Hmmmm, As expected Mr.R29K has to put some mayonaise on all my posts,to hurt me badly in my heart,but well we all are different and think differently. A certain man here in this forum saw:crystal: it all coming,almost 10 years ago,that´s why i´m saying we all will die. So please Mr R29K respect my feelings and my opinion I still love you,even if our opinions are always different
Ooooh the Great Biscuit made a prediction. May all his oreos float in the sea of milky wisdom and get gobbled up by the Shark of Foresight.
we will not die, nor will we perish. tis in the free heart, the key will be found to cast away the shackles of imbued debt, and those not willing to fore-go their greedy ways that will be enslaved by the nameless one that created this Hell of Debt and Despair we will survive, shackled or not, in debt or totally free, but we will survive
dabits i do just that!! man!! I'm not waiting or praying for anything to happen dude!! and i will not lose my sleep over it either!! I just got an interest about life beyond us dude!! and do keep a very open mind!
Most people want to keep an open mind but you also need to be realistic and have a commonsense approach, many of these prophecies are downright absurd and there is very little evidence for them. For example the Nibiru nonsense, if there was something that big, say a brown dwarf size object, approaching Earth then it would have been seen ages ago. If you want to pull on a tinfoil hat and say NASA and co are keeping it under wraps then that's fine. However many people around the world have very power telescopes in their homes and they would definitely see something as big as a brown dwarf passing Jupiter. If it does happen that there is something that big on its' way to collide with Earth then it is pointless to worry since there is nothing you can do about it. The only way you can survive an impact that big is by being off the Earth and that isn't possible so why worry about it.
guys this is a deep thought matter, so all things considered i will consult with capt morgan about who is in charge of the crown royal wilst my friend patron watches intently and get to a point of s**tfaced intencity and give a s**tintenifness will come to a conclusion ahem as i sit here eating cheetoes neckid
The quote itself is contradictory. A cycle has no end, otherwise it would be no cycle. A calendar has no end, how could it? The 2012 phenomenon has been 'created' by newsmen not by real scientists. Every era must have its doomsday. People can use it as a container to put all their fears in it. And can be eased again when noticed that it finally didn't happen. Learning effect: Zero. Doomsday will happen the same way as 9/11 has happened. Nobody will have only one idea about. Boom and the causal chain will start. Sooner or later the earth will be destroyed, at least when the sun drastically inflates. All that has started must have an end. It's a condition to get started at all.... Doomsday stories basically reflect the fear of death. It doesn't help at all to hide behind such a story. People should go figure who they really are instead of believing such end of world stories. The world is nothing 'outside'. It's all in your mind, your personal doomsday also, if at all. One thing the phenomenon caused already. This thread. The only useful aspect, lol.
If it's the end of the world then I wonder how we got through the first 4 cyclus of the calendar. But there was something on 24th of December of all the planets being on one line. But also that happened before.
There doesn't seem to be anything special about 2012 according to Yehovah's original reckoning of time as given in Scripture, which is not the same as the Gregorian calendar the world at large uses. Also, based on the appointed times of Yehovah, it doesn't seem possible that the world can end, per se, in 2012.
There is a new academic analysis which suggests the Mayan "count" may have been "mis-counted". If you are interested, the analysis is here: The count may be actually off by more than 60 days. See this acticle which discusses the whole theory: Regards,
AFAIK the year 2012 has been determined to be the end of the 5th 'cycle' because of the Venus transit June 5/6 and the total eclipse 13th NOV. Therefore the statues of Kinich Ahau (god of sun) and a Jaguar (the jaguar was the patron of Mayan royalty) have been built on the Easter Island (7th century) to watch them both. The statues are more than 40 meters high. The Mayan knew already what will happen 2012 at the sky and have built them to worship both events. These both events happening at the same year determine the end of the 5th cycle, which is actually an era that will end. Those apocalypse and doomsday talks are mainly influenced by Christian interpretations. There is no exact 'end day' of the 5th era. No one exactly knows when the Mayan have started to 'count the time'.
2012 End of the world or no ?? End of the world 2012? maybe! End of all "0EM Biosmod and working Loader" 2012? Yes! End of mdl 2012? maybe! End of all pirates cat-and-mouse game 2012? i think no! The common myth that cats have nine lives ... .. so this ends first with Windows 9 haha lg Song
Sweet response The master calender the tzolkin is indeed an measuring stick but not of an linear time nature. Hence it can measure any "duration of time" as does it measure the cycle of history from it's beginning to it's end Using cyclical perceptions of time will produce if used correctly different awareness and experience than non-cyclical or "linear" Really the secret to sacred calenders is the patterns they hold inside themselves which through indiginous ritual have kept the memory alive of natural or now-centered time. In destroying and invalidating indiginous ways we indeed have incurred further amnesia and forgetfullness of our true origins and frequencies of our original essence or creation. A creation that is never in a fictional "past based" big bang, etc... Hence to sum up, when you live out of the natural cycles of cosmic eternal time everyone goes uncouncious to the part of them that doesn't die or the soul of all of life. Hence again they incure amnesia of God of the union of life and death which is ultimately the conquroing of death fear which is this time that is approaching where people live without fear and become limitless and like wizards so to speak. Immortality is indeed our free inheritance in being cosmic beings And to end even DNA the code of all of life is kept secret and hidden to most but within these sacred cycles these treasures and discoveries can be found but not with the mind of linear time. And because humans are all living based on linear time this information is out of reach hence doom until people return to living in the cycles of natural, cosmic, and eternal time There is a unified field theory but at the pace of linear time it cannot be revealed Out of my analizer and in my higher being we all face fears both personal and universal fears. Most common would be our bodies death. Luckily we are more than our bodies and it is that part of us that is returning to earth or being "remembered" in these "end times" We can I think all honestly say that when we are not living in fear we are more self-reflective and self aware. We do greater creative en devours and generally act in more peaceful, non-selfish ways. I like not living in fear but fear to some degree still has me but hasn't always this life time and I'm thankful for the experience to live beyond fear if even for a "second" Pretty wise words. Yes we all face death alone and we all must heal ourselves and give in to greater things. The mind is so powerful that a whole planet for 5200 years "the cycle of history" can go through terrible, unspeakable, horrific times but the end of the cycle os history is not so much based on destructivity of the world and nature but indeed a re-birth or second creation where as the soul is the root of life not us stranded on a planet with amnesia of how creation works and forgetfulness of our divine unity and inheritance Really if we truly fear the end of times shouldn't we be loving eachother, our families and nature till it's destroyed. yes. But most want to be selfish and self serving and dominating. Truly hell on earth... To me not the end of time but the end/destruction of linear time conciosness and emergence into radial/cyclical time or the soul of all of life Put that in your pipe and smoke it