiness, an old world starts to die and a new starts to reveal. But 'One time', the happiness lasts, the powers that keep you in the old world will completely vanish, a aeons-old fallacy dissolves completely. This fallacy is the confusion of 'to be' with to be something and the misidentification of yourself with the forms (appearances) which causes the prison of time. A new world. Consciousness recognizes itself as it is as pure happiness, as pure presence, which is formless and eternal. Then it's the end of the world or 'the awakening'. And when does it happen? It can happen only now. Anything else are thoughts. Crank up the volume, hit play, close your eyes, be yourself. My song for the 21st, lol. Yen
^ don't see how this translates to why we should believe the calendar of a primitive society that practiced ritual human sacrifice has any relevance today or why anyone should care that it ends/reset never mind base over 9000 predictions on this date. 12 days left xD
It has happend now. They must have done some miscalculations. Ermm, I am asking how one could determine the end of the world.....the one who determines the end of the world must live in another already to do so, or am I wrong???? Hihi, lol.
Very interesting and very long!!! video by david icke David Icke - Secrets of the Matrix 2003 Do we live in the Matrix?
The constraints of the worlds are the constraints of the mind. The mind is the cause that reality cannot be experienced, but an idea of reality. So how can one ever explain the reality??? Scientists cannot accept that the reality is beyond the mind.... and the reality is the simplest and only thing that exists. One is looking at a flower. (reality). Now the one has a job, he is asked to explain this reality. Which words can ever fully describe what he is doing presently? And what else he can do than simply to remain this presence? To explain it all he can do is to put this reality into his terms....and what is left? An idea of reality! And that is called science. Awareness of the present = reality. To categorize it is to leave this presence = reality and that is the job of the mind. The mind makes excited (reading such scientific stories), the reality is enthusiasm, though. greek: en theos To be enthusiastic, to be presence is the begining of a new world and the doom of the old (which is just an idea). This is the end of the world then. Your awareness is focused on the new world which is ever now....